The white lion kept himself firmly placed over the bundles of fur, except he let up on his hindquarters some to give the thing underneath more breathing room. He kinda felt bad for it really. Not knowing what was under it- he assumed by it’s small size it must have been a lion cub; well he’d never kill a lion. No matter how annoying it was. “Fine I’ll let you out- but make sure you go right back to your mother; and don’t steal things from strangers anymore. “You got me kid?” He took his paws off the pelt and sat next to it waiting to see what he had caught not expecting it to be a cheetah.

“Thank you! Thank you so much sir!” She pulled herself out from under the rugs of fur and looked directly at her attacker. Oh gosh he was huge! Were all lions this big? Or just him. She downcastedly looked at the pelts once more then turned her tail and ran to freedom. She wouldn’t steal anything ever again. But she was grateful that he spared her life.

Raimi hadn’t really had much of a chance to see the cheetah’s stolen pelt before she had run off. Maybe if he had he wouldn’t have been as friendly to let her go. But he was tired and it was time to head back to his den where his pride was. He had enough pelts by now and even if he didn’t that little encounter had made him want to go home even more. He hated getting dirt in his snow white coat. And sleeping on the ground really wasn’t his thing. The pelts he sold and the pelts he slept on were two entirely different things and though he wanted to he couldn’t sleep on any of the things he was bringing back. ‘Leave it too a cheetah to be a thief!’ He grumbled and slung the furs over his back mad he’d been woken up from his nap. He really did need that time to sleep. After all he had killed several prey animals in that one day.

Zaira ran and ran for what felt like miles before finally stopping and collapsing of exsaustion. It was then she realized that she was still wearing one of the lions furs on her back. It was a pretty blue on that seamed to match her fur. And though she wanted to keep it- she was scared for her life if she didn’t bring it back. Would he hunt her family down for it back? No she had to save them; she’d be a mayter and give up her life for her blood. It was after all her mistake that had brought this on. But she really didn’t want to go back to the lion. He’d for sure eat her this time.

Making it back to the prides borders he went to his shop and slewed the furs over a rock reading them for sale. He then counted 18…19….? He knew he had killed twenty animals. Not 19. And he’d always been careful with his furs. His brows furled slightly. ‘Damn Cheetah cub stole my fur….” He slunk out of his cave this time with mal intent in his mind. Sure he could have let her get away with his ONE fur- but he was exsuasted and he worked what seamed forever to get those TWENTY pelts.

She ran forward as fast as she could. Her feet were getting tired from all the running she had done. Cheetahs were only good for short bursts and she had used hers getting away in the first place. Now she would be in some serious trouble if he lept onto her this time. She had nothing left to give. But she wanted to do the honest thing and put her nose down on the trail again. She obviously was getting closer to his pride because she could smell other animals scents mixed in with the white lions. But before she could noticed the white lion in front of her, he had noticed her and charged straight for her.

Raimi was on top of the blue pelted female before she had even known what hit her. Well at least she was easier to find then he thought. That’d be a good thing for him. He needed an easy kill- his body was still aching from the last 20 animals he’d skinned. Though he still couldn’t ruin the pelt so he looked around for anything that wasn’t attached to it. And by some horrible luck her tail tip was wiggling nervously outside the pelt. So with one heavy paw he held her down to the ground and with his mouth ‘skinned’ her with the other.

Zaira was terrified. There was no pelt between the two now, and the angry lion had her tail. There was no way to get free. She looked up into his eyes and pleaded with her own. “Oh please let me live. I was bringing the pelt back to you…I wasn’t going to keep it honestly! Why would ANY sane Cheetah want to fight a lion over a silly pelt?!” She began to sob and cowered on the ground as low as she could.

He kept his paw on her tail. “I make my living on those silly pelts.” He lowered his head to her level and looked back into her terrified eyes. Fine he wouldn’t kill her! What did he care honestly…he had his pelts back. But that still didn’t mean he was enraged. “Just don’t do it again…And stay away from me- next time I might not be so generous to let you live.” He snarled and lifted his paw off of her tail. ‘Damn did he HATE cheetahs…even pretty ones at that.’ He turned without looking back and grabbing his pelt in his mouth went back to his shop with a snarl.

Two near death experiences was all she needed in one day. She’d go back to her pride now and stay safe with them. She really didn’t want or need any adventures for a good long while after this. And outside her own pride she never wanted to meet another lion ever again.