A Reader and a Writer

I circled the library, searching for a book, due to the fact that I had every good book in the library. "Zexion! Zexion!" called my girlfriend, Namine. I looked around and smiled at her through my navy blue bangs. "Hey, Nami!" I bent down to kiss her lips. "Ready for tonight?"
"Yep! I can't wait!" she chirped. That night we were going on our first ever date, and I was excited.

The clock moved slowly in my final class, and i stared at it anxiously. Finally, the bell rang and I ran out to find her. "Let's go." I said as we made our way out of the school. "Yeah." she replied. Then we set off for what we anticipated to be the date of our lives.

Author's note: I told you it's short, please tell me what you think!