so all powerful God for some reason doesn't use his power and just wave his hand forgive our sins

there must be some part of all powerful im just not understanding

While yes, God is love, but God is also just. If He were only love, then what you are suggesting would happen, he would just wave his hand and say “you are forgiven of your sins!” But He is just, and justice demands that your crimes are paid for. But the loophole, so to say, is that He sent Jesus to die on the cross and be the payment for your sin. So through Christ, your sins have been paid for, justice has been served, and you have been forgiven and reconciled back with God. All you need to do is accept His grace.

that’s a very traditional look at justice
not every culture requires that someone who does wrong be punished
some take a restorative approach
ya know with a little less death involved