This thread is for those loyal to the Shinigami of Soul Society. I must warn you, any espada or arrancar shall be attacked without warning, hesitation, or mercy. You have been warned, followers of the turncoat, Aizen!

I am Kuchiki Yorume, First Officer of Division Six. Nice to meet you, but mind yourself around me, fangirls of my beloved Captain! Or my blade will leap into my hands, singing with the promise of bloodshed! You have been warned also, my rivals. I show even less mercy to those of your caliber than to Espada and even Aizen Sousuke himself.

So yeah. I've expressed myself, how about you? Yes you, reading my post right now! Who are you, where do you come from, and what squadron are you from? Who do you like? Who do you hate?

Let the Shinigami discussion begin!