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[PRP] Who's There? (Kuwanyauma x Ferian)

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Accursed Cat

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 10:28 am
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The weather had been truly beautiful today. The sun was bright and shining and the air was just right: not too hot or too cold. It would have been a perfect day to find this white horned mare in the blue skies above! Where was Kuwanyauma today? On the ground of course. Her beautiful tail flicked and swayed behind her as she lumbered along the land, enjoying the feel of the soft grass against her hooves. If one listened close, they would hear a cheerful hum to a song of lore that seemed to keep in time with the sway of her tail. Her spirits could not be any higher nor her guard any lower.

Time had been devoted to go to the meadow bright and early with no luck in finding another to talk to that day so odds were in fair of moving into the forest and trying there. This was her ultimate destination and her goal though one would not suspect that she even had a goal in mind. Today Kuwanyauma seemed