Breeder facing charges for selling sick puppies
Penny Eims, Dog News Examiner
August 11, 2011

"Monmouth County, NJ - Those inclined to shop for a breeder puppy need to remember this name - Allan Levine.

Levine is being sued by the state after selling numerous sick puppies - many who died shortly after being purchased.

According to, Levine is facing complaint charges for fraud and unconscionable business practices, including failure to have the pets properly examined by a veterinarian, failure to truthfully disclose their health information to the buyers and refusal to refund or reimburse buyers.

The charges were filed after the state received multiple complaints from disenchanted consumers who bought puppies who either fell gravely ill, or died, within days of being purchased.

Adding insult to injury, Levine, operating as Allen Levine, Inc., tried to pass his business off as a charity. Levine told his customers that the fee paid for a purchased puppy was a "donation".

Hopefully the charges filed by the state will serve to shut this man's underhanded puppy breeding operation down for good.

Another tragic reminder to anyone tempted by an online ad (or newspaper classified) for a "breeder" puppy - you may not get what you think you are.

Breeders like Levine do not care about dogs - they care about money.

Monitoring the health and well-being of the dogs from an operation such as this is not a priority - production and profit are.

Please, adopt, don't shop."