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[SRP] Light in the Darkness *Ramen & Shar*

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Devoted Werewolf

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 12:32 pm
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What a mess the years had been after awakening in a nightmare fueled by a beast with wings black as the abyss. Coldness not by weather but by inner frustration tore a family apart leaving those around them utterly confused. While the black wolf born of those distinctive eyes pondered these thoughts he growled in response toward the angeni Uchiha that destroyed everything. His dreams had been awkward though the darkness usually warped them even more. Flicking an ear he stretched feeling stiff in his joints wondering just how many years he had lived upon opening his eyes to now. Granted he was an old wolf but he still could beat the best of them. Lapping water the other day he noticed the subtle gray hairs growing upon his chin causing the male wolf to snarl in disgust, "Heh you're not that old stop thinking that". What was age anyway other then worriment in your self doubt if you relied upon it way too much. Certainly this would not best him till he was elderly and snow white as last winter's snow. Laughing to himself he took care of his business in the bushes then went on the prowl seeking to find a quick meal before setting out on his next task. The stubborn Uchiha had wandered off in self guilt leaving his companion wolf to simply breathe again. Still hard edged he crouched seeing a medium size rat scurrying near the teepee site. Eyes crimson with those black marking seemed to hone onto the sneaky rodent. It seemed it was heading for the food source which lied within the teepee of course.

Sneaking inward he concentrated with a lolling tongue that hung out of his mouth. Moving a step he focused solely on the mammal both hungry and protective in how he presented himself. Growling he finally ran at the beast head on moving swiftly upon the pads of his paws. Once the rat had seen its pla ruined it darted away from the teepee back into the the tall grasses. Picking up speed he darted right then left never losing sight of the beast. Paws smaking the dirt beneath he continued his pursuit now closing in with snapping jaws. While some familiars he knew were quite friendly this creature seemed feral hissing as it kept from his reach. Growling with a deep bark he dodged an attack as the feral rat turned on him with its yellow teeth bared. At first the black wolf was unsure of what happened but the creature seemed to have a killing look in its eyes. Stepping quickly the creature lunged past him. It took only a few minutes for the male to comprehend this rat had suffered from a rabies attack causing its own mouth to now foam with bloody spittle. Now the black canine known as Sharingan understood this killer sizing him up. Usually a rat would give chase if a wolf were in its presence but a rabid one when cornered became a monster.

The wolf making quick decisions pondered the fate of attacker and pursuer never letting the rat out of his sight. A rabid rodent was dangerous anywhere near the teepee , Soquili, and of course the girl herself. Growling he looked up seeing a pale she-wolf approaching him quickly barking a threat for her to stay away.

"Ramen stay back its rabid! Make sure it doesn't notice you!" his tone remained sharp as razors over skin letting it frighten her as she paused her arrival shrinking back.

The rat saw her then turned quickly in the female's direction causing her to yelp as the creature flew out of nowhere.

Sharingan leapt outward his teeth bared as the rat nearly made a connection jaws snapping downward behind the neck. Shaking the shrieking rodent he bit deeper exhausting its life those deep blood eyes of the wolf solely on the female wolf speaking in growls as the creature lie limp in his mouth, "Neither of us will eat this. Let it burn so the sickness leaves this area". Taking the limp body back to the outside campfire he threw the dead rat in the flames so they would release its soul and destroy the virus that could inflict them all.

"Are you alright" the black wolf growled looking in concern to the lighter female, "Did it bite you?" Sharingan wasn't the one to be overly sentimental or full of worriment but in truth he loved her. Not that he'd sing it aloud so the demon fox cur would come running. Ah yes that fool Uzumaki and his cur both idiots in their own right. It unnerved the male knowing that Ramen held feelings for that intolerable loser Kyuubi.

Sharingan WC: 788
PostPosted: Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:05 pm
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Blue eyes peered upward into the sky as a breeze warm yet cool blew over soft fur pale as wheat in the nearby fields. Yawning a small female canine stretched then scratched her ear. ears larger than most wolves she caught the sounds of life within the teepee settlement. Smells of cooking, baking, and projects filled her mind with contentedness as her steps carried her toward the lake overlooking the grazing Soquili and ever busy Tiranna. Lapping up water she let the cool drink quench her thirst closing her eyes momentarily as she drank deeply. One last lap and her tongue lolled outward in a happy response followed by a wag of her multi-colored tail. Stepping away from the lake she seemed to carry a bounce in her step as her tail wagged in unison.

