What about an art contest?

Maybe for Hermes' Moon it could be a fantasy-relate photography contest? Or something like that?

Yea, but for guys like me who can't draw and don't understand Photoshop....we're behind the 8 ball already.

Perhaps a writing contest? Only raw talent it required, and there is nothing other than this that can shift the scales to any one person's advantage.

I see where you're coming from. But I've never used Photoshop in my life and you can still pull off a fantasy feel from the items in the picture and the lighting.

Maybe, and normally I'd be game for a photography shootoff....but I don't have anything to make look fantasy-esque. Also, I'm working off a cell phone until I can get an actual camera to use....slight disadvantage. lol
Also, I can't draw for the life of me.