

Hometown: Manhattan, New York



Age: 33

Alingment: Heel

Gimmick: A victim of more concussions than most people should have, Freak is paranoid, irritable, and crazy like a fox. But despite mental illness, he knows how to get into peoples head, and what makes them tick. Carries himself with a bit of glam and showmenship, but is still vicious in the ring. He doesn't appear to ever have any motives on why he does what he does. He treats matches less as a competition, and more like a cruel experiment, and his opponent is the lab rat.

Matches 3:User Image
User Image

Fighting style: Freakshow is very quick, but by no means a high flyer. Years of death matches have toned down his style. He incorporates old school, Memphis Style brawling into his move set. Having a less is more mentality. He will wait for the opponent to make a mistake, then strike. He rarely relies on skill alone, but primarily resourcefulness, luck, and good opportunities. When he does get an advantage, he likes to slow the match down. His biggest weaknesses are MMA style fighters, high fliers, and anyone he can't outsmart.

Low Ensiguri (Normally to a kneeling or sitting opponent)
Hangmans Neckbreaker
Diving Fist Drop
Fujiwara Arm Bar
Single Leg Boston Crab
Camel Clutch /W crossface strikes



Hybrid Clutch: Cobra Clutch in a rear naked choke, or standing body scissors position.


Heavyweight Titles
DCW Heavyweight

The very first TCW Hardcore champ, he kept the title until the company closed.

TCW hardcore specialist of the year

DRW Vegas strip

2nd ever TCW international champion

HCW 24/7 x5

HCW bloodlust x2

RWA Deathmatch champ

PAW Crimson King


WCW Cruiserweight

Mid Card Titles
IWA international champ

TCW International Title

Tag Titles

CWL Tag Title, with DJ