Heading over past the tall apple tree she padded her way into the taller grases seeking breakfast. Being wolves she had reserved her hunting habits to small rodents such as moles, mice, and an occasional rat. No one blinked an eye at her if breakfast consisted of a crunchy delight covered in fur. Swiveling her ears she listened closely for movement making no sudden movements. Then in the grass near her a tiny scratching could be heard which sent her into "focus" mode or rather a she-wolf on the hunt. Moving her paws silently the once wagging tail had grown stiff and boring. Stepping forward again she moved in closer almost crouching though nowhere similar to a cat's own habits. With one leap much like a fox breakfast was within her jaws crunched up nicely and swallowed before anyone grew wise to her being there. Yawning she continued within her happiness again wagging her tail back and forth. Now another sound caught her ears as a black male wolf darted past her rather quickly chasing something of medium size.

"Sharingan!" she called out not realizing the threat he was trying to put to rest.

Wagging her tail she started after him with bright blue eyes admiring the deep black coat with that strange drum symbol on his back. Both born of the ninja blood yet neither related each wore a headband to show their heritage. Sasuke along with his children, Kunai, even shirahime carried this privilege. Sometimes the material holding on the metal plate made her ears itch causing the female to pause, retreat to a sitting position and scratch that itch by the foreign privilege seated around her ears. Twitching her nose she followed after Sharingan happily till his voice went cold and overly distinct with a sharp meaning. Ears lowered she whimpered stopping in her tracks. He had snapped at her for no reason causing another whimper to crawl from her throat. Realizing his words she noted the medium sized menace that was standing off with the male wolf. Quickly, she bared her fangs with a growl then yelped as the rodent had turned her direction. Madness inset within leaving the confused onslaught head in her direction. In a moment's notice Ramen noticed the froth foaming from the rat's maw.

Rabies. Now she understood as its head contorted toward her with a turned head almost twisting. Within the froth there was blood she noticed causing her to growl again, "Stay away. Stay away" she muttered as it leapt at her. Pulling back she nearly tripped over her paws till a flying black shadow came at her behind the rat catching it precisely in his strong jaws. Her sensitive ears heard a shrill scream then a crunch as its lifeforce drained away after its twitching ceased. Sharingan carried the rat to the cooking fire then tossed the carcass inward letting the flames lap up the offering the male wolf presented.

In response to Sharingan's concern she shook her head looking bewildered but able to comprehend what was going on, "No. You warned me to stay back as I did. I'm sorry if I put my life in danger for following you". Now her ears lowered as her tail went limp. She nearly messed up the pursuit endangering her and Sharingan. "Are you alright she asked him with bright yet worried blue eyes. Any moment the rat could've bitten either of them letting the sickness overcome their well being. Rabies was a rare occurrence but it wasn't a rare happening. Some spring seasons the disease spread quickly by a single carrier. It was the jobs of the familiars to keep these things at bay at all times lest diseases run wild. Sighing she tried to smile with her tongue lolling out a simple wag of the tail to show she was alright. Taking her own initiative she walked up to the black male licking his ear that seemed to have a limp appearance. Ramen at times was a motherly sort proving her worth to both the black wolf and the orange fox. In truth she loved both of them equally frowning when either spewed words toward the other. Simplicity with her own views left her a mediator to draw attention from two quarrelling males. Rivalry flowed in their bloodlines she only wished either would accept the other. It was a wistful heartfelt wish she assured herself but there was always hope even when the days were dark with unknown outcomes.

Ramen WC: 885


Devoted Werewolf

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Devoted Werewolf

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PostPosted: Sat Apr 22, 2017 6:21 pm
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A creature with rabies was nothing to loll your tongue about especially when most of the inhabitants chanced being injured. Sharingan purely wasn't pleased with this beast intervening in an area where it wasn't desired. Now he embarrassed himself after the pursuit getting a bath from Ramen which he didn't make a fuss over. Occasional growls or snorts were his response as she licked his ears cleaning them with ease. While it was humiliating the sensation relaxed his persona a bit feeling the adoration coming from the she-wolf he held deep feelings for. Needless to say it was actually peaceful in this moment so he lowered that cold exterior to respond to her with a collective mindset concentrating on her task at hand.

