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[SPR] Clash of the titans? [ FIN ]

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Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:39 pm
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She was a predator and predators were often restless. At least she assumed most where since she hadn't met a hunter that stayed in one spot for too long. Then again it was likely due to the fact that prey tended to relocate once you killed enough of them in one area. So she shouldn't cop it up to her being bored, but to the way nature just went. Flicking her tail behind her in an annoyed manner she stood up and looked around with menacing eyes. Leukos wasn't too far away, she could see his red and white feathers in the nearby branches of one of the trees that overlooked her little area. He was smart to not get too close to her, despite their little 'bond'. She tolerated him because he helped her find food and he stuck around because he ended up with food because of that. It was sort of a 'I'll keep you around because you're useful to me' kind of relationship and it was working.

For now anyway. The massive bird seemed to know she was awake for he lifted his head and turned his gaze towards her, watching her carefully. Fluffing up his feathers he expanded his massive wings and took to the sky. She couldn't help the grin that spread across her scared features. He was going to scout for her. Smart bird. He knew she didn't like to ask.

Following the direction in which he had flown she wondered where he would lead her today. She knew if he found something, or someone, he'd fly back here and let her know. He had, on occasion, just waited for her to find him, but she had taken a couple of his tail feathers as punishment. He had been lucky she hadn't torn off his tail. Despite his size he was a rather quick bird. He was lucky for that. If he had been a creature of her size she might have made some sort of pairing agreement with him, with how useful he was. She wanted offspring with that type of cunning, however they were not so the thought died in her head. Besides, she had plenty of suitors she could call upon. It wasn't like they had much of a choice. Well, they did but she was extremely forceful when it came to her decisions about them.

They didn't seem to mind, or they were much like her so it wasn't like she had to pull teeth to get what she wanted. A devious and toothy grin made itself known on her face when Leukos came back to her not too much later and circled once and then landed in a nearby tree. "What have you found for me?" She cooed. It was likely whoever or whatever it was, was nearby and she glanced up towards him.

"Don't worry, you'll see him near the water." He said going back to preening his feathers.

WC: 492  
PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:44 pm
Marengo was enjoying himself. He was currently playing in the water, pretending to be a sea dragon from the depths below. Not that it was very deep, it was quite shallow but in his mind he was in a vast ocean with murky seas and tempest waves. Flapping his wings he lifted himself with a help of a kick and soared into the air a few feet before swooping back down into the water with a splash and a rawr. "I am The Great Water Drake and I will destroy you all." He said in his best dragon voice he could muster. Splashing around in the water he grinned wildly and then submerged himself in the water, his tail splashing behind him as he did so. He felt so at home in the water, more so than on land, but he made it work. For the most part.

His antics were interupted when a shadow flew overhead, engulfing him, causing him to look skyward for the source. He had to blink a few times as he was blinded by the sun but then spotted red and white and then focused on the rather large bird as it perched itself in a tree not to far away from him. Watching it for a moment he finally called out towards the avian. "Hello." He stood up and turned to face it, removing himself from the water, droplets clinging to his body as he moved. "I'm Marengo. Who are you?" He asked it.

Leukos preened a couple of his chest feathers and then decided he could at least answer the small foal. "Leukos. Why are you playing alone?" He figured asking if he was alone would tip the foal off so this was a better way to get an answer in his book. Marengo looked at the ground. "I don't really have anyone to play with. Well, I have my sister but she's not with me right now. She's with father and grandfather so I'm playing by myself." He said almost sullenly. He would rather have someone to play with but he was quite creative when he wanted to be.

Then an idea struck him, perhaps this bird could play with him! "What about you? Maybe you can play with me?" He asked it curiously. Leukos shook his head. "I am going to have to politely decline, it was nice of you to offer but I do not play...." 'With my food.' He thought that last part and peered around. So the foal was alone, for now. This was good. "Well, I must be off. I'm sure we will meet again." Pity for the foal it would be with his death.

