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Reply [IC] Suka'Fumo Lands [IC]
[PRP] It's Just A Phase (Kivuli & Maua) [FIN]

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She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:20 am
Kivuli gave his muscles a stretch as he watched the sunrise from his favorite rock perch. Soon he would need to attend to his daily duties, as would Maua, and their cubs would be somewhat free to play. The thought of his cubs made him smile, Kivuli loved being a father and he too great pride in every moment he got to spend with his cubs. He knew all too soon they would grow up and start becoming more independent so he too great care to spend as much time with them now as he could.

Of course he also knew that Maua was not entirely pleased with one cubs behaviors. Nyota, their little rebel, seemed to try to push Maua's buttons at every turn. She unlike her sisters and brother seemed to dislike the life of a Noble. It was likely that Maua blamed him for her actions, after all Kivuli treated rogues and groundlings often as his equals, much like how Nyota did.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:27 am
Maua had spent some time this morning trying to give the cubs another lesson - all of them had been there, well all but one anyways, Nyota as always was missing. It seemed she had slipped out very early this morning while everyone else was still sleeping. Sneaky little cub she was and Maua had been searching for her ever since she'd dismissed the others.

Nyota however was not in any of her typical hiding places - and none of the guards had seen her leave. Maua was at a loss and so she went searching for Kivuli instead. Thankfully her mate was much easier to find and she hopped up on the rock next to him with a slightly irritated look on her face. "Is Nyota with you?" she asked though a quick glance around confirmed that she was not.


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:39 am
Kivuli gave Maua a quick nuzzle even though he could see she was irritated. There was no guessing as to what was irritating her, it was Nyota, it was always Nyota. "No, I haven't seen her since I left the den this morning." When Kivuli had left to watch the sunrise his daughter had been asleep with the others, or at least was pretending to sleep.

"She might be down with the groundlings. That seems to be her favorite place to run to." Kivuli knew that saying that would likely only get Maua going, but it was true, Nyota loved the groundling forest. Or she could be out of the prides lands, though Kivuli didn't think that was the case.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:45 am
Maua's muzzle wrinkled at Kivuli's suggestion, a udder of distaste rippling over he coat before she sighed "She's not...I already checked down there" Yes, that's right Maua had suffered indignity of walking among the commoners to look for her daughter, but she hadn't caught a scent of her anywhere, or at least no new scent..a few old trails maybe. "Though she has been down there far to much lately" She continued with a glance at Kivuli.

"It does not look good for her to be wandering about down there all the time - its not good for her own future and it's not good for us. How is she going to have a decent future if everyone thinks she's nothing but trouble!"Maua stated her voice rising slightly as her thoughts gained steam.


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:52 am
Ah yes, there it was, the conversation he knew would happen today. It was only a matter of time before Maua got annoyed with chasing their daughter down before she came to talk to him about it. Somehow it would be his fault, but Kivuli didn't mind. If Nyota wanted to experience the world outside of noble life then he was willing to let her. He had to choose his words carefully now, or Maua may turn on him.

"She's young still Maua. Nyota has too much energy to be cooped up in the den all day long. And while running off all the time is not the best outlet for that energy she does need some freedom." He looked at his mate as she lay beside him, her annoyance at the situation was quite obvious. "Even you and I had some adventures outside the mountain when we were young." Albeit they didn't go out as often as Nyota did or as far, but they did run off to play every now and then.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 10:57 am
"Yes we ran off to play together" Maua stressed the last word - two noble cubs off exploring the land, that would be perfectly fine. Odds are Maua wouldn't have near as much trouble with Nyota's behavior if she was scampering off to play with another noble cub or even one of her siblings. "But she runs off alone...consorts with ruffians and rogues, like you said she's young and malleable - and what of the dangers in the rogue lands hmm? you know as well as I do that she sneaks out there to do gods know what with gods know who!" Maua continued "She needs to learn how to expend her energy in a proper manner in the proper time!" The lioness stated firmly  


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:06 am
"Yes, we did run off together. And perhaps Nyota would bring one of her siblings along but I don't see them as the outgoing type like she is." Kivuli told his beloved mate as he placed one of his paws on top of hers. "Outside of her siblings she has no other cubs to play with."

His eyes turned back to the sun as it rose higher in the sky. "Nyota is a smart girl, we both know that, how else would she be able to sneak past the guards every day." True she was using her intelligence to escape the pride but it did show that she was a great thinker. "This is all just a phase that she is going through, I'm certain of that." In reality, Kivuli was unsure if his daughter would ever change her ways, but right now it was more important to keep Maua happy than anything else.

"Maybe we can find something for her to do within the pride that will get that energy of hers out in a creative and safe way." What that something was Kivuli wasn't quite sure yet, but he would think of something eventually.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:16 am
Maua was somewhat mollified by Kivuli, perhaps she should have come to him sooner - but she'd been sure her mate just wouldn't understand, it sounded like he did however and she sighed slightly 'So I should hat...just let her keep doing what she's doing and hope that she doesn't get into trouble?" She asked Kivuli somewhat skeptically. "I've tried yelling..punishing, even playing and being nice but she just either ignores it or take advantage of it" She continued as she laid her head on her paws.

