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The Guide of the Abyss

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Anxious Associate

PostPosted: Sat Oct 17, 2009 10:19 pm
The Guide of the Abyss
A helpful guide for those who do not understand our world quite yet and need a little heads up.

1. Dictionary of the Abyss
2. Tips of the Abyss
3. Randomness in the Abyss
PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:19 am
The Dictionary of the Abyss
A helpful dictionary for those who do not understand our made up words.

Squggle v. [[< Snuggle + Squeeze ]]; 1. The showing of effection. 2. A hug like activity.
ex. 'Silent tends to squggle Eno very often.'

Confuzzled vt. [[< Confused ]]; Literally meaning confused, or bewildered.
ex. 'Kaddy doesn't enjoy being confuzzled.'

Nummy adj. [[< Yummy ]]; 1. Good tasting. 2. Showing of interest in something liked.
ex. 'Jolly finds Kelbel very nummy.'

Sdfghj ( Or something along those lines. ) n? 1. Frustration. 2. A thing to say when there isn't anything to say.
ex. 'Chesh tends to use sdghj often.'

[x] adj. A substitute for naughty words.
ex. 'In Cheshire we do not cuss, instead we use [x] in place of bad words.'

Huggle v. [[< Hug ]]; A super hug! I think . . .
ex. 'Kevin will rape and huggle us all.'

( More words? Post them here and I'll add them! )


Anxious Associate


Anxious Associate

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:24 am
Tips of the Abyss
Helpful tips for those who do not know what to do.

- Being new

It's tough being the new kid on the block. "Are they gonna like me?" "What should I say?" These questions and slight fear to post is what makes it hard being new. So usually, people will just join and never post. WE DO NOT WANT THAT. Try some of these tips to make being new a lot less nerve racking;
1. State you position; "Hi! I'm new here!" be proud of your newbness, and be outgoing, it's not like we won't like ya!
2. Perhaps stating your position is embarassing for you? Well then, try giving the old sugar trick. "H-hello everyone." people are suckers for a cute newb!
3. Place yourself in the conversation! Someone is talking, you can just pop in, "Oh yeah! That's awsome! Oh, hi bye the way!" Very useful, and easy to get into, right?

Q: What if people don't like me?
A: At Cheshire, everyone loves everyone; 'Cept me . . . No no, just kidding. Really, I was only joking.

Q: How do I lower my newbness?
A: You don't, you squggle it for dear life, for that is also your innocence here. Be proud of your innocence.

Q: This . . . Is a Pandora Hearts guild, right?
A: Yep!
Q: You sure?
A: What do you not believe me?
Q: . . .
A: Fine then . . .

Q: This place is too crazy for me! D:
A: Uhhh, sucks to be you?

- Conversation

We've all been through that quiet eerie stage, where nobody knows what t say, so it remains sient for hours until someone is brave enough to post. Or where there is a one on one conversation going on and you just don't know how to join in. Maybe you just want to change a conversation? Here are some tips in the art of conversation!
1. Start up a conversation!: Just belt out what's on your mind, dude! You start with small talk and pretty soon you have the whole guild talking nonsense!
2. Breaking the silence: And I don't mean by breaking wind . . . If it's silent, or eerie, start talking to yourself. Someone is bound to notice and help you with your lonesome conversation problem with yourself. Either that, or someone else will find you and put you in a nice room with spongey walls.
3. Breaking the barrier: A one on one conversation going on? Well, an easy way to get peoples attention here is to just yell out "PANTSU!" and be done with it. It usually works, if not, I have some two-by-four here, feel free to slug people over the head to get their attention.
4. Sneaking away from awkward convo: "WHAT THE HECK MAN?" Having problems with the conversation, too disturbing for you? Too awkward? Again, screaming "PANTSU" is usually a great way to get off subject. Or just saying how you feel is good too!