Marengo frowned as the bird flew away and let out a huff like sigh. Well, this wasn't much fun anymore. However, a flash of blue caught his eye and he watched as someone moved in the trees not too far away. "H-hello? Show yourself." He almost demanded in a semi scared but firm voice.

WC: 502  




Winter Wolf




Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 10:46 pm
Ashi was currently on a search for his brother but as hard as he might try, it was almost useless in figuring out where that damned walker had taken him. He didn't even know if he was still alive! That thought alone made him frown deeply. Bushy tail flicked behind him as he walked through the thin woods, his gaze always moving, searching for signs of life. It didn't matter who or what, he was quite cautious with reason. He wished the damned beast had taken him instead, then he'd know his brother was at least alright. But then Morro would be worried in return so no matter how you looked at it, one of them would have been worrying about the others safety.

Letting out a deep sigh the large stallion paused as he heard water being disrupted in an almost annoying manner, however a voice cut through the air and he realized it was nothing but a young foal having a good time. At least he assumed it was a foal. He figured he could at least check it out, see if everything was alright. After all, not everything was what it would seem. Though sometimes it was. So he was just going to have to satisfy his curiosity.

Moving through the wood line towards the source of the noise the splashing resided and he heard chatter but nothing he could make out and then nothing once more. Curious. Pausing he listened, he didn't hear anything unsettling or smell blood so he figured it wasn't anything serious. Suddenly a voice cut through the air as he moved forward and he chuckled. So he had finally found the owner to all the ruckus. Giving a warm smile Ashitaka moved forward so he could better gaze upon the small colt with the flutter wings and kelpie tail. What a curious combination.

"Well hello there little one. So it is you who was making all the fuss over here. Why did you stop? I hope I wasn't the cause for your momentary pause." He said with a light chuckle. He stayed where he was, he didn't want to startle the poor dear, though he supposed if the colt was truly afraid he would just fly off. Sometimes he wondered what it would be like to have wings. Though the thought was fleeting. He didn't dwell on things that would never concern him. Noting that the foal seemed a little timid but was doing his best not to show it he figured he could at least introduce himself to the young male. "My name is Ashitaka, what is your name?" He did his best to refrain from calling him little one, didn't want him to get offended. Despite the fact he was in fact small.
WC: 463  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 10:17 pm
Muscles rippled beneath taunt skin as the white female moved along at a leisurely pace. She wasn't in any particular hurry to get to where this 'surprise' was that Leukos had found. She was certain it would be there regardless of her pace. She watched as he remained perched above, his long tail feathers hanging down just enough that she was able to reach up and snap at them. The male threw his wings open and hissed at her, his eyes narrowing.

"What was that for?" He flew up to a higher branch and returned to his cleaning. "You're lucky I'm not very big, or I'd tear your eyes out for that." He hissed through gritted teeth at the white equine. While she was handy she was still a b***h sometimes. Her lip curled up in a menacing smile and she jolted her head to the side quickly, a few pops echoing through the air as she cracked her neck. "It was just a love bite." She teased and then turned her blood red gaze towards where he had come from.

So there was something waiting for her by the river? She was growing increasingly curious to see what the bird had found. Though the sound of voices caught her attention and she wondered if the older one had been there previously. She looked up towards Leukos and then turned her attention back towards the river. She could see, just barely through the foliage towards the two blue equines. One was a small foal and he looked absolutely delicious. The stallion on the other hand would pose more of an issue.

Curling her lip she growled silently towards herself. The only way she would end up with a meal from this is if she attacked the stallion, which would end with the foal likely running away. But there was always the chance that she would kill the stallion, if he didn't run away. She wondered if she should just go forward and challenge him.

Leukos stopped his preening and ruffled himself up and flew ahead a bit and perched himself on a decent sized branch. He wanted to see what happened. Sometimes he hoped Dom would get injured and die but at the same time he kinda liked the psychotic female. She was a good meal ticket after all. "Are you going to just stand there and hope they fall over dead or go and try and get us something to eat?" He hissed at her silently, he knew it would piss her off and that was what he wanted. If she was angry then she would do just about anything. Even unprovoked.

