P.C.I=Paranormal Criminal Investigation Unit (I know the U isnt in it but it sounds better without the U))
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Everyone thought we were just kids,They thought we were ordinary.But when the world is face with an enemy that only we can fight.Were treated like HEROES.

Kids no older than 17 and obviously still in high school were accepted into the secret orginzation.Thats seperate from the FBI and CIA this section studies and if neccesary,destroys any alien or any other life forms.Vampires,demons,ghosts ect. .were undercover in the school cause there are more than meets the eye wit the students and some of the teachers.On one of our assaignments were aced with a demon who is the most powerfull one we were ever faced with.We fight hte best that we can.(We lose the fight of course but heres the twist) The demon has video recordedthe fight and the next day were all brought to the auditorium for an anouncement and that video of us fighting with high tech weponds and losing is shown in front of the whole school then its gets on the news.

Name: (Full name))
Age: (No one older than 17)
Bio: (be creative)
Wepond of choice: (nothing outragous)
Species of choice: (Which speices do you fight against best and at least have three of them that you do bad against)
Fear: (were all kids so we all have at least one thing were scared of))
Apperance: (how you look)

since thisis in a guild i wont ask you to pm me your profiles.
the species
witch (depends on the witch)
neko (dog)
vampire (sunlight)
screamer (bucket)
elemental (the oposite element)
Demon King(Boss)

Ill put this next to the ones ill allow as agents.And their weakness are in () ok this is still a work in progress im working on it ...