"I'm fine" he growled in a soft manner still showing he wasn't a pushover more like an alpha tolerating his packmate. "You worried me when it charged at you because you can't outrun something of that caliber". He wasn't being extremely hostile but more on a scolding level with her that was unnerving. Sweet, gentle Ramen whose demeanor was selfless toward all living things. She shied from fighting though her support was unfathomable when it was for ones her heart spoke to. She'd make a great den mother someday if only she'd turn full affection toward him instead of Kyuubi the mangy cur fox. Not realizing his body language he growled making Ramen feel as if she'd nipped him with her teeth or something. "I'm fine Ramen. Relax" he spoke in a rough yet gentle tone, "Things are on my mind that's all".

Sweet Ramen who loved everyone didn't deserve to see Kunai verbally broken down by his companion. Daughters of his bloodline shunned for being females. Stupidity that's what sasuke's actions were pure idiocy. Sharingan understood this form he believed himself to be set within. Both male and female pups created a huge circle that encompassed a pack. There was no superior gender to define the strength in them as a whole so why did Sasuke consider himself a failure producing daughter he questioned. Shaking his head he waited till her bathing ritual was complete before he stood looking at the fire where the disease had diminished. "We need to keep watch for more though generally in luck that was the only one. Being spring I would of thought this epidemic would surface more in the summer months".

Idle thoughts swirled within till his mind caused him to focus on the female near him. In her completion of bathing Sharingan she had fallen to her back in the tall grass near the teepee and began wiggling her paws in the air waving about. Tail wagging she prompted to rescue her sanity from an itch between her shoulders prickling to her rump. Tongue lolling down along her mouth she grunted relieving that peculiar annoyance that bothered her subconscious. Looking at him with those bright blue orbs while she wiggled on the ground nearly made him lose his composure in laughter. He just grunted instead, "Heh you look silly when you do that silly Ramen".

Once again he proved his personality much like Sasuke's when she rolled over her ears lowered with a sad look in those soft eyes, "But, I like it" he growled. true the black male was being quite an a** this morning to prove himself not bad as Sasuke he walked toward her, "You know I can't show enthusiasm like most creatures". then he leaned in close breathing her scent returning the favor she had bestowed upon him. Licking her ears he grunted asking her to lie down where he followed in suit beside her after looking around for observers. When the premises seemed to be quiet of onlookers he continued bathing taking out the loose dirt from her ears. It wasn't that Sharingan was an uncaring canine he just was born of that demeanor rather he accepted it or not. If in some odd luck if they were to start a pack other than Amadahy then the angry black male would need some sort of coaching so he wouldn't be a dead father in the way of love and respect. Sure Ramen would provide the love as he would the protection but he desired to somehow quell that beast that would someday destroy everything as Sasuke almost succeeded doing.

Sharingan WC: 727
PostPosted: Sun Apr 23, 2017 8:41 am
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Simplicity filled the void for her partner as she cleaned his ears thoroughly for an overall soft fur sensation. Sharingan was an interesting wolf amusing her when he was more placid rather than angry. Now he reminded Ramen of the wolves that ran about in the territory. Amadahy more so the alpha being attached to the elder though Sharingan would disagree how quiet she usually upheld herself. An alpha protected the pack not withholding their tongue and shying behind a larger creature that held the same respect. As she moved on to the other mind the cream colored she-wolf pondered many things especially those involving the beasts that possibly carried more rabies. Being springtime now meant the incoming litters of both Soquili and familiars alike leaving the risk high. Sure they captured one but more were prowling near the area her mind screamed. Not being one for initiative she still took a stand as the soft spoken female spoke while performing her task, "If there is one might there be more? Sharingan I think we need to alert Amadahy along with the rest of the pack and perform a cleaning of the area."

