Edit this was a crappy idea.
This——··· Is a horribly crappy idea…
but alas I seam to have lack of control.

A phew more phonetic rules gonk then usual but alas.
the rules are also supposed to be a bit systemtic. Actually it's not a bad idea, per-se.

However this is unique in that it is probably the least efficient phonetics, I can come up with.//

Each word, has two set's of tones.

Their is essentially a patern of megatones, and then a phew minor,
and then the relatively minor tones on-top of each syllable.

And then the combination, with long and short.
Their are a phew forms,
Vowel length
Half-Length, Short, Standard, Long, Double Length, Very Long,(6 forms).
For any given vowel/vowel allophone, their are always two vowel lengths[other than standard] not possible.
For each syllable their are 2 lenghts, Single and Double length.
Anything goes,
Except the same combination is not allowed to be on a subsequent
syllable, nor may it ocour twice in the same word.

Ah very many rules, now let's continue.-- I'll clean it up later Consonants,

Their are 28 consonants.
They are aranged as follows.
If in a position between the the two lines you see two characters, it's
a digraph.

1|m |mg|mk|n |ng|nk||`n|`ng|
2|t |d |tt|dd| |¡ ||
3|r'|rr|rg|x'| |xg||
4|w |v |f |th|dh||
5|s |z |sc|zc|sh|zh||
6|h |b |p |hf|bf|pf||

if “ ¡ ” is present in a word then the following sounds are not allowed
[tt, ] [d, dd, rg, xg, v, dh, z, zc, zh, b, bf,] & [mg, ng, `n, `ng] are not allowed.
if a sylable starts with `n or `ng then all the subsequent syllables in the word may not be ones with either [mk, ] & [ng, ].

the following rules also apply,
From each colume you are only allowed to take once.
And from each row, you can only take a consonant from the next or prior row, for each next syllable.

If the second consonant is taken from the row prior to the previous row, the all subsequent syllables must start with a consonant from the row prior to the consonant that the previous row comes from.
If the second consonant comes from the row after, then all subsequent consonants must be taken from the row after the previous one.

Lastly returning to the previous row[number of columns permitting], is allowed only the number of times as the number of rows of consonants.

No consonant is treated as if the consonant is in either the second or third row because their is a gap, this rule applies untill the gap is closed.
All nasals had to be on the same row however/

Simplest rule only V CV and CVV sylables are permitted.
for any pattern like,
their may only be 1-type of word that uses.

For vowels,
m mg mk n ng nk `n `ng,
t d tt dd '

Each word must have a unique patern in terms of the use of
1st, 2nd, 3rd unique vowel that occurs.

Vowels are as follows, the ones on the same line are actually allophones.

// 1 2 3 4
Type-a|| ɑ ɒ a ɶ
Type-u|| ʉ u ɯ ʊ
Type-o|| o ø ɵ ɔ
Type-e|| e ɘ ə
Type-q|| ɛ œ æ ɜ
Type-i|| i ɨ ɪ̈
Type-y|| y ɪ ʏ
Type-x|| ʌ ɐ ɤ ɞ

Vowels in the same Type may not form a diphtong.

There are a phew funny diphtong rules here.

Better rule
Given X cosonant or a no consonant,
There may only be
One Type–Type for every Variation–Variation combination,
And only one Variation-Variation, for everyone Type-Type combination.
This would essentially make it more or less allophones anyway.
Resulting in the absolute limit being 16, and not 21*number smaller then sixteen.

Lastly, Each sylable without tone and vowel/syllable length.

Feel free to add any extra vowel sounds. for each new vowel their has to be a rule as too with what vowel sound it can't go with.

2 Final rules,
Each word needs to have a unique paterns of 1st, 2nd, 3rd… etc. destinct vowel-phoneme/allophone.
All word's must have sound different.

If the rules are incomprehensible my most thuror explination is because the rules actualyl result in phew possible syllables.–
However their are plenty of tones, and vowel lengths.