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For as long as she could remember, Primrose had been trapped on the carousel. In the evening time, she could step off of the strange contraption and socialize with the others in the group for a time, but come the morning, she would be compelled to return to the smooth wooden surface beneath her paws and strike up a merry pose. Her eyes would glass over and the mare would still as she looked about her as the world passed her by.

She had few memories of before the carousel, when she was, but a young, naive filly, lured in by songs and bright colors, only to be ensnared, saddled and taken from her family. They left her homelands not long after that and she hadn't any notion on how to return. Her family was lost to her, the carousel was her home now.

Even if she wanted to, Primrose would not be able to tell you how she became loose that night. Whether it was a strong showing of willpower, some curse released from a valiant hero, or some unknown trickster spirit deciding to unweave the plot that the carousel had filled for sometime, no one could say. All Primrose knew was she was suddenly overcome with emotion and needed to be running as far away from the carousel as she could get. Only, when she finally stopped running, she was further away from the carousel than she had ever been before. She was utterly, thoroughly and completely lost.

At first, Primrose was triumphant! She had escaped and no one would look to find her here! She quickly became uncertain of herself... Where was here? She looked around and around, but couldn't manage to spot anything familiar. She even went back a few steps to try to retrace her steps, maybe just to find the carousel off in the distance, before deciding to leave it behind for good. She started walking, but to no avail. Primrose had left the carousel in the dust and in doing so had found herself in the middle of no where.

"Is anyone there?" She called into the gloom of the night, the darkness suddenly creeping up upon her. "Please, can someone help me? I-I think I'm lost..." She fidgeted and the flowers growing on her horns seemed to wilt a bit, as they did when she felt distressed.

Then, from the corner of her eye, she spotted a flicker of pale blue light.
"H-Hello?" The mare asked, her voice soft and wavering as she approached the light, only to find that it had been a tail all along. The tail was connected to a stallion who she could see through! Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open a little, before she finally worked up the nerve to ask the ethereal stallion. "A-Are you a ghost?" Oh, silly Primrose, what a thing to say to someone, you'd just met, she chastised and after giving him an apologetic smile, she tried again. "Oh, do pardon me. I mean, well, it's okay if you're a ghost-er, a spirit? I just..." She sighed. "Would you be willing to help me get home?"

Mewsings of An Angel