They killed my best friend
Penny Eims, Dog News Examiner
August 19, 2011

"Chicago, IL - Thomas Russell III witnessed the unthinkable two years ago.

A police officer shot his best friend, "Lady", right before his eyes.

Nothing can undo hurt like that - nothing can bring Russell's beloved dog back.

But there is some satisfaction in the knowledge that a U.S. District Court jury sided with Russell on this tragic situation.

Yesterday, the jury awarded Russell and his family approximately $300,000 - compensation for actions which took place in February, 2009, when Chicago police officers raided the family home while searching for drugs.

Though the officers did not find any drugs, they did wreak havoc that day.

The Russell family charged the city with using excessive force, false arrest and emotional harm - harm created when a member of their family was gunned down.

According to the Russell family, an officer shot Lady, a Black Labrador, dead after she walked in as officers were searching the residence.

The dog was described as "sweet" - not a dog which the officers needed to be fearful of.

The jury's decision has left the city up in arms - a spokeswoman has stated that the city is "extremely disappointed" and they believe that the award was "excessive".

The jury's decision is a refreshing change from the norm - a group of individuals who seem to understand that Lady was more than "just a dog" - she was a member of the family.

Rest in Peace Lady."