Perhaps it was rude of her to suggest such things but it had to be said. She knew Sharingan was a lone wolf like his companion Sasuke but something like this was a group consideration. When he growled she shivered in a whimper blinking blue eyes of fear till his words assured her he was merely in thought. Many times it was hard to read Sharingan's body language rather he was content or rigid on matters. Speaking of rigid brought her thoughts back to Sasuke nearly destroying the kinship he had here within his family. Kunai was merely broken as of now leaving Ramen to be motherly in her words supportive of the mare's delicate feelings. Sasuke Ramen pondered was more confused in his ideals then he realized. Having daughters wasn't a downfall in fact it rather was a blessing for Uchiha bloodline was strong in itself. A proud family line that wasn't revealed in weakness till now that should've been thriving till Sasuke just threw it all away. His youngest Chidori believed though her father could redeem himself even past the atrocity he had caused in that breakdown. She was and always would be positive energy supporting everyone around her.

Once the last lick was complete she rolled over idly upon her back to relieve an itch that caused her fur pricking from shoulder to rump. Wriggling back and forth she itched that spot causing bliss in the form of her tongue hanging out accompanied by that familiar wagging tail. Happiness wasn't an expression but it was a feeling which she shared with Sharingan as her head turned to look at him smiling. In a split moment she saw the reaction in his eyes one leaning to laughter yet his response was colder than ever. This caused her to feel stupid, downtrodden, and overly insecure rolling over with a grunt including watery eyes. "I'm sorry" she replied before he apologized actually admitting she was a goof. Sometimes the black male was overbearing with cold nature that showed through mercilessly yet he surprised her with his change of thought. Then something happened which made her maw drop as he leaned in close to her once again apologizing for his lack of positive emotions. Noticing he was looking around for eavesdroppers he growled softly when the coast was clear then began licking her own ears. Instinctively she lied down as he followed the same. Usually it was she performing this ritual yet today to her surprise he returned her good deed. Warmth rushed through her from the breath he blew upon her ears. A soothing yet safe feeling surrounded her as he had chosen to lie down beside her continuing the task. Momentarily, her mind wandered resting gently toward Sharingan possibly being a decent Pack father raising pups with her. His body language suggested it even if there was no speech cleaning her ears till she heard him say , "thank you Ramen".

Thinking to herself she smiled a little, "Sharingan" she spoke softly, "Would you ever consider raising pups with me"? That was sudden she knew but her instincts also told her he'd be an amazing father to his children even if he was hard edged in views and agreement. Perhaps he wouldn't answer or give a strange growl but she knew somewhere deep inside he'd raise pups with her. Never once did Sharingan ever turn her away without an apology.

Ramen WC: 764


Devoted Werewolf

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Devoted Werewolf

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 10:46 am
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Days had been quite motivational as years slipped by leaving an old she-wolf to contemplate many things this morning. The area of Tirranna's settlement had been booming with newcomers both young and old leaving the area refreshed of constant newness. She herself had welcomed three new pups to the leopard patterned male that generally scouted the area or was accompanying Celendria's nephew Snowden. The Alpha female known as Amadahy stayed within the teepee site assisting her companion soquili while overseeing her pups grow to strong adults. It seemed in times the resident Soquili returned to the area then retreated elsewhere. No signs of the menace dragons had surfaced for years leaving the female wolf at ease while overseeing her pack and companions. Celendria had come into foals over the last summer bringing interesting life to the booming site. Strange features upon each of her children proved a mystery almost as if ancient magic was to blame. A soft spoken family began blossoming with more brave hearted children to spread protection within the herd.

Today she'd been prowling the outskirts of the settlement checking in on many things while keeping an eye on her companion Soquili Celendria. Such a quiet mare yet when threatened she became a force not to be trifled with. More often the not Amadahy stayed quiet herself akin to the mare she bonded herself with. A kindred understanding between the two caused a friendship to be inseparable. Ever since Celenduin and Avalon returned home a placid feeling overtook the ice mare that radiated relief amongst the herd. Knowing her siblings were safe caused a reflection in the elderly mare to stand idly at the tall hill near the grand appletree. A soft smile appeared upon the small canine's face as she padded by the solitary mare. Such a caring creature she pondered that would give her life and values for those she protected. It was no wonder why Celendria was proclaimed an elder by everyone Amadahy agreed wholeheartedly on this debate.

