My avatar has one! Sort of.

From the article in Barton Basic:

"Tough-girl Marta Handersington is Gaia-renowned for her ability to catch the infamous predatory "scammer". To catch the fiends Marta uses a relatively new technique she calls HTWFB (Hitting Them With A Fucking Bat). This new technique is relatively unheard of and has, at this point, never been utilized by the Gaia staff. As a pro bono bounty hunter of sorts, Marta's gruff attitude has caused quite a stir on Gaia.

'I like the hard hand she's taken with [the scammers]. It's nice to see someone out there who cares about the Gaia community again.'
-Anonymous Hot-line Caller.

'I think Marta needs to be put in the memorable threads forum. Her actions are illegal and unwarranted. She gets away with it by simply saying she's attacking the attackers first. It's just not right.'
-Anonymous Hot-line Caller.

Regardless of your opinion of Marta, the fact is, she is making a difference in the community. Here at The Barton Basic we have an exclusive interview with Marta on what she thinks of the community's response and even getting to know a little more about Marta.

When she's not beating scammers to death with her wooden baseball bat, Marta enjoys a nice smoke. Marta smokes from a pipe her grandfather, Mitchell Handersington passed down to her, carved from Gambino palmwood. As a single woman Marta says she's looking for a man who, "will not back down to [her] and is willing to do anything and everything [she] says."

Marta's interview was cut short due to a passerby she claimed was a scammer.
All in all one thing is clear, with the Gaia community: If you don't do something to fix it, someone else will."