Los Noches:
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After the Defeat of Aizen at the hands of Ichigo Kurosaki, with the help of all his friends, Hueco Mundo became rather dull. The Structure known as Los Noches was inhabited by many various Hollows, Adjuches, and Arrancars, each wishing to claim there title of king. After countless bloodshed filled years the Structure had been completely demolished and now only ruins remains standing atop the desert land. Far off from that Desert Ruin was a Paradise basked in the light of the crescent moon, high above in the night sky. It was there that the Ruler of Hueco Mundo decided to rebuild Las Noches Palace, first casting a spell over the clouds to forever bask the region in twilight dusk.

The Palace is so High up that some clouds have formed under the base of the entire castle and give it the appearance that it is floating. Below the clouds is the Menos Forest, to which there are but two ways to enter. One way is the stair castle within the Foyer that leads to it, and the second is the massive hole in the barrier where the mountain stems from. Surrounding the kingdom is no longer a vast desert, but a field of hills, grass, rivers, and lakes. the fours winds blow across the fields and bring with it a comforting chill to the air. There is a secret cave that leads into Las Noches from these fields but where it lay only few know of. The bats that hangs above the palace are servants of a very special Arrancar of Unknown Origin.