A land of far-stretched sand and dunes, one has to be equipped with great survival skills to travel across this land. For the local residents, living upon the land has become a relatively easy task. There are few plants located in this desert, and sources of water are even rarer. Rumor has it there are many oases located within the vast desert, but it is near impossible to find them among the shifting sands. Along the far rim of the desert is when land meets water, and beautiful change of scenery greets visitors. The sand ebbs away into soft grasses, and the air is cool with the salty winds of the sea. Birds and waves make a symphony of sounds, and kitsusagi and humans alike can be seen swimming or playing along the beach. This place is well known for having many parties, festivals, and ceremonies.

Main Residents: Dragon kitsusagi , Water Kitsusagi, and Familiars
Main Features: Rival Kitsusagi 'clans', endless desert landscape, distant canyons, an active seaside.