Q: There is a one on one convo going on, it seems kinda personal. I don't think I should interupt.
A: Well, if you want to chat, plug yourself in. If someone needs to have a personal conversation, then they can take it to PMs, here, here is for everyone, yeah?

Q: I'm being ignored! What now?!
A: Two by four? Or simply state, "I'm feel so alone here." And proceed to place yourself in a corner, that tugs on peoples heart strings, and you'll be swarmed!

Q: This isn't working!
A: THEN YOU AREN'T DOING IT RIGHT!!! What do you want from me?! D:

- Being Lost

So, you come home from school to find that Cheshire just got fifteen pages of new posts. Your head is screaming, right? "HOW THE--?" Well what to do? You have no idea what to say, and you don't understand the conversation. Or maybe you got lost while you were in the conversation? Here are some tips on being lost.
1. NEVER SAY "I'm lost." or "..." Why? Because, that does nothing for nobody.
2. ASK PERHAPS? "Wait, what are we talking about?" then you usually will get a kind respnse telling you what you missed.
3. Start up a new conversation! It usually helps!
4. PANTSU; You have to understand this by now, I hope?

Q: How can I just stop being lost?
A: Never leave home, or start paying attention. ^^

Q: What if I'm lost all the time?
A: Then you are royally screwed now aren't you?

Q: Why are you so mean?! D:
A: I'm not mean, just insensitive. ^^

A: Well, I tried, didn't I?

End of tips for now~ Any questions, please post them!
PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 12:46 am
Randomness of the Abyss
For those who'd like a little laugh or something.

Silent: [/ Flails ] NOO!! Muraki give Tsuzuki back to Hisoka!


Jolly: My favorite command is 'suck', and no it doesn't mean what you think it does.
( Yeah I still remember that, Jolly! I won't forget either! )

Silent: THE SNACK THAT SMILES BACK. Goldfish. =w=
Chesh: -licks at his banana pudding- [Pretzel goldfish are gross.]

Kevin: Run depressing vibes run or I shalls rape you into being something unsightly~ -makes random arm motions to express himself-

Dark: Nothing much, just me being jealous of Sanny's cold hands xD

Sanny: Well, meeeeeeh.

Nekogami: The other day my dad started talking about how I'm too old for anime and that I need to stop watching it and my mom yelled at him for me. ^^ She actually stood up for me saying that there were plenty of adults who watch it and that alot of anime is made specifically for adults.

Eno: Yeah... Kaddy's squeamish =P
Kaddy: Yes I am when it comes to certain things >.<"

Kelbel: It's KELBEL! D:
( Memories, right? x3 )

Kelbel: Only girl. Wonderful. <3
Cheshi: Che, you want more females go and drag them here
Kelbel: But... but I have no female friends. D: And I'm lazy~
Cheshi: Then kill your male ones, stuff them as female dolls, and drag their corpses here.
( Eno's Commentary: This is so a lie now, but it's funny)

Eno: Kelbel and Silent are talking about buying an anime character to do 69 with.

Silent: {{ Pokemon is so old I wouldn't be suprised if it was made during Pandora Heart times. =w= }}

Kevin: Oh please do I love reading a good story, the more interesting smut the better.

Kevin: Furthermore smut is smut its interesting no matter what gets stuck in where

Kelbel: User Image

Eno: Fortune despises EVERYONE, just some people steal her for a bit.

Silent: {{ I wanna see it sooo bad Kelbel! xD Good to know I'm not the only one who saw how Kelbel and I came to be. Mad Hatter giving CHESHIRE CAT bedroom eyes... xD See Kelbel? You aren't the only one who sees the Mad Hatter as a rapist. ^^ Oi... Maman raped Papan. o;.;o WE WEREN'T PLANNED KELBEL!!! [/ cries ] Eyah... I just had three cookies, I'm on sugar overload. 0___o }}
Eno:Hyper is fun to watch *gets popcorn*
Kelbel:Cause you're the most nurturing lady person around here, Kevin~ ;D -Trying to scan it- .. It's dad's fault, he summoned the bitchiness of my scanner. So now it won't work. ;_; Nrrgh. He's a wonderfully mad rapist, yes. xD AUGH. WE WERE.. ACCIDENTS? -Sniffle-
Oh, it's okay. At least we're here. -Pat, pat- I.. I CAN TELL..
( Eno's commentary: That was a fun conversation and the beginning of the most warped family ever. xD )