"And she really should't be going out of the pride lands, its not safe" She concluded firmly - that was one place where Maua just wouldn't budge, rogues were even worse company then commoners and not only was she worried for her safety but Maua just couldn't have her daughter consorting with lions like that. "It's just so disappointing - she has so much potential.."


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:23 am
"No, I don't expect you to keep letting her run off to do as she pleases. But perhaps we can offer her some alternatives to what she is doing." Maua probably wouldn't like what he was going to say next but surely it had to be better than letting Nyota go off into the rogue lands constantly. "Maybe we can have her help with the performers for their plays, I'm sure she would enjoy that and it would help release some of that energy of hers. I know it's not the most ideal of solutions but it's a start. And it will keep her safe within the pride until we can think of something better."

Kivuli laid his head down so that he could look in Maua's eyes. "I want her to be safe as well." He let out a sigh, a rare showing of frustration for him. "Perhaps we are placing too much pressure on her to conform to the noble life. It seems to more we try to make her live like a noble the more she rebels against it."
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:35 am
Her daughter...perfomrig in those uncouth little plays down below? Maua didn't mind watching them...but the thought of one of her daughters performing was distasteful to say the least. Being a performer was fine for the commoners - but Nyota was so much better then that, she was smart like Kivuli said and well - Maua had always hoped she might someday decided to try and become a kings advisor...but at the rate she was going Maua would be lucky if Nyota didn't wind up one of th heathens down below.

"Maybe.." she finally allowed though it was a forced agreement, she supposed helping in the plays would be better then running amok in the rogue lands where danger lurked around every corner. Maua might not like the commoners but she at least knew they wouldn't hurt Nyota. "Do you think she might like being a nurse? the nurses go down to help the groundlings, maybe we should let her try both."


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:44 am
Kivuli smiled, at least Maua was being open to his suggestions so that was a start. He considered Nyota in the role of a nurse and though he really didn't think it was for her it couldn't help to offer that to her. "We could offer both of those ideas to her. Either one she chooses will keep her within the pride and safe." Rolling onto his side, his tail flicked about. "Your sister returned and became a nurse did she not? Perhaps having her aunt as a nurse to help show her around would be incentive for her to do so as well."

Nyota was certainly making their lives a bit interesting, thankfully it was just her who seemed to act out. Kivuli couldn't even imagine what kind of distress Maua would be in if all their cubs were was rebellious as their one daughter one. Perhaps it was a good thing that she didn't drag her sisters along with her.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:55 am
Maua nodded slightly - for now, while she was still quite young Maua was willing to humor her purple daughter and let her explore - a little bit, a long as she stayed safe. She could only hope that when she got older Nyota would rethink her activities and find more of an interest in the noble way of life. "Kiri? yes, she's decided to be a nurse. She was always more ..nurturing..then I was. Well except for dogs, she hates them." Maua confirmed.

"Maybe my sisters gentler nature will get through to Nyota"She mused, mostly to herself before turning her focus back to Kivuli "now which one of us is going to sit Nyota down and tell her all of this?"


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 12:10 pm
Rolling onto his belly again Kivuli gave his mate a gentle bump with his thick mane. "You are nurturing, just in a different way." He couldn't imagine Maua any other way than the way she was.

"I will talk to her about it." Kivuli offered, perhaps he could get through to his daughter better than Maua could. Or she might at the very least be more open to these suggestions when coming from him instead of Maua. Even if it just allowed Nyota to know that her parents had her best interest in mind without pressuring her into noble life she may begin to see things differently, even if Kivuli didn't want to completely change his daughter. He would do these things to keep Maua happy until a better solution came about.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 12:22 pm
Maua sighed and leaned down to nuzzle her mate. It was nice to know that he thought she was nurturing..or at least not a terrible parent despite her trouble with Nyota. She loved her daughter of course - even if she did drive her absolutely insane from time to time but she couldn't help but blow out a slight sigh of relief when Kivuli offered to talk to Nyota. "Good..." She told her mate with another nuzzle "I have a feeling it would just turn into another argument if I tried to tell her" Maua admitted "She'll probably listen to you more then she will to me"  


Eloquent Raider

She-Ra of Etheria

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 12:28 pm
Tail flicked about playing, though now was not the time for such things. They needed to get moving now that the sun was getting higher. First thing first, was that he and Maua had to attend to their duties. Should he find time later in the day then he would talk to Nyota - if he could find her of course.

Standing he gave his body a shake before looking down at Maua. "We must be going, can't be late you know." Kivuli was a stickler for keeping on time after all. "I will talk to Nyota later. I'm sure by the time we are done with your morning duties she will be easier to track down." Jumping off the rock he began to lead the way back towards the noble's mountain and where their duties awaited them.
[IC] Suka'Fumo Lands [IC]

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