As she padded over to get a drink by the lake her ears tuned onto something that caused her head to fly up. The black wolf known as Sharingan bonded to the Angeni Sasuke was in pursuit of something. Normally, she didn't really need to investigate for each of the pack could pursue their meal or play uninhibited with one another as long as it hadn't interrupted the serenity of the inhabitants. This pursuit had a definite intent as she noted her was chasing a rat. Details were incomprehensible but there was something driving the black male to give chase with an intent to kill. Holding back Amadahy followed the male noting the rodent was erratic in its escape. Zigzagging followed by circles it turned to attack leaping wildly at Sharingan. She also noted that the younger female Ramen had entered the scene nearly getting attacked by the deranged rat. The thing she found most intriguing was his maneuver catching the rat mid air in his jaws while crushing it instantly. Sharingan followed by Ramen immediately deposited the deceased rodent into the cooking fire never to be seen again. She overheard them talking leading to a subject of "Rabies". Now her maw contorted in disgust as she padded in closer her ears listening intently to the pair. While neither was lifemated they displayed an array of mateship in consoling one another by a ritual bathing one another.

Once they were relaxed lying beside one another the alpha female approached them, "Are you both alright? I saw the pursuit with the rabid rat", her head tilted looking at Ramen, "I witnessed most of the pursuit". Walking in closer she held herself a little more composed, "I agree with you that we need to form a pack search. With new babies being born in the heart of spring this is a definite thread that none of us can overlook. I will contact Kori, Tallulah, and any other of the pack".

Nodding her head, "Sorry for disturbing you both" she apologized before running off in the opposite direction. Soon as she was further away Amadahy lifted her head releasing a long howl in the form of a message, "Come to the area. There is urgency to be discussed".

Once her message was delivered she padded back to check on Celendria still standing placid and reserved. Breathing with relief she curled herself next to the tall mare's legs getting some energy reserved before her call would be answered.

Amadahy WC: 749
PostPosted: Mon Apr 24, 2017 3:22 pm
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Serenity is bliss within warmth of another.

Though not openly admitting contentment Sharingan found bliss while lying close to Ramen. Her scent was rewarding with a simple yet tolerable happiness. This had been the first time in most of his years he had volunteered giving his appreciation openly to another. Much like the surname Uchiha and those carrying it cold hearted stoic natures were involved. This Sharingan observed could be why he was trained in the ways of assery around others. For the Uchiha believed themselves overly confident power in belief. Sharingan though didn't contend on being an Uchiha on the contrary in this life he was a wolf. Dreams were enemies at time followed by memories but still sasuke believed himself to be this great figure from another time and place. That was all believable for him but, Sharingan desired less if his belly was full and Ramen was safe. Inhaling once again her scent reminded him of hope; a light shining in the darkness. Currently, beside her he tried shoving that cur fox from his mind settling on the fact he was winning Ramen's heart. Besides Kyuubi along with Naruto had vanished so Ramen had the black male as a protector and confident even past the abrupt way he could treat her. Happiness surfaced in grunts and growls but he knew Ramen sensed him trying. Sometimes she'd feel sorrow initiating him to further apologize for his actions.

"Ramen what would you say if I.." he spoke sincerely till his ears caught Amadahy's words sending his voice to a low growl. He'd almost asked her to raise pups with him then the alpha intervened. Pulling himself away from the smaller female his deep crimson eyes lied upon the gray elder wolf with distaste, "We are both fine Amahady. I have disposed of the menace in the appropriate manner Heh".

His voice wasn't soft as before but rigid and cold from the interruption of the elder gray female, "Honestly I prefer to hunt alone in all due respect. I don't do well in a pack". Eyes trained upon Amadahy his muscles tensed, "It's my way of following the order of things. I'm sorry. If you want to round a pack in a hunt do so but you can count me out". Subtlety, he felt Ramen flinch as words sharp as razors sliced through his teeth and tongue. He loathed working in a team let alone a pack. This being the result of Sasuke's eyes reborn of a stubborn hard-edged wolf. When the elder excused herself he rose to his feet soft pads imprinting the dirt. As usual he'd have to gather the courage again to inquire with Ramen. For now he just walked away leaving Ramen to whimper behind him. Not turning his gaze from the direction he walked he ignored her growling, "Always. Something always keeps me from asking you. Never can I succeed in just saying will you be my mate bearing my pups. I'm such a fool" he growled then took off running to the taller grasses where he could be alone with his thoughts. "Why.... Why am I like you Sasuke? Why must your agenda cloud my vision making me see less then there is".

