Ardeshir was in a sour mood, why exactly he couldn't say. The new king was doing well enough, though he didn't like to admit it. His guilt over killing the old king had subsided somewhat, yet he still felt knots in his stomach at having lied to Bwana. Yet he wasn't about to just confess to murder, besides it had been for the best and all was well now. Well enough anyway, he was irritated by the permission the king had given the forest groundlings to remain. He was irritated by everything new, it was all a reminder that he wasn't new at all, he was old and tired.

Not THAT old, he reminded himself, he only felt it after the many battles he had been put through for the sake of a tyrant king. Well, at least now there was relative peace, no battles to be planned or fought. He stretched and gazed down the mountainside with stern amber eyes. His ear pricked as he heard soft footfalls, too soft for a male, one of the advisors perhaps?

Kalenda was happy to be home, of course, and was surprised by how much Bwana had changed from their cubhood. Well. At least by home much he had pretended to change. She still wasn’t certain that he was any different, under the determination, than from before he ran away. Only time would tell on that front. And oh, if he failed, she would be all over teasing him.

She was padding through the familiar lands, enjoying the feel of the solid ground under her paws. Everything in the rogue lands had been so changing, so inconstant. At least here she knew who she was, and what she could do. It was her home, and she loved it.

Spotting a lion resting nearby, still not as familiar with everyone as she should be, she tilted her head in wonder and moved closer to him. She stood over him for a moment, just trying to figure out who he was. Not one for realizing, or consciously admitting, when she was being rude or forward, she just watched him. Impersonal, aloof even, she really didn’t mind if she was interrupting something.

If he got offended she could just send someone to apologize to him later.

Ardeshir turned his head curiously and froze for a moment, he knew he was staring but really he couldn't help it. His eyes raked over the female before him in the back of his mind he knew she was an old member returned. Her beauty must have been subtle before, but now grown she was dazzling. The purple in her coat made him smile and he stood to walk over to her.

His mind fished for her name but he could barely recall his own at the moment. No matter, he would just charm her name right out of her. Already he could feel his spirits lifting and as he came up to her he sat down and tipped his head.

"Greetings my lovely lady, my heart is ever at your service. Might you be so kind as to tell me your name?"

Kalenda looked surprised. His reaction certainly had been pleasing. Flattering, even. She knew she was rather pretty, and was damn proud of it, but it was always nice to see others honestly appreciating it. And he certainly looked like he had noticed, the way his eyes were pouring over her. She watched him as he walked over to her, her expression soft and, in a way, subtly sultry.

Why not have a little fun?

“Lovely Lady works very well,” she said in return, all but purring the response, “besides, a gentleman always introduces himself first.”

That wasn’t really true, but why not? She already had his heart, apparently, since he had pledged it to her service. But she wanted to see just what he meant by that, and how she might be able to use it to her advantage. Maybe Bwana would be more inclined to pay her some attention if he saw her receiving better attention elsewhere.

Ardeshir was hooked, even if he did manage to shake the dazzle of her looks off her voice was equally compelling. She could have told him he was being impolite by not standing on his head and he probably would have tried.

"Of course my lady I am Ardeshir, War Council to his majesty." Hmph his majesty indeed, he wasn't really sure if Bwana deserved his respect just yet, but he had to give the young male a chance to try. Besides his thoughts weren't as traitorous as others certainly, infact he felt rather loyal to Bwana, if only because he appreciated that the reckless youth had come back at all.

Still it wasn't Bwana on his mind at all at the moment it was the stunning female before him. "You have returned to the pride?" He asked curiously, he knew she looked vaguely familiar, but he had spent so much time in strategy and service to the king that he scarcely knew any former members.

“War Council, hmm?” She probably should have known that. Good thing to note, though, for future reference. She liked knowing who Bwana had working around him, in case she needed them for anything of her own design. Sure, the king held all the power, but she certainly had power behind the proverbial ‘throne’. And she reserved that power for an uncertain future, just in case.

Always better to be prepared than not. Never knew when someone might try to assassinate someone else these days.

