Hinekiri was dragging her feet as she made her way through the lands she called home. She still had not fully adjusted to her new life, and her new home. She hoped that soon that things would get easier, perhaps she would even feel safe here, and like she was with family. She knew that her family was here but she felt so distant from them, after all she had spent a large part of her young life without them.

Settling herself under a tree the bright blue lioness looked out around the pride. She smiled because there was now faces that she was starting to recognizes. She knew there names, and what they did in the pride. She felt very proud of herself, that she was beginning to learn names.

It was another day with the players for Borachio- another chance to make himself famous through his own merits, rather than who is father happened to be. Not that he was too upset about everyone knowing he was the son of the king, even if most of the nobles didn't approve of the fact that he was not the queen's son as well as the king's.

He was starting to learn that the nobles were displeased by a great many things.

As he moved around the clearing, the male started to smile and talk to himself- going over the lines he had to learn for a show that night. It was so hard to make sure he got every line right! Sighing heavily, he shook his growing mane about. Still didn't have it perfect yet, he knew it needed more tweaking.

Hinekiri herself was not as into the acting as everyone else in the pride too, she just wasn't able to bring that side of her out. She didn't hae the voice she needed to play a role, not convinvingly anyways. As a result of her inability to act Hinekiri had decided on a nother career, she decided to be a nurse. She may not be able to mend her own broken parts, but perhaps she could mend others.

As Hinekiri thought about her role in the pride, a lion caught her eye. Perking up slightly Hinekiri smiled at her brother who was heading her way. She hadn't had a chance to talk much to her brother but she knew that she wanted to get to know him better, she collected herself to her feet and sat.

As he moved along, his eyes came to rest on the newest member of his family who, oddly enough, was the same age as he was. It wasn't that she was the younger cub who had recently been born, no, she had just been off with their real mother. Someone he had wanted to know more about. She'd only come to visit once before vanishing. Unfortunately, it didn't seem like a good topic. His father wouldn't allow him to ask his sister about it

He told him not to upset her. Why would bringing up their mother upset her? Although, he wasn't young enough now to think that she was fine. Something had to have happened for his sister to come live with them. What was is?

"Hinekiri!" hummed the male, "it's nice to see you! Are you looking around on your own, or would you like some brotherly company?"

Hinekiri smiled, "I could always use some brotherly company." she said simply. It was nice to feel like she might be able to bond with someone in her family. Perhaps Borachio coul be the one she bonded to her in this pride. It would be amazing to have someone that she felt close to again, after all those who she had been close to were now gone, her mother and older sister dead, and her older brother had left.

"How has your day been Borachio?" she aske lightly. She hadn't spoken to her siblings about what had happened to bring her her, and oddly enough none of them had asked her. She was starting to thik that it was probably because her father had told them not to. She was beginning to feel better though about things in someways, at very least she had grown to accept what had happened. She felt she should tell her brother all about it, but she didn't know how it was that she should bring it up.

"Oh, you know, pretty good!" hummed Borachio, pleased that she had asked him. Most animals didn't ask him about his day anymore, because they knew where it would lead them. Nothing good came from asking him how things were going. Nothing came but a long, drawn on monologue.

Oh she had so much to learn.

"I started the day out a little weirdly. Woke up and I was outside of my den! I'm still getting used to being in my own place, I guess. I think it's because I'm not really used to having a smaller home, since the den at the top of the cliff is so huge! And why wouldn't it be? It's the king's home, after all. But not my home. No, it's a little thing made for one, maybe two if she's al ittle thing. I guess I'll need to find another den if I take a mate someone! And then I'll have to make sure she likes me.. I don't think Kal likes father much. No, i'm kidding. Of course she does! They just have a really weird relationship. If I do get another den, I'll keep it towards the lower levels Nothing against the nobles, but I like the lower classes. They're much more fun. And they seem to really respect me! Anyway, when I got up I went and got something to eat, which took much longer than I thought and I ended up only catching a couple hares. Guess it's good I don't have a mate, huh? I'd never be able to provide for cubs! Let's see... after I ate I went to meet with the other players. Oh! We're doing a show for dad tonight. You should come and see it! I'm inviting everyone. Not that you're a part of everyone. I mean, you are, but I'm not inviting you just because I'm inviting everyone. I'm inviting you special, because you're my sister! You should see me act. What about you? Do you like to act? I think you would be good at it. Or maybe dancing! Do you like to dance?"

Hinekiri felt like her head was spinning, so many details given for one simple question. She kept a smile on her face, it was nice that her brother chose to share so much with her. "Wow that, that is a lot in one day my brother dear. I know the feeling of being out of sorts when it comes to being in your own den." She smiled weekly.

Perhaps this would be a good time to tell her brother her story... there was a decent lead in. "I have felt a little out of sorts since I came here, and now being on my own its a little harder. I lived with Momma you know of course." she looked at her brother, questioning for a moment if she should tell him all of this or not. He wasn't young though he could handle hearing it.

