well I posted this on another another pagan forum and I thought that you all might be able to find use of it as well

straw/ straw like grass (x43)
1. Cast a circle around the workspace
2. separate the straw into four groups of nine and one group of seven
3. hold the first bundle of straw and say, “may the powers of earth bless this straw”
4. repeat three with the other three elements and bundles (air, fire water)
5. put the four bundles together and say “may the powers of spirit bless this straw”
6. bend the pile of thirty-six in half (this will be the main body of the doll
7. take a long piece of thread, and fold it twice in half
8. tie the folded thread halfway between the folded and free ends of straw
9. take another piece of thread and fold it as before
10. take this tread and tie it around half of the unfolded ends
11. repeat steps 9 and 10 with the other half
12. fold another thread and tie it halfway between the bent and first knot
13. individually tread the remaining seven pieces of straw between the the fist and fourth knot
14. tie both sides of the “arms” of the doll (the 7 straws in the middle)
15. if you are going to empower the doll do that ritual now or else say “may this doll be cleansed and consecrated for future use.”
*my method of empowering would have you tie a seventh tread (of a second color) between its head and fourth knot that you untie to activate the doll (useful for giving the gift of healing over distance)
*Remember the order you tied the knots, to break the spell of the doll (I've never had to) you must cut the threads in reverse order then either bury it or burn it (as you see fit)
*When the doll fulfills its task return it to the earth by either sending it down a stream, burning it, or burring it.
*while the doll is either going to be used or currently being used store it in a safe dry place
*if need be you should tighten the threads as the doll dries and shrinks
* this could also be used to create a non-magical child's toy if you so desire

Sorry if it sounds a little fluffy, but being without a formal coven books and Imagination were all I had