“I have returned,” she said, with a hint of thought and, if the implication could really be heard in such a simple comment, a bit of cunning. “Just recently. I wasn’t expecting to find our good King back, but it was a good surprise. I think. We’ll see on that one.” She reserved her usual comments about the king, like calling him names, for when she was with him directly. No point talking about him behind his back when she could get away with saying it to his face.

Someone had to tell him he was a loser, so his ego didn’t get too big with everyone else bending over backwards to serve him.

"Indeed, after the death of his father it was...good to have him least it stopped some of the squabbling." Ardeshir was pained to have to say anything nice about Bwana, he still considered him a callow foolish youth.

"It is a pleasure to have one so beautiful in our midst again, but please now you must grace me with your name?" He leaned in hopefully.

Kalenda smirked, noting the way the male wasn’t being too gushy about Bwana’s return. It made sense, since his style was a lot different than his father’s, and he had a lot to prove. She understood that some members, particularly the older, more experienced ones would have a hard time adjusting to the arrival of this new King. Or the return, rather.

Kalenda considered offering him her name. Would he realize who she was if she said it? She smirked, shaking her head.

“I’ll leave you to figure that one out,” she said, flicking her tail as she took a step toward him. She continued passed him, very close, just flicking her tail to brush it against him as she passed around, walking in a slow circle.

“They say mystery adds to allure. I wonder if that’s true? I’m sure you’re a smart lion. You’ll figure it out,” she smiled, appealing to his pride, “after all, that’s probably why you’re on the war council, isn’t it? Intelligence and a bit of investigative ingenuity.”

Ardeshir chuckled softly at her teasing voice and smiles, oh but she was a cunning beauty. He had a feeling he was playing with an open flame, yet he was eager to feel a little burn. He kept his body rigid as he felt her tail brush against him, now he was a stoic warrior, he wouldn't let her see him shiver.

"I have no doubt I'll manage to secure your sweet name somehow my lady. You could simply surrender it to me now." He grinned at her and flicked his own tail against hers teasingly.

“Ooh, I don’t think so. This is much more fun. You said you were already in my service, did you not? I would love to see you find out who I am on your own. Me telling you would just be too easy.”

She shook her head, moving back to sit in front of him once her circle was complete. She had felt him brushing his tail to hers and that had just made her smirk broaden. Now she was wearing a very pleasant, teasing smile, tilting her head at him as she watched him.

“And you know what they say about things you have to work to earn. All the sweeter, in the end,” she purred, nodding. “And with that, I think I should take my cue to part from you. Wouldn’t want to give you too much, too quickly. Come find me, if you figure out who I am. Or if you give up, and want me to put you out of her misery.”

She smiled at him again, using her beauty to her advantage as much as she could, which was not surprisingly very easy for her.

He knew what he was going to occupy himself with, not that it should be too difficult to secure the beauties name. Yet he put it at the top of his priority list. He could tell she liked her games though and he would happily learn to play them if it amused her. The way her smile teased and changed made him feel warm, warmer, hot, yes he felt as if he were in a stifling cave in the hottest weather, his fur, his very skin felt tight.

He grinned and purred softly leaning in to her, "Verywell then my lady, as promised I am at your service, and if you wish for me to discover your name myself I shall make it my top priority."

Oh indeed how sweet it would be to find her and call her by name, to see her answer to him. Pity she was leaving, he longed to have more time with her, but he would have to work for it.

"Farewell my lovely lady." He dipped his muzzle respectfully before flashing her a grin his amber eyes gleaming with adoration.

She smiled at him, liking how readily he agreed to her little game. Oh, this was going to be fun and, she hoped, rewarding. She liked doing things for gain, but if it was just for her own pleasure she couldn’t complain about that, either. She nodded at him deeply, a bit of a bow, though there was a dismissive air about it.

“I look forward to seeing you again,” she purred, moving to stand. She regally made to leave him, though she couldn’t resist getting close and rubbing his neck softly as she moved to his ear. “Don’t’ take too long, okay?” She said lowly before moving away, padding off slowly.

Her tail swung behind her as she sauntered easily away, feeling very good with herself. And about this male.

“I’ll see you soon, Ardeshir,” she called back, though she didn’t look at him. It was more an order, subtle and inviting, than a goodbye. Just something to leave him with.