The performance ten is easily the largest tent within the entire circus grounds as it is where all of the performances and games are held. The performances are like regular circus's if you consider a a woman with the capabilities to rip a man clean in half or a man who can fight tooth and nail with a shark.

This section of the circus is over loaded with clowns as they are used to set up the props for the performances and are even used in them as targets or for whatever other means a performer can come up with for them.

This tent is held up by a large wooden beam in the middle and smaller beams across from this beam to have platform for trapeze acts and even tight rope performances. there are bleachers surrounding the tent in an almost full circle as there is two sections of the bleachers cut off to allow one opening for ticket buyers to enter the tent and take their seats and a second entrance for performers and the other acts to enter onto stage. Attached to that entrance is a smaller tent that the performers wait inside of and get themselves ready before they run out onto the stage.