He didn't hear her paws upon the ground that followed him so quickly. Nor did he feel her tenderness when she licked his face. Pulling away sharply he refused to let Ramen see his anger, frustration, doubt even surface in front of her. "Why did you follow me I don't need you seeing me weak Ramen". His voice cold with regrets circled around him like a barrier. He could never be a father if his anger got the best of him. What would become of his pups that seemed to point in Sasuke's direction. Hateful wolves insecure as they took the word head on without realizing consequences. It was an endless battle between good and evil he supposed feeling remorse for growling at her just now.

Something though shocked him feeling her not budge rather she lied down beside him her paws lying upon his with that familiar tongue lolling out he loved. When she spoke though he felt a smile try to curve his maw though he remained hardened refusing to believe what he was hearing. It was pure genuine hope his Ramen released around that swirling doubt making him less tense than before. "Thank you Ramen" he responded lying down resting his head over hers.

Sharingan WC: 746


Devoted Werewolf

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Devoted Werewolf

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PostPosted: Tue Apr 25, 2017 11:31 am
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His warmth was delightful if not a comforting grace nestled close to her. The gesture of thank you returned in his own washing ritual was truly surprising. Nothing could destroy this blidd betwixt them even if it solemnly attempted to in it's own fashion. This little scene placid with serenity is what any female dreams of being near the one your heart yearned for. Most likely Kyuubi had found his own den mate so Sharingan was her obvious choice for raising pups. When Sharingan spoke her long ears filled with delicate fur prickled because deep within she sensed his intentions. Finally she thought to herself he'd earned the right to fitfully ask her correctly the thing her heart wanted most.

Then the moment of bliss vanished like a cloud as his words subsided in interruption.

The older she-wolf ,Ramen knew was just seeing to her job title having caught a good glimpse of the scene played out beforehand. An outbreak of rabies as she had mentioned to Sharingan was a sheer protocol to gather the pack. While a remnants of one could be the simple answer more may lie out of reach. This caution couldn't be overlooked sending the pack into worry mode into vigil and protection. The thing though that made the younger female dread was Sharingan's sharp tongue knowing his hunting habits. Surely, the elder wouldn't take offence to his bitter tongue lashed with teeth though one couldn't be too certain. Sasuke had once came here in a daze nearly destroying the teepee and injuring Tirranna. The same could be associated with the black male's attitude and views on the subject. Before ramen could speak Sharingan had parted ways from her in his rage causing her to only whimper with wide eyes. She knew deep within Sharingan had hurt her with his tone yet he wouldn't apologize.

Raising to her own feet she waited till Sharingan was out of view then she followed quickly after avoiding any obstacles that would alert him to her presence. Being a "ninja" as their headbands suggested she easily maneuvered herself to peek around a thick treebase watching Sharingan move into the tall grass. tilting her head tail tucked she hurried behind him till she was but a few feet away. Once he ceased movement then doubt encompassed him once more. For a moment Ramen paused till her heart tugged at her with pleading fingers... Go to him. Instinctively she was by his side her reassuring lick upon his face letting him know she was present. When he regarded her his voice cracked with sorrow followed by guilt, Ramen simply smiled her blue eyes comforting as they looked deep into those hateful crimson curses, "Why I followed you?" she spoke reassuringly in response, "Because i care about you Sharingan. You are not weak not in the slightest. Sure you have a temper but that doesn't mean you are entirely pitiful and unloved". Now she lied down her head upon his paws looking upward at him as her tongue lolled downward, "I do not curse or feel offended by the Alpha when she spoke. On the contrary I'm content she found this information on her own. It's one less thing either of us have message onto the pack". She knew he listened to her because his head dropped downward returning a simple lick upon her forehead. "Far as what you were asking of me well I kind of knew from the start. Not only that but it's something that I wanted just as much. I'd be honored to become a den mother for you Sharingan raising our pups strong in the way of the ninja. That is if you still want me to be..."

