Kagiso let out a deep and loud yawn as he awoke with the morning sun beating in on his face from the entrance of his den. He blinked in confusion for a moment and glanced down to notice that his mate was still there beside him. He couldn't help but smile and admire her while she was sleeping there. She was so beautiful. How could he have such luck to have a mate like her? He'd have to thank the gods later for their blessing to him. He lightly nudged his head against hers and licked her cheek. "Good morning my sweet."

She let the sun stream slowly into her eyes as she opened them just a crack. She could just see a mass of purple until her vision finally cleared. Then she saw Kagiso and a smile spread across her maw. “Morning.” She stretched her paws forward and let out a nice long yawn with her tongue curled upwards into the air. Zumi then took the paw closest to her and rubbed her eyes slowly. She wasn’t much of a morning person, but her mate made it more bearable. She was sad though that the night was over. It meant that she would have to return to court and suffer threw another long day of boring drabble. She looked into Kagiso’s handsome face. Oh heck, the court wouldn’t miss her one day if she skipped out on them.

He smiled to her happy and nuzzled her neck affectionately to help try and wake her up. He silently wondered if she would be leaving to go to court today, and part of him, the selfish part, wished she would stay with him. He licked her cheek once more before finally getting up and stretching his large long body, his muscles flexing.

She watched of course as she seamed to slowly stagger to her own paws punch-drunk from the night before. But she took in a breath of air then shook from side to side until she finally regained her stability. Again she turned and smiled at him then went over and leaned on his side just a bit. “I really don’t want it to end- you wouldn’t think it wrong if we perhaps ‘mingled’ with the common folk?” Her eyes were sly and full of mischief. “I hear the costumers have lovely furs this time of the year…” She obviously had no desire to return up the mountain from which they both came.

He couldn't help but chuckle at her suggestion and leaned against her in return. "My love, I believe you read my mind." He had no problems with the common folk, for they were often quiet entertaining. And the opportunity to spend more time with her was just what he wanted.

”Wonderful!” She grinned and took one last stretch before regaining her stately posture and heading towards the entrance of the cave. “If anyone asks where I’ve been…I’ve been doing reconnaissance among the little people- at least till we can arrange a proper union from the king.” She chuckled and wondered what the others would think of her if she told them where she really was- and how ‘improper’ she was for a lady. ‘At least he was purple…’ some might say…Forget them all, what do they know. She was happy that was all she cared about.

He nodded and followed her out of the cave. He was worried for her what the others would say. He wasn't giving up anything, on the contray it would help his standing for being one someone higher then he was. But for her, she was risking quiet a bit. He just prayed that it all worked out for them both in the end. He nuzzled her neck once more before going down the path with her into the commons.

She didn’t believe she was too bad with Kagiso as much as she feared what the others thought- he was noble after all. It wasn’t like royalty was in abundance after all. And most of them were droll and mundane. She’d be sipping pond water with buffalo crumpets if she went with them. No that wasn’t the life for her- she was adventurous and bold…and defiantly didn’t like being tied down to a desk job wielding paper weight for the lack of better words, as her mind mused. “I think I would like a son…” She got back to his question that finally sank into her mind. “Though I wouldn’t mind daughters either…” She had now reached the base of the mountain where the common folk lived.

He glanced over at her and raised an eyebrow. A son. It was every males dream to have a son wasn't it? He could see himself with a son, teaching him the ways of the world. But he also wouldn't mind having daughters either. Beautiful little girls running around him, exploring the world. They would be just like their mother he was sure. He smiled at the thought and licked her cheek. "Either way I'm sure they will be wonderful."

Her mind thought back on the boy always scheming. She could use a boy to gain more power couldn’t she? If she found some way to make him speak for her it would gain her mass appeal in the eyes of the male court. She almost wanted to let out a ‘bwahaha!’ But held it back, she was playing hooky today. She would think about stepping stones tomorrow. Today was a day for fun and to relax. “Where should we go first? I haven’t been this far down to the commons in- AGES.”

"I'll let that up to you my love." He couldn't help but smile at seeing her joy. There was a spark to her eyes that gave away her excitement and he wasn't all together sure it was just from being in the commons. She had some idea hidden under her paw, he was sure of it. But that was just like his little mate. Always planning for the future.

”Hmm.” She looked about threw the rows that were crowed with merchants. Non-purple lions for the most. She lifted up a paw and pointed it towards the most crowed of isles. “This way.” It seamed to be the isle with the most shiny objects in it. She liked shiny things but that was the female in her. Always looking for the prettiest thing to wear or use. “Oh look purple leopard pelts. I love these. I should get one for my den!” She giggled in the most girlie fashion.

He chuckled along with her as he walked along and looked over the expensive trinkets and furs. He longed to be able to buy her something...anything, even if it was just a small gem. Maybe he did need to think about moving up in court. If he had a higher standing.. perhaps he'd be able to get her fancy things. Anything to please her at this point would be good. "It looks lovely my dear"

”Do you want one as well? It would look lovely in the den together.” She smiled and thought about raising the cubs on such wonderful furs. “Which one would you like for your side of the den.” She raised her paw and waved it over the entire selection. “Oh or should we just take them all. The cubs might like some of these other ones.” She thumbed threw some of the piles on the ground not being able to make up her mind. She just loved costumes and furs.

Kagiso swallowed hard as he looked at the furs and thought about how much they were all worth. "Are you sure Little Love?" Could she really have such power that she could afford them all. How could he ever think of having such power to be able to gift her with such things as these. It made him a little sick to the stomach. He had to find a way... a way to please her with such pretty things as these.