Woman Pays $50,000 To Clone Dog

"Would you clone your pet if money wasn't an object?

We all love our pets more than anything, but how far would you go to memorialize them? A woman devastated by the loss of her little dog "Trouble" traveled to South Korea (...a country not known for their humane treatment of dogs btw) and paid $50,000 to have her beloved dog cloned.

"Danielle" is one dedicated dog-mom, as depicted on a recent epidode of the Anderson Cooper show. She has a giant picture of Trouble's face covering an entire wall, (see Exhibit A) and the same huge photo on a large comforter on her bed. Instead of of grieving and moving on with her life, she went to South Korea and paid $50,000 to have him cloned.

[Want to See More? Watch TLC's "I Cloned My Pet" Jan. 11 at 9PM E/P]

"It is not for everyone," says Danielle about her extreme measures to recreate her pet. "It was something that I wanted to do so it worked for me."

How far is too far?

Cloning a dog does not mean that the dog's unique personality will be replicated - and frankly your pet's personality and quirks are what makes them different in my opinion! The idea of cloning a pet might seem tempting, but the cost seems irresponsible when you think about what $50,000 could do to help shelter pets or other animals in need.

What do you think?"