Moyenda walked slowly through the desert sand, his paws pushing the sand around as he walked. That which they lived on was much more livable that the desert sands for what he walked on was rock covered by sand that had been blown in during a storm. So he did not sink in dangerously and there was no danger of sticking his paw into a reptile's home, much less a scorpion's. His son was gone for good and he still accepted it but felt like he hadn't really talked to anyone and the distance was bothering him. He hated this thinking, this pondering. He loved to love but right now had no fixation on which to exert that.

Sutekh knew that all this brooding was not good for his friend. He did not like seeing him lost inside himself. Moyenda needed to come out, to be as open as he once was. He had a beautiful mate and beautiful children all of whom were alive and with high chances of continuing so until after he was dead and gone. He hunted the lion down as well as he could but luckily it wasn't hard at all. Sighting the other, he approached. "Moyenda, you need to stop." The other was too serious.