"While living with Momma, I had two other siblings, lions she had adopted, a sister and a brother. They were very kind, but shortly after I came back with Momma my brother left, he went to join another pride. Things were going well, and I felt simply at home, safe and loved. But one day my sister went missing, and Momma went out looking for her." Tears began to well in Hinekiri's eyes.

"They never came back.... they have been presumed dead. It was shortly after that, that Father found me. I was in quite a state, and he brought me back here, as well I would have died too if I stayed there." she bowed her head down and sat siliently.

Borachio laughed. He could see that he had, once again, said a little too much at one time to her. Happened a lot. But.. he couldn't really help that he liked to chat. Wasn't there something good in conversing with others? Being open and whatnot. sitting down, he watched her, tilting his head to one side as she started to speak. She had listened to him all the way through, he would listen to her.

He was happy to.

"Yeah, I know," he said lightly, to let her know that he was listening. She had lived with their mother, away from the rest of her siblings. The only one. Why had it only been her? Bwana had always been worried about her, so it wasn't like he hadn't cared. When she explained, he frowned, listening intently. Silently, if it were possible. Pouting at the story, easily over-come by his emotions, he moved forward, cuddling his sister. What a story! It sounded like another of their plays, but real life!

"Well you're with us now, sister!" he told her, "we'll love you always and we'll never leave! You don't have to worry about that now!"

Hinekiri willing cuddled her brother back, it was nice to have another close to her. She had slept everynight with her mother before she had come here, keeping close to her mother's warmth, Hinekiri didn't like feeling cold at all. "Thank you my brother." she said softly.

"So on a happier note, tell me more about your play, tell me what its about who are you playing?" she wanted to change it to a happier topic, something that wouldn't make them both sad.

"Oh, it's just a play made by one of the other players. We're all showing it to the king to see if he'll like us enough to have us make some kind of show for him. It was hard making them believe that I couldn't just get them the job because the king is my dad! But I like it better when I'm not cutting corners, you know? It makes it feel more like it's worth it when I actually have to work at something. I like a challenge." He tried not to speak too much about it, though still give enough information.

It was hard to know where the medium was between too much and too little information.

"What have you been doing today, anyway?" He asked brightly, "getting to know the lay of the land a bit better?"

Hinekiri smiled, it was nice that her brother like herself didn't want to be put in a place just cause of her parantage. She wanted to make a home here with her family, but she still wanted to do something that made her a worthy member of the pride that had brought her in, in her time of need.

"Today yes I have just been wondering about trying to make myself feel at home, learn a little more then I did the day before. It's hard relearning how to live, things are different here compaired to how they were in my old home." she sai with a smile.

"But I think I will be able to make myself at home here, I haave picked a job now." she explaimed, a smile on her face. She was very proud of her choice.

"Oh?" Borachio hummed, "you picked a job, huh? Do you think you're going to be a player like me? I have to warn you- I'm great at what I do! I'm going to be the best player this pride has ever seen! So you had better not think you can beat me!" Wait, she hadn't said she wanted to be an actor-type yet. Maybe entertaining wasn't her thing.

There was more jobs to pick from. "What do you want to be?" He asked, figuring it was probably better to just ask rather the jump on the conclusion boat before giving her a chance to say anything.

That got others mad at him too.

Hinekiri smiled, "No brother dear I don't think I will be a player, I couldn't imagine being a better player then you." she said, it was meant as a compliment to her brother. "I think that I shall be a nurse. I lost my voice and when I lost Momma I just dont think I would be able to make people happy."

"So instead I have decided to become a nurse. I feel tha that is the best way to help those here. I am very interested in the healing art." Hinekiri was very proud of her choice, and she felt that it was the best thing she could do for her and her honorable family.

"That's a great choice!" Borachio hummed, "I think you would make a great healer- you seem to be a very kind lioness. I know I don't know that much about you yet, but I can read lions pretty well! You have to if you want to be a good player." He grinned at that, long fangs flashing in the sun.

"You can heal others, and I can make them happy again with my skills. I'll dance and sing, and you can make sure their injuries heal. We can be like a team, alright?" Normally he was against teams- he liked to be the best. This time, however, he felt he could make an exception.

This was special.

Hinekiri felt as if her heart was warming, perhaps Borachio was exactly who she need in her life. I kind brotherly someone she could count on. She felt very happy, and was very glad she had the chance to speak with her brother today. "That sounds wonderful my brother." she said with a grin on her face.

Hinekiri looked around the sun was starting to get low in the sky, "I must leave now though, unlike you I like to do my hunting at night, and at last I am getting very hungry." she gave her brother a quick nod before darting away to find tonight dinner. Hunting was a skill her mother had taught her and it was her one ritual she happily took part in, it brought her closer to her mother.