- - imbolc ritual - -

Imbolc is a time of new beginnings and purification after winter. The new Lord rises, and the Lady is recovering. Some suitable altar decorations include white flowers, daffodils, white ribbon, snow (if you have it - in fact, it'd be really neat if for the water you could use melted snow), feathers, eggs, fruit, nuts - all things 'spring'.

It is traditional on Imbolc to light as many candles or electric lights as you can, in celebration of the sun rising again.

With your circle cast, and your altar set up however you like it, raise your wand to the sky. However, all candles you usually use should be present, but unlit. If you use candles to draw the quarters, then I suggest using incense instead - Spring Rain is a great addition to this as it represents the season.

If you include a statement of purpose of the ritual, then feel free to use this one.

I am here now to submit my thanks to the Lord and Lady.
I am here now to celebrate the Sabbat Imbolc: purification after winter.
The circle is cast; I am in between the worlds. Night and Day, Birth and Death, Joy and Sorrow meet as one.
Only love exists inside. No negativity will seep through this boundry. So mote it be.

Stand at your altar - if you include one.

Winter draws to an end.
This, is the feast of torches.

Light all the candles in the circle. Back at the altar, stand in an X.

As winter goes out one door,
Spring comes in the next, bringing joy to contend.
I celebrate the Goddess, I celebrate the God.

At your Lord candle,

Lord of the sun,
Horned one of animals and wild places.

I like to bow - if you do to, do so now. ^^; Envision a sunrise, and welcome him back. Align yourself.

Hail - hail and welcome!

At your Goddess candle,

Lady of the moon -
Thank you.

I also prefer to curtsey - again, if you wish to then do so. Congratulate her on nurturing the God back.

Add any personal messages and thanks if you wish, then celebrate the cakes and wine. Meditate.

Spell casting can take place if necessary. Imbolc is an ideal time for divination.

Thank the deities and elements, then close your circle.