wooo it's almost official! Abby and I are having our agility debut next month (granted my parents can take me/I can drive)! I'm still a little confused about everything, but we may be just doing FEO(exhibition only). The judge will be a trainer from our club and our assistant instructor will be there so they said it would be a great opportunity for us since it's an intro trial and we can do either the class or FEO and we'll probably be doing FEO just cuz I can bring a toy in the ring and what not. We'll see how it goes, but yeah I'm super confused about everything. We'll probably just do jumpers and gamblers so that brings my grand total to $20. Anyways so excited and can't wait to figure out more. I need to e-mail our instructor so she can explain stuff because again I'm super confused....

Oh and I need to get Abby's USDAA registration in as well...

ugh and on a random side note I smell like smoke cuz the idiots next to our facility were burning something and we all nearly died(exxageration) because of the smoke and it turns out it was most likely toxic fumes to... so they got the police involved and everything cleared up so we were able to continue class.But not a fun evening.