Stalking forward slowly, she emerged from the trees and stared at the duo before her. This was going to be interesting.  




Winter Wolf




Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 10:17 pm
Marengo watched as the pawed stallion came into view and he cocked his head and fluttered his wings behind him as he watched him stop. At least he wasn't charging him like some maniac. The young colt danced a little nervously on his feet and watched the massive beast with curious green eyes. "Well... I didn't stop because of you." Well, he sort of had, but it wasn't the stallions fault. He had heard a noise and had wanted to see what it was. "I'm just playing by myself anyway." He said a little sheepishly as he looked at the water for a moment, his tail flicking behind him in the water.

He spotted the large busy tail behind the stallion and grew instantly curious about it. He had a unique tail like he did! While they weren't the same they were still something that were different from the hair that was typically in place where his fined extension is. "I'm Marengo." He said when the stallion introduced himself as Ashitaka. At least he seemed friendly. At least he didn't think he was pretending to be nice or anything just to get him to come closer. He was certain the stallion could have easily overtaken him had he wanted to, and he typically trusted his instincts.

"There was a large bird over here earlier but he left." Green gaze looked around for any sign of it but didn't see it anymore. "He said he might come back?" He gave a shrug of his shoulders and focused his attention on the stallion. "You have such a nice tail! It's unique, like mine." He exclaimed gleefully as he lifted it to show the male with a bright smile on his face. While it wasn't the same it was still something they could perhaps talk about? Maybe he'd make a new friend, even though the stallion was an adult.

He walked a couple steps closer to the male and then heard the sound of something behind them and turned to see the stark white mare standing there. She looked menacing and all thoughts of the male being foreign dashed from his mind as he quickly got closer to the stallion and moved a little behind him. "I think I'm going to stand right here." He said looking up at him with a shy smile. While he didn't know the stallion very well, or at all really he hoped he wouldn't just leave now. That mare was scary.

Though he could just fly away, he had wings after all. "Who are you?" He called out to her from his safe spot behind the large male. Swallowing a lump in his throat he wished his parents were here right now.  
PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 10:19 pm
He was glad that the young colt hadn't stopped on his account. He should enjoy life and have fun without interruption. Well, anymore interruptions that is. He frowned slightly when he said he was playing with himself, that was never fun. A young colt such as himself should have friends! Or siblings even to play with. Ashi felt remorse for his own foal hood, as his brother had been snatched away from him by a winged beast. He was still determined to track the creature down and find his brother, if it was the last thing he ever did in his life. "What were you playing? If you don't mind me asking that is." He inquired curiously since the young colt seemed interested in him at least. Not that he would have been disappointed had the foal run off. Sometimes it was good to be cautious.

"Marengo is a nice name. It's interesting, though my name is probably just as interesting to you." He said with a small chuckle. This was the first foal he had interacted with since he was but that size himself so this was a bit new to him. Not that he didn't like foals, he wanted to have a family one day himself, it was just a bit strange since he wasn't really sure what to do at the moment.

When the youngster got excited about his tail he couldn't help but grin, this was truly a first for him. While his tail was unique it wasn't that uncommon. But this foal was young so it wasn't likely he had seen many besides his own, especially if his parents had similar features. "You have quite a nice tail yourself, at least yours can get wet and enjoy it. If my tail gets wet it just gets droopy and mangy looking." He said with a laugh at the thought of his tail being all sloppy and wet. "I'm not entirely familiar with your features though." He said looking at his tail.

However the foals quick movements to hide behind him caused him to focus his attention on what had startled the foal his way. Just by looking at her he knew she wasn't one to be taken lightly and he shield the young colt behind him in a protective manner. He had half a mind to tell him to go to his parents since it was likely they were withint close proximity. Watching the way she moved he could tell she was a predator, one who liked to hunt. He killed for food at times, but never his own kind. She, on the other paw, screamed the type to kill for sport and this whole situation just fit the bill. "I'd watch yourself." He said in a deep voice, a slight growl behind it as he watched her.  




