I'm flying across the US to visit my family in another state and I just wanted you all to pray for me and just to take some time to pray for everyone else as they go out and fly out to visit their families and all the other saints that are going somewhere on a mission for God. I'll be praying too, it's just warming to know that someone else is praying just as well.

I also need another prayer. It's aside from safety.. It's for future debates that I might have to be faced with when it comes to God. I really don't like to get into those arguments, what makes God so real to me was being saved by him and experiencing his wonderful love everyday. If it's in your hearts, please pray for me to keep a calm, content and rational mind so that I may preach the gospel without exploding with frustration and that I would be able to self-discipline myself into living the way Jesus did so that my actions will speak louder than words. I probably didn't need to type this much, but it just came out. o.o

Getting this far.. I thank you.
God Bless