One day as I cleaned the hallway closet out, I found a pair of wings. I decided to clean them up and show them to my mother when she got home from her quick errand. When she arrived and saw the she was shocked, for she hadn't seen them since she got married. She decided to hang them in her room so she wouldn't lose them again. Just after she finished my father came in the door asking for dinner, everyday I'd snick in to look at them. I noticed that little by little they grow bigger and more beautiful.

Then while I was at my grandparents house, mom called and said that dad wasn't going to come home anymore. When I arrived at the house I started noticing that she had started taking her wings with her. They had gotten smaller while I was gone but they wear still beautiful. At first it was hard not having dad there but mom started growing stronger and her wings grew bigger the more she believed in herself. We moved soon after that but we still believed in each other. After that mom worked harder while at the same time became more beautiful. She had found a new meaning in life while she also found safety. Soon she had new friends who supported her, everyday became fun to look forward to. Her wings are still growing to this everyday. As she has new goals to met, and loved ones standing beside her ready to give there help when she needs it.