Winter Wolf




Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 6:27 pm
She couldn't help but feel her muscles ripple beneath her flesh at the thought of tearing into the young foal. Young ones were always the best and she gave a wicked smile as she looked the two of them over. "Who I am isn't much of a concern to you my little pet." She hissed in an almost seductive yet creepy manner. "All you need to know is that you might not go home today." She added looking at the large stallion who had suddenly decide to assert himself between Marengo and her.

Leukos watched the scenario from his perch and kept himself out of it for the most part. He was honestly just here if someone ended up dying. A birds gotta eat after all!

She gaze a sideways glance towards the Raptor and then turned her gaze back to the stallion. "What are you going to do about it, Hunter." She hissed at him, her tail whipping back and forth behind her in a menacing manner.  
PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 6:29 pm
Marengo was starting to grow scared of the whole scenario. He didn't know what to do and didn't just want to run away like a coward though he honestly believed no one would call him that in this case. He didn't want that thing to follow him home and hurt his family. So he had to stay until it left on it's own.. "Is she going to eat me?" He asked the stallion in a somewhat shaky voice, his wings fluttering nervously on his back.

- - - - - - - -

Ashi looked down at the foal, "Not while I'm here she's not." He gave him a reassuring smile and then returned his focus back to the carnivore. "If you leave now we won't have to end this in an ugly manner." He meant what he said, he didn't give idle threats. His tail swished behind him as he eyed her up and then eye'd up the bird. It looked to him it was going to stay out of this, which was good since he didn't want to have to focus all his attention on two different subjects. "I think you should take my offer." Not that there was a choice for her, he would defend this foal with his life if need be.  




Winter Wolf




Winter Wolf

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2017 6:30 pm
She almost laughed out loud but snorted instead. "What do you think you can do against me wretch." He had no armor, scales or weapon. She would devour him too if he stood against her. Though she was starting to seriously consider if this was going to be worth it. She knew she would take some damage if they fought, and there was a chance she wouldn't kill him and he'd flee with the foal then she'd be left without any food and have injuries. This whole thing was not working out like she had hoped. "You better make this up to me." She hissed at the bird in the tree who gave her a 'he wasn't here when I was here' sort of look. She eye'd the foal and wanted to rip his wings off so bad but when she gazed back at the pawed stallion she knew that today was not her day. She knew when she had the upper claw and right now she didn't.

"You better watch your back. Cause I know I will be." She toyed with them as she gave a glare towards Leukos. "Let's go you useless bird." She growled at him and turned off and walked away.

- - - - - -

He knew there wasn't a great deal that he could do against her but he knew the'd be able to at least give the foal a fighting chance to flee, which was all he hoped for if this went south. However it would seem that his standing against her had been just enough of a deterance. Typically most predators wanted an easy meal and he had just made this whole situation the exact opposite. "Shall I walk you home?" He offered the young foal when the female was gone from sight.

- - - -

Marengo stood frozen in fear, unsure of what to do. So far the male hadn't told him to run or anything so he remained glued to his side the best that he could be. When the white mare decided she had enough of this situation and left he felt himself instantly relax and he looked up towards Ashi and gave a nod of his head. "Yes please... I don't want to go home alone if she's around." He didn't want to think of what would happen if she were to catch him off guard.

- - - -

Ashi gave him a little hug with his bushy tail. "Come then. Lead the way and I'll be right beside you." He said nudging the small colt into action.

- - - -

Marengo nodded his head and took lead and led the two of them in the other direction. He didn't want to head just straight home so he knew of a few ways to go. He wondered if he should tell his family about what had happened and then realized that was a silly question, of course he would have to tell them. Especially if she was going to be lurking around. With that in mind he set course and the two set off to take him back to his family.

- - - -

Giving one last look around he followed behind the foal into the forest.  
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