Onibi placed his hands on the small of his back and pushed. His spine popped and shifted, the tension that had been building there all afternoon dissipating. A dull throb behind his eyes quickly chased off any relief. He'd just left his last class of the day, a double ----. An hour of being stuck in a tiny, deceptively cheery looking room filled with common monsters. The smell alone had yet to clear from his nose.

He gave a vaguely humanoid-shaped blob a sneer as he continued past the monster dorms and towards the lake. There were few students roaming about at this time, most choosing to immediately return to their dorms or the Creepateria before venturing out for any recreational activities.

A fact that suited Onibi just fine as he ducked into an alcove made of various muddy colored water reeds. Summoning a small lantern to chase away the few lingering shadows Onibi crouched down, rolling on the balls of his feet and skimmed his palm just over the surface of the lake.