So. My future is WIDE open and I don't know what to do with it.
I have found I've got three passions.
Art, Culinary Arts, and Chemistry.
But I don't know what I should pursue. Which would God want me to pursue.
I ask that you would pray for direction and guidance from God as well as wisdom.
Also, where to go to college, should I take a year off, major, minor... Etc. I'm stressed. And just a Junior in high school.

Also, Baptism. I've brought this up here before but I'd like to bring it up again.
I went through a week long baptism study and would like some guidance and wisdom for what to do next.
I'm attending a different church than my parents but I'll need to choose a church to attend and join when I get baptized.

And, as always, pray from my brother. He's not a believer and smoking as well. I fear for his health and eternal destination.

Just Listen.