KEVIN: If I did you wouldn't exist now would you? 29 pages and I'm the only one to be found -siigh- I know Gilbert is in here somewhere.. If you need help with getting money I'd be happy to give you a loan.
Eno: Don't trust Kevin or take hiss money! He'll steal your SOUL ... or give you bedroom eyes X3
KEVIN: -glomps and cuddles with Eno- I'm so glad you understand me so well and I have no idea who you are. ^3^ Do polls, vote in the arenas, etc. I posted the picture I was talking about in Towns its to big for this place.

Eno: Break has bedroom eyes and a ***** permanently attatched to his face.
Kevin: I'll strip you like I did the cat #3#

Edit- why is it I have to watch a chick shave her legs for an item? Am I supposed to go out and buy this razor now? What's it going to do break on me? Edit x2- Oh look it gave me a bikini now I can go hit on men in hotel suits.

Blue: Those are some lusty bedroom eyes if I ever saw them.
Mommy better be giving those eyes to Daddy, or we could have an even larger problem here.

Silent: {{ Ewww... Sister is hitting on mom. o.O xD My mother is great too! Even if she knows how to put me through the guilt trip. -.- [/ tackle-hug on eno ] YAY!!!! }}

Blue: (*evil laugh* SUCCESS! WE HAVE CONVERTED HIM OVER! *sneaky grin* Now we just have to show him how much fun cross-dressing is, and we'll have done it! )

Blue: Don't worry Eno- we have our ways of making you do what we want. )
Eno: *rips at floor* And I have ways to avoid you. *ignores*

Silent: {{ The world is coming to an end when your children try to interfer in your sex lives. =w= }}

Eno (not funny but neat): The Wizard of Oz, thrown down the hole,
Judged upon by bloodstained cards.
Rescued by the mad March Hare,
And the girl who fell so long ago.
"Come here," Said the Hatter, wild and free,
"Now you both shall work for me,
With the Jack of Spades, the servant gone,"
While Alice searched for her lost song.
For this is the story, my dear friends,
Of how the Wonderland did end.

Silent: {{ Too bad, I do. [/ hugs tighter ] >P }}
Eno: *squirms and snarls at you* Two seconds. Then I BITE.
Eno, I told you no eating guild members.
Silent: {{ Thanks Jolly. xD TT-TT Kufufu then. Pfft. Fail. We'll call Kevin IT. xD Oh nice. xD Buttwipe. Pfft. I BITE BACK. [/ glares hugging even tighter ] }}
Eno: *tears arm off* Now LEAVE ME ALONE.
... Eno, you DO know you're just provoking her, ne?
I can take on any of these people! And she's pissing me off!!

Eno: Stay out of my corner.
She's not in your corner.
Silent: {{ [/ hisses at eno ] This was my corner before you even got here, learn which corner is yours. MUTT. [/ tired crabby mood ] -.-
There are corners in round rooms, it makes sense since nothing makes sense once you really think about it. }}

Kelbel: D: Patting Silent is MY job, you little punk!
Nrrgh. Go pat on someone else.
Eno: I normally pat people who are feeling bad on the head... It's just my thing ;>.>
Silent: {{ xD This is interesting. Cheshire patted my head in the roleplay site. =w= }}
Kelbel: But patting Silent is my thing. ;_;!
Do like.. like, assuring shoulder rub. That can be your thing.

Lotti: Click here to watch something. xD
xD That is my favorite video ever.

Sanny: [-walks in with bowl of apple crisp and no clue about what people are talking about-
good evening everyone.]

