Her den was rather odd to the wandering eye. It was dark, housed in the depths of the woods where the beach even tried to not dwell. Though a small river of water drifted close to the makeshift den she had created.
Planks of wood overhead kept her safe from the elements, and large banana leaves had been pulled around the tree stumps to create walls. In the darkness, insane amounts of fireflies would glitter around, giving the illusion that she had lanterns and small lights glimmering around her home. Pelts decorated the floors, all sorts of pelts from monkeys to other lions.
It was obvious she knew how to survive, and she had done a lot of work to get this land ready for her. She had trinkets and baubles, all pretty gifts from Pirates and rogues that wanted to get to know her better. Golden chains dangled from the trees branches, and jewels could be seen shining in the darkness once a firefly shined too close to the pile. She really looked more
like a hoarder than she did a lion. Having saved everything, all of it put in neat little places. She had been a live a while, and it had given her lessons in accumulating things. She loved a well decorated home. Though she loved the solitude the den offered moreso than the decorations. It had taken quite a bit of time but she had managed to make it perfect. It smelled musky, as if
the pelts had been allowed to decompose there, and maybe she should have cared. But she skinned animals, and took parts she needed, all of those things were not the greatest of good smelling things. She didn't mind. It helped keep all the riff raff away. Including birds who more than once saw their feet hanging on ropes around her den and took flight. She had assortments of animal parts.

Eyeballs, pelts, paws and feet. She even had some teeth and bones. Though her most cherished possession were the bones she "read" the future from. The ear bones of a cub, they are small and almost impossible not to lose. But she kept her wits about her, and her treasured items remain in the pouch around her neck.

She lowered herself to her earth, taking in the sight of the den. It gave a creepy feel, the fireflies bouncing off the various animal parts they managed to be near. They almost were candle light, and she liked the way they glittered around her. Her paws extended, letting her claws unsheathe as she slowly scraped them against the dirt of the earth underneath her. She was debating sleep, something
that she only did at night. Rarely ever did she nap, she was far too busy and she just had places to be. Naps were not beneficial with ones time at all. She yawned, and lifted herself up off the earth and let her legs stretch out in front of her. She could feel her muscles losing the tense feeling they had had all day before, and she smiled. The world was good, a full belly, the possessions she would
refuse to ever lose.. Yes she supposed she really did enjoy her life. Where someone might get upset at being alone, she preferred it that way. She had thought of getting an apprentice a time or two. But so far that was just a fleeting fancy. No one was worthy yet.

She walked to the far corner of the den, where most of the pelts were concentrated. All colors of pelts hung from the walls, and a pile underneath the ones that hung. The pile served as her bed. Only the fluffiest of pelts acted as her bed. She had a few males among them, but her favored texture of pelt was a leopard. Such soft, soft fur that she would lose herself in over and over again. So quite a few
of the leopard pelts she owned was in the pile on the floor. She positioned a few of the furs, making a blanket out of one as she tossed it over her back. She lowered herself into the pile, and smiled as she sunk comfortably in the depths. Coral eyes were fixed on the world around her, even if she was warm and snug in her bed. She could see the forest birds zipping along in the shadows. She could hear their
cries, along with the cries of the other animals that resided in the forest. The forest seemed to be alive with sound, and she smiled. This really was the place for her. The home for her. She didn't know where she would feel more comfortable. Certainly not away without a sound.. She didn't know if she could remove herself away from the oceans waves. Even they could be heard slapping the sand with each ebb and flow. It was relaxing, and with each wave she could feel her body slowly sink further into the fur. She was unafraid of her trinkets and treasures that decorated her home..Including the dead ones that she had harvested. No, she was sure this was where she was meant to be. She was just.. happy here. Pirato gave her a good life, and she was revered for having been the fortune teller of the pride. Though she never planned on admitting her fraud. She didn't have the power of the seers, but she was rather amazing at other things. Like reading body language, and having educated guesses. Rarely did her visions not pan out, and she was okay with that. Every now and then she would be wrong, but what could she expect?

Sinking once more into the bed fur, she took a deep breath and sighed with a chuckle. Tomorrow would be a good day. Perhaps she would sneak out after Ning and see what he was up to. She wasn't allowing herself to get too close, but that didn't mean she couldn't enjoy the company.

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