Treize patrolled the land of the pride calmly, looking out across the water at the shape of the Colonies in the distance, and sighed. His love was out there, and he urgently wished his son was old enough to mind them in her place. Not yet, but soon he would be, and the young male would do so with the help of Priests. Even then, his mate would be Governess for seasons to come and it tore him up. He wanted her by him, so badly. Just as the days they wandered before. Exactly as before.

Treize sighed, hoping his mate was at least happy. The elegant lioness had captured his heart the day she saved him in the swamp, despite the drastic age difference, and every time he looked at her, he wanted to hide her in his den. Bjut that damned former Governor wouyldn't allow that. But this time, he made the judgement call. His mate would not suffer the same. Even if she did end up holed up on the mainland.

Mah'Rie'Meiah crept up oin her father, claws flexing as she did so. Her father was an enemy. She'd tried, but he was her enemy, and now Ein and Angeleena could learn to properly kill enemies, to punish. And right beside his mother walked Ein, the young male looking to his mother in confusion, forbidden from speaking. Seeing his grandfather, he smiled excitedly, hopeful. He'd never met his grandfather, never talked to him, but now-- oh, this could be exciting! His mother's expression of dire hatred, however, warned him it wasn't so, and he haunched down a bit, worried. What was Mama thinking?

Treize knelt to sip some water, watching the fwaves when he heard paws, and turned to face Mah'Rie'Meia in a charge. The older male dole and twisted, snarling aggressively, claws bared.

"What isd this Mah'Rie'Meiah?!" Treize roared. The lioness snarled, her own claws bared.

"You let mother die! You'll let the colonies die! You are an enemy to everyone but yourself!" And she charged. Treize was ready this time, catching Mariemeia by the ruff, clamping down and moved to claw. Mariemeia retaliated to being gripped, clamping down on his leg violently, attempting to brush bone. Treize released, pulling his leg aeway and dovbe with hiss claws, the two fighting brutally.

And watching it all was Ein, the young male horrified seeing his mother and grandfather locked in a fight, ears pinning back in horror. This wasn't right! This wouldn't do! But what could he do? Ein shivered, whimpering and moved as if to jump into the middle of the fight, trying not to cry. Why weren't they stopping?! Ein took a few steps forwards, ears pinned back as he prepared to speak when a massive grey and blue male landed in front of him from newhere. Ein blinked up at the giant, wings fluttering and curling to his body as a female close in size let go of his male, climbing down and the male rushed, jumping in between. The dark blue female whom appeared of stars looked to him softly.

"Stay hidden behind me little one. Father needs to sort his business out.

"Business?" Ein blinked. She smiled.

"Yes. The God of Leadership has a special distrust of traitors."

"Enough!" Primitus' fangs and claws were bared as he saheilded Treize, snarling at Mah'Rie'Meiah defensivelly. She hissed back.

"Get out of my way old man. He's a murderer."

One wing twitched.

"And he is you rightful ruler. LEAVE this place." He snarled again. Mah'Rie'Meia snarled and attacked rapidly, snarling.

Treize couldn't help feeling he was in Yuy's position.

The Governor long ago had cowered at his attack, despite fighting back, and Treize frowned. Was he really so brutal? Than why? Why was Primitus defending him?

He looked for an escape, and blinked at a small brown juvenile behind a female resembling the god. Assumedly, his daughter. But the Juvenile-- his face was like Mah'Rie'Meiah. His fear...

He knew that fear, a faint memory of his own fear at that age trickling through. Had Mah'Rie'Meiah brought a son to learn to kill!? He felt sick.

Children did not belong in battle. Carefully, the young male limped to him, making gentle, reassuring noises.

Accendo looked up as Treize approached, and moved slightly.

"It'sa OK, Ein. He won't hurt you. I foresaw that." Accendo smiled. Ein blinked up at her.

"Miss? Who are you?" Ein's head tilted and Accendo smiled softly.

"Accendo Nox Nictus; daughter of the God of Leadership." She bowed. Ein blinked. His Grandfather? Protected by a god? Wait.

"But he's not a Gundam." Ein blinked. Accendo bluin ked, and smiled, mind trailing into the past.

There were seven, fighting for the pride, and five, the colonies... One left... All had families... All died...

"The Gundams... They were mortals little one." Accendo chuckled.

"They won't return and won't reincarnate. Mortals live only once. That's why the Gods sometimes look out for them.

Primitus was holding ground on Mah'Rie'Meah calmly, mostly defensive so Treize could move to Accendo, and he took occasional swipes. Meiajh was more vicious, biting and clawing, moving to get under the male. Primitus snarled, dropping as she bit his chest and wriggled away, smirking. Primitus snarled, but Accendo roared, and lunged, knocking the lioness to her side. Mah'Rie'Meah was stunned fighting this new enemy, of dark pelt and glowing yellow eyes as they battled. She seemed to anticipate every move, every step... And finally clamped down on Mah'Rie'Meah's paw. The lioness jumped back. By now, Ein weas hiding, terrified, and she didn't see him, immediately shifting focus to limp away to look for her son.

When her scent left the air, Ein cried, Accendo moving over and grooming him.

"It's OK. You're OK. Nobody's going to hurt you." She soothed. He merely whimpered, pressing into her, and Accendo sighed, looking to the other two. Primitus was on his paws, wounded, but alive. Treize too, was wounded, but living, and limped towards his grandson slowly. Accendo stepped back as Treize nosed him, then smiled. Ein blinked, and smiled back, Primitus and Accendo moving to give them space.

"You must be my grandson." Treize said softly. Ein perked, nodding.

"I have a sister, too. How did you guess?" Ein tried smiling back. Treize chuckled.

"You have my mother's eyes."

Primitus cleared his throat calmly.

"We should be moving."

"Ein, you may come with us if you like. We're taking your Grandpa to J."

Treize gave her a Look that went ignored. Ein beamed, getting up.

"I'd like that! I'd like that a lot!"

"Good!" Accendo smiled, motioning. Primitus moved, walking, as Accendo and Treize followed, Ein moving to trot behind. And thus, the group of three moved on, the altercation behind them.