Eno: The silence... it's mocking me...
Be silent. It means nothing but that others here are ignoring you.
That's why it's mocking me!

Silent: {{ [/ is only person of the female gender not going to see harry potter today ]
It is clear to me now.
I fail as a woman. TT-TT }}

Knight: *waltz around with a makeshift mop thinking everyone was gone*
*stops before anyone notices*
no one saw that......

Silent: {{ Dane Cook moment! Have you checked . . . The children? I killed them. >D
I'm not raping you, am I? Or trying to give you a bath, or picking you up and dropping you, or ( Anime Break. ) Lifting up your chin in a perverted manner. v.v
I'm just nuzzling against you. TT^TT I do that to everyone 'cause I like cuddling. Is that so wrong? }}

Eno: "Interview with a vampire" is famous, Cirque du Freak is... interesting... And Twilight is an abomination when it comes to vampires. Thank you, that is all, goodnight. *bows*

Silent: {{ [/ hugs mama and papa ] Welcome home!
[/ growls ] Stupid butter eating computer! D< It deleted my saved pictures of Cheshire! TT^TT
JABBERWOCKY ARE UGLY! But oh so Looking Glass Wars fantastic~ }}

Kevin: How to kill a cat step one: Propose.

Jolly: *Sneaks behind Candy-chan and grabs her Kurai style(You know what I'm talking about)* My dear Candy, you wouldn't be spending your time here when there is a certain couple that needs to advance would you? * Insert cute yet sadistic smile here*

Jolly: -Candy I am not into vore, that is just creepy ><
I can deal with the blood and the bitting, and maybe even some kinky s**t but no vore

Kelbel: Lovely.
SO MUCH INSOMNIA. -Slumps over-
My eyes are about to turn to mush and drain out of my skull..
Nrrgh.. and that would be so messy.

Silent: {{ I like Agito in drag better. Plus he has handcuffs . . . Kinky. xD

Jolly: No the male body is just so gross! They have their dangly bits and and and it's just ew! I would much rather feel up a firm yet supple curvy girl's boobs *Fanning herself*
My grandma said that lesbians and gays shouldn't have any rights and they were going to burn in hell, but that didn't stop me from having fun during my school swimming section!

Kevin: -Churros
Mix them together and we'll have one hell of a hang over.

Blue: little sister Silent needs to get her BUTT out here and get me some cookies. preferably oreos.

Kaddy: Hehe, if that's the case, then why not just make one that says "Kadis says?" It's because Kaddy sounds cuter ^.^ -drags Eno to the cookies and takes one- Hehe, Kaddy ish happy nows~ -lets go- ^.^

Silent: [/ Staring at her bed wantingly ] The pillows . . . Look so soft, the blankets are calling to me . . . "Hannah~ Hannah~ Come rest your head and dream~" I can here it so clearly . . .
SUNDAY, MONDAY, WTFDAY, I don't give [x]! D< It always is off schedual when it's at a misfortune to you! D<

Kevin: Who made the cat cranky?

Kevin: Does lotti need the talk?! -wobbles over and puts her on a stool-
Okay when a mama and papa bird start dancing on top of each other they use swords and shields while wrestling. Their combined efforts and will in the battle create and egg. Give or take a few weeks a baby is born.

( Remeber/Said/Saw something that you think fits in here? Please post it and I'll get it up here if I like it. ^^ BIG thanks to Eno for getting most of it! xD )


Anxious Associate


Anxious Associate

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 3:43 am
May be needed later.
PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2009 3:48 am
May be needed later.


Anxious Associate


PostPosted: Sat Oct 24, 2009 7:09 pm
Kevin Regnard
Who made the cat cranky?

Does lotti need the talk?! -wobbles over and puts her on a stool-
Okay when a mama and papa bird start dancing on top of each other they use swords and shields while wrestling. Their combined efforts and will in the battle create and egg. Give or take a few weeks a baby is born.

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