One of my friends was hacked so this is going to put this up for all of you so you don't get hacked. This is from Gaia its self.

Administrators Leaders of the Community and Moderator teams. They are responsible primarily for high-level administrative tasks, billing issues, and overseeing Gaia moderation staff.

Moderators There are 3 types of moderators and a group of assistants to help you on Gaia; they represent the Site Assistance Group, the Global Group, and the Account Specialists Group. They are explained below.

NOTE: All moderators on Gaia are all the green color you see above and below. All officials at Gaia will also have a specific title under their username specifying their role on Gaia. Anyone without a title underneath their username is NOT an official of Gaia in any way!

Omni Moderators Responsible primarily for account issues, hacking and scamming cases, as well as special projects related to account security, site safety and moderator training.

Global Moderators Responsible for Abuse and Harassment cases, as well as help oversee Terms of Service violations across the entire site. Global Moderators may have other special functions that are specific to a particular role.

Site Moderators Responsible for specific forums on the site, as listed above, handle Terms of Service Violations and thread move requests. These moderators also cover Gaia games, chat rooms, towns, and other features of Gaia.

Moderator Assistants (formerly "Helpers") Responsible for thread moves only in specific forums they are assigned to Moderator Assistants DO NOT assist users with Terms of Service violations.

Non-Player Characters A Non-Player Character (example: [NPC] Rina) is an account that is used on Gaia to speak to the public about important and fun topics (like quests and newsletters). Any persons posting with these accounts are Gaia staff but will not be helping you with Terms of Service violations please contact Gaia Moderators and Administrators for assistance.

Artists, Developers and other staff There are many other people who work hard to make Gaia awesome by creating new features and new art, items and much more for you every day! These people have brown names and may post around the site but will not be able to help with Terms of Service violations please contact Gaia Moderators and Administrators for assistance.

If you are given a message for someone claming to be one of these people and there name is not brown/darkred/green/orange; then they are a hacker and must be reported!