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[SRP] Fine Flowered Friends (See Inside)

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Aged Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 19, 2017 10:22 pm
This is a solo roleplay between the following ponies! While you're free to read, please don't post here! 3nodding

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 12:50 am
It had been Rosario's idea, originally, at least, that's what he claimed. Everyone who knew Rosalyn knew it to be true, but Rosario was the first one to voice it aloud to anyone, therefore it was his and he would fight anyone who questioned it. (He wouldn't actually, despite his bulkiness, Rosario was the opposite of a fighter.)

The truth of the matter was this: his mother, Rosalyn, was terribly starved for friendship. She was surrounded by family, like himself and her youngest son, Roslind as well as Ambrose, her brother, who lived with her. Recently, she even managed to win the heart of a frost giant by the name of Savva. As far as familial and romantic affection went, she was sated. When it came to friends however... The closest thing she had was Bracken and he didn't count (though don't tell him that) because he was Rosalyn's familiar, which made him basically family anyway.

It was nearly impossible for Rosalyn to meet friends through her work, since she had a habit of attracting the gloomy and while she was usually able to help alleviate the pain that the other Soq in need came to her with, it left her drained and fragile. She didn't need friends to bring her down, she needed ones to lift her up! Fellow filly friends to mess around with or talk about gardening or whatever it was mares did when they were together, Rosario didn't know.

So, he devised a plan. He gathered all of the family, save for Rosalyn herself, together and they all went out to find someone they thought might get along with Rosalyn and invite them to a party of flowers. The only thing they told Rosalyn, so she wasn't totally overwhelmed with the company, was that Rosario would be having some friends over to the grove and that he would like to introduce his mother to some of the Soquili in question. She seemed pleasantly surprised from the idea and so they set to work. Rosalyn, by cleaning up the garden pathways and the stallions by going to find the potential friends in question for the task.

Eventually, they returned home, reconvened with various levels of success and then waited the few days for the day of the party to arrive.

Now, the day was here and Rosario was standing beside his mother, who was looking as lovely as ever. Rosario only hoped that someone would make it, out of all who had been invited. Rosario glanced around the garden grove to see Roslind drinking "casually" from the pool of rose water, where he had been standing for the last five minutes, drinking all the while. Rosario had gone over once to ask him if he was really that thirsty. Apparently he wasn't, but he wanted to do something rather than just stand around awkwardly and Ambrose was already talking to Bracken, so Rosario just shrugged and waited with his mother.

"It shouldn't be long now." He said to his mother with a smile. "Soon enough, our grove will be full of friendly, flower-loving Soquili."


Aged Shapeshifter

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Aged Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:21 am
Of course, Roslind knew his mother was lonely. It's why he decided to live with her, to make sure that she was less so! He grew up watching her face as Savva and Rosario left once spring came and his young heart broke to see the tears in her eyes when they did. She needed someone constant and while Bracken was a constant part, he wasn't a Soquili, so Roslind decided to stay at his mother's side. Sure, he was missing out on traveling the Kawani Lands to stay in a tiny garden with his mother, but he was also being pampered by her constant doting and affection. In turn, he had believed he was the only company she needed.

You can imagine how spiteful he was when Rosario told him that he wasn't enough and that his mother actually needed friends her age and not in her current social circle to be happy. Yeah, okay, he was a bit of a baby about it and he may have kicked Rosario (though he got a nasty bite in reply) in his indignation.

When he finally managed to get over himself, he agreed to help. It was for the best and his mother deserved the best too. He wanted her happy, that was the whole reason he decided to live with her in the first place! So, he went out and he found a pleasant young mare by the name of Flora who was very interested in seeing the garden and he invited her immediately to the party. He was certain she would show up, because she didn't live very far away (or so she said) and she literally had roses growing from her wings. It was really quite pretty to look upon and Roslind had to excuse himself before he had the chance to say something embarrassing in front of the lovely flutter mare.

So, he returned to the grove and found that Rosario had met with a mare with paws! Roslind had to admit, he was pretty excited to meet this Primrose dame, since he had never once met another with paws before, not even a proper mammal with one--well, aside from Bracken, but not like, predatory paws! When Roslind mentioned this, Ambrose got even more timid than usual and his uncle admitted that he hadn't found anyone to invite except another familiar.

"Well, gee, that would be great if we were trying to get Bracken to make friends." Roslind had said sarcastically. "But we're not, so go out there and find someone else-" But Rosario cut in sharply and ushered Roslind to the side, where they proceeded to have another one of their common brotherly squabbles. Rosario was going to easy on Ambrose, Roslind argued! Roslind didn't respect Ambrose, despite the fact that he was their elder and their uncle! Rosario had snapped back, adding that Ambrose had been through more life experiences in his seasons than Roslind had seen in one. Rosalyn found them and invited them to graze before anything else could be said, but Roslind was steamy for the rest of the day.

That was part of the reason that, come the day of the party, he had distanced himself from the others and contented to drinking from the pool of rose water, making bubbles with his muzzle in the water and sulking over what had been said about him. Roslind could survive perfectly well on his own if he wanted to!... He just didn't want to. And as this party would prove, he didn't need to leave the grove to make friends. Roslind could be like his mother and wait for friends to come to him! So there!
PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:40 am
Ambrose wasn't very good at socializing. Far was he from the stallion who had left his herd in search of bringing back fresh unicorn and kirin blood to fuel the future of the herd. Back then, he had been ready to conquer any mare's heart and to banter with any stallion until they agreed to return with him to the herd. He was ready to make the herd elders proud, after all they had raised him to be the golden child (literally) of the herd and he was ready to live up to his destiny.