As his head laid upon hers giving thanks a softness trickled in her heart in the form of love knowing Sharingan would always face inner demons as did Sasuke yet the wolf was more sound than the Soquili. Everyone had their own inner troubles along with their weaknesses its those that choose to see over the nonexistent hope that prevail. Sasuke someday my learn that meaning but it may take him years to figure that out. Sharingan even in his bouts had Ramen to lean upon which was a strength he desperately needed. Feeling his head slip downward towards his paws Ramen understood he had fallen into a soft sleep. She merely smiled then curled her head and tail around him her head lying close to his. Soon there would be a hunt but for now she'd rest in the bliss presented before her. Closing her eyes slowly her ears swiveled listening for any movement before she too drifted off into a dream filled sleep. Things of escence could simply wait for a moment of serenity as she heard him growl softly in his sleep.

Ramen WC: 805
PostPosted: Fri Apr 28, 2017 1:36 pm
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Dusk had painted the sky in such a array of pinks with purples that the stars of evening peeked through curiously. Ears picking up of another's breathing caused the black male wolf to raise his head up slowly looking down upon her. Phrasing his mind that a simple dream took his thoughts he sooner realizes that a certain female still curled over his paws. Yawning silently he watched her a smile seeming to curl her maw as her tongue popped out between her teeth. "Heh" he spoke with barely a whisper. She was a silly sort indeed but one that captured him more than vengeance ever would for Sasuke. Honestly, in the few years that Sharingan had strayed from the deranged angeni the more relaxed he became. Not to mention Naruto or that cur fox were gone as well so that was a double bonus. Ramen he considered his not shared with Kyuubi even if he'd ask; that which he wouldn't. There was something about her that captured him worse than a hunter's net or trap which he thoroughly accepted. Not wanting to wake her he wedged his paws out carefully till they slipped upon the ground softly. Once free he stood stretching upward till it reached his tail straightened stiff as a board. Then he craned his neck downward licking her on the head to begin his territorial routine. Both morning and night he posed himself as a watchdog some would say overseeing the herd when they stood idle with sleep. Sharingan even poked his head in the teepee to visit the sleeping native girl sometimes taking the liberty of covering her up in her furs. Nodding the the large elder mare he'd emerge again to prowl the outskirts. Som many years he followed Sasuke's side now taking his own living choreography with new steps.

Assured Ramen was safe in her sweet dreams he nodded then headed down to the lakeside to gather a drink. Throat being a bit parched he drank smoothly then looked deep at his reflection standing idly as those piercing crimson orbs with the odd swirls stared back. Usually once or twice a day the male instinctively caught himself watching that solo reflection.

"This is your purpose?" he'd ask with those hard eyes, "to become something greater than Sasuke ever could". The thought puzzled him for he was but a fabled eye technique Sasuke called his own or in a whole the Uchiha clan. But what really was the sharingan anyway past this "technique" he growled. If he truly was reborn in this world why was he made a wolf rather than a strong Soquili like Sasuke or Itachi he questioned. Then something triggered in his mind as the water swirled from a breeze distorting his view.


"I am not a thing or someone's possession. I am myself. I was chosen as a wolf and that is what I am. I am the protector where my companion is the avenger. I am strength. I am love..." he paused blinking, "What did I just say?!" Now he growled at water snapping at it to leave his sight. Love was always weakness yet it brought happiness, closure, and mostly Ramen closer to him. "Heh" he growled again then padded away from the water's surface where once again he'd question the same things. Shaking his head as the furry ruff settled he began making his territory away from the alpha's to places. Perhaps a tree, or the furthest rock, each of the pack claimed their own spots letting the other packs know this was their land. Occasionally, Sharingan would check on Ramen with a protective vigil admiring her sleeping peacefully. The black male tended to flinch in his sleep some nights with memories of another lifetime. Supposedly this was the dreams Sasuke had but Sharingan couldn't put his paw upon it. So many vivid images and yet nothing made sense to the male. Years and years battles, hatred, jealousy, and most of all confusion. As Sharingan made his rounds he tried shaking these thoughts but they always were there. A curse perhaps but those cold thoughts forever would stay with him. Shaking his head he made his laps finding no threats in the form of disease near the teepee site. Rounding back he looked upward at the sky noticing the glowing lights then returned to Ramen licking her ears, "It's night Ramen. Time for a hunt. I want you to join me this time".