In hindsight, he blames his father who was probably a scoundrel with the ladies, because once Ambrose was unleashed upon the world, the only thing he was interested in was chasing mares. Having grown up around unicorn and kirin (and occasional mixed blood of the two) mares, he liked to entertain more exotic mares and great Angeni above, did he find some mares that were... different from the others.

The first was a mare named Arsena, who had a gorgeous dark coat and intense owl claws. Ambrose was sure that she was just playing hard to get, but as it turned out, she was just a very hateful mare and once the baskets dropped, he fled with them to escape her. He raised the foals on his own with minor success and then left them to do whatever they pleased. Then, he found himself ensnared (again, literally) by another mare, who wore a black bear's pelt upon her back and head. Her name was Obelus and she was an interesting character to be sure and well... That ended about as badly as you could expect. If you look closely on his coat, you can see scales missing from his backside that were ripped out when he escaped from that mare.

After that, he found himself at a loss for what to do. He couldn't return to the herd, not after he shamed himself so horribly, so he thought to track down his sister. He found her and she welcomed him into her home. So, even though he was now a sham of the stallion he used to be, he wanted to repay his sister for welcoming him so openly into her garden. When the notion of a garden party was proposed by one of his nephews, he did his part to find someone to invite.

The someone ended up being Phillip, a raccoon with a flair for hair and an interest in braiding. Phillip agreed to come to braid Rosalyn's hair for the party, but when the day of the party came, Phillip was no where in sight. To keep himself calm and distracted, Ambrose struck up a conversation with Bracken. He couldn't have failed again, he pleaded with the Angeni above who might be listening. He just wanted to see his sister get what she deserved... every happiness the world had to offer.


Aged Shapeshifter

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Aged Shapeshifter

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 3:27 am
The first to enter the party was the delightful Flora Lovett, who had been eagerly awaiting the day of the party ever since she was invited. This timid, yet eager mare didn't get out much from her own forest home, but she jumped at the idea that she could be making friends that loved roses as much as she did.

Besides, the stallion, Roslind, who had invited her was such an adorable colt, she really couldn't refuse him. She had a suspicion that it was his first time taking to a mare such as herself, since his eyes drifted over her and didn't just stay upon her wings as most did. He seemed to oggle her and she would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy the attention. Still, he was just a yearling, anyone could see it. He may be growing larger and his tail was a little longer than it may have been, but the poor dear was still gangly-legged and whether he was aware of it or not, he swayed when he stood.

Colts aside, it was the garden that she was the most excited about and as soon as she was walking down the pathway (just where the young dear said it would be) a breeze carried the scent of flowers to her nostrils and she inhaled deeply. Oh, this was a perfectly delightful way to start her spring, Flora thought and so she came in smiling.

By her standards, it was a large, bright smile, but to the eyes of anyone else, it was a shy smile. Flora wasn't quite sure how to smile widely while also looking charming, so most of her smiles were very small, even when she didn't know it. As she entered the garden, her nose twitched to take in all the wonderful smells and her eyes flitted about the garden to about at all the colors.

"Oh, hello there." She said when her gaze landed on a unicorn stallion who was approaching her, followed closely by a brown mare with...oh! "Oh my, Miss, I love the rose markings upon your shoulder." Flora said, her smile getting the tiniest bit wider.

Realizing she had yet to introduce herself to the two who had approached, she stepped politely to the side, in case anyone came in after her and then bowed her head, her wings swaying lightly in the breeze.
"How do you do, Sir? Miss?" She asked, looking back up at them. "I am Flora Lovett. The good Sir Roslind invited me here today. I am so pleased to make your acquaintance." Said she to they, her pale eyes gazing up at them through fallen bangs as she awaited their replies.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 3:50 am
Primrose hadn't been expecting to get an invitation anywhere. The lost soul was still trying to get acclimated to her surroundings in a new area. She had never seen any of the day and night carousel folk since she ran from the carousel that one fated night, nor had she any inclination of what had become of her homeland. She wondered, somewhat fretfully in the dark moments of the night, whether she would ever see her mother or father again or whether she would be lost here forever.

The notion frightened her very much and she would fall into an anxiety-ridden sleep moments later. It was not a very nice thought to fall asleep to. In the daylight, she traveled aimlessly, trying to find someone who could help her find her way or learn her way or... or something at the very least! She hadn't been sure what to expect, really, but it certainly hadn't be the handsome stallion with blue rose markings inviting her to a garden party up out of the blue!

She tried to remember his directions when the day of the party arrived, at least, she hoped it was the day of the party, she couldn't be sure. She was still trying to adjust to the notion of telling time, rather than being spun around in circles and able to move when it was dark and to stop moving when it was day and so on. Oh, it drove her batty! She shook her head to keep from thinking too much on it and turned a corner one way and then circled a tree another before she finally found the flower-scented pathway the stallion had spoken to her about. Breathing a sigh of relief, she passed through the entryway into the grove and was stunned into silence with the vivid spring colors she saw. She was moved to tears by how beautiful everything looked.

She saw a mare with her mane done up prettily talking to the stallion, Rosario-was it?, who had invited her there. She tried to catch his eye a few times, before realizing she didn't have to necessarily wait to enter further just by talking to him. So, she surveyed the scene around her. There was one stallion at a pool of water who seemed perfectly content to drink his fill of it. Not wishing to interrupt someone who looked so absorbed in a task (were his eyebrows crunched together in concentration?) Primrose turned her gaze to the sound of soft chatter coming from a lower perspective. Over by a patch of clover flowers sat a dark green hare and laying beside him was a stallion with golden scales. Smiling shyly, she approached the two of them. Once she got there, she looked awkwardly down at them, before deciding to lay down with them. After all, she could just as easily get up again and she wouldn't want to be rude by staring them down (literally.)
"Hello there, my name is Primrose. What're your names?"


Aged Shapeshifter

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