Sharingan WC: 747


Devoted Werewolf

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Devoted Werewolf

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PostPosted: Thu May 04, 2017 3:15 pm
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A dream echoes not only the pst but the future there winin.

Raising her head a lone she-wolf stood near a like younger in appearance. Barely a year old she was learning to step carefully within life learning all she could. Things seemed strange yet they invited her senses to the nearby wildlife including the Soquili that towered over her. Interesting creatures she remarked studying them in their daily routines. Moving endlessly her heart wandered reaching outward to those that would accept her generosity. One day she noted an aggressive behavior of two wolves perhaps one was a fox. Instinctively she ran between the two males showing her good nature causing both to quell their actions. This playing out daily she opted to join them in their journeys learning many things growing into her fur and long tail. Both males harboring a likeness for her of course. She'd simply smile shyly returning a thank you in the form of a lick upon the face or ears. Sooner or later both males would intimidate the other and the fighting would begin. Tilting her head she'd note their companion Soquili were pretty much a mirror though the strange winged male known as Sasuke didn't retaliate back to the earth-bound blonde. Competitors was the term she associated them with though rivals was a more profound meaning to everything. This instinct between both stallions melted outward wrapping itself around the canines creating a canvas of edgy atmospheres. This made the she-wolf incredibly downhearted knowing in age that both the male canines were fighting for her love. While both were snarky at times they both harbored adoration for her. How could a female who loved all equally ever choose a sire for her pups. She'd grown so much stepping softly upon the Spring grasses never losing her vigil of the two with their rivalry of her heart.

Suddenly, the setting changed as the backdrop lifted leaving her with a confused thought...

Looking downward she saw her children running out into a field of endless grass their father watching idly in slight amusement. Her eyes growing soft released a soft smile that curved upon her maw. She'd made her choice when Kyyuubi and Naruto vanished years back. It seemed Sasuke had gone off on his own without Sharingan giving her time to rightfully become a den mother. She stood proudly till her mind wandered letting blackness repaint the backdrop. "Sharingan!" she called out in a whimper. No one answered which caused her heart to race along with her paws. Endlessly running trying to find him, their pups into a constant void. Turning this way and that she cried out, "Where are you?! Sharingan! Pups! Please...". Nothing but quiet darkness surrounded Ramen's senses till she saw a red glow just in front of her. Blinking bright blue eyes she started to follow the glow that was always one step ahead of her. Upon hearing a horrid noise in the distance sounding like pups she growled despite her pleasant nature taking off toward the loud scuffle ahead. Pure blindness overtook her tears streaming in her eyes till she heard a sound, "Ramen... stay back. Don't let it bite you!" Instinctively, she moved back feeling herself slip into nothing a falling sensation wrapping its tendrils around her very being. Calling outward as her body plummeted she called outward, "Sharingan!" paws flaring about as her descent to the unknown happened. "Please... please let them be alright" she whimpered clenching her eyes tight preparing herself to crash at the bottom. A broken travesty that would be mourned by Sharingan and the pups... if they still were alive.

Crying to herself Ramen felt her paws gently touch upon the ground as warmth filled her mind. She heard his voice strong yet sensitive calling to her from the great beyond. Daring not open her eyes she felt his breath upon her face changing her will to keep her lids closed.

Then giving in Ramen opened her eyes slowly blinking in relief for she lied within the tall grass they had exchanged a soft conversation beforehand. His paw lied idly over hers yet it was meaningful as he licked her face, "Shar?" she yawned her ear flicked as a breeze tickled the soft hairs within, "Are the pups okay?"

When he looked oddly at her asking what pups she knew her mind had taken her into a dream. "Oh" she blushed in embarrassment, "I think I was dreaming".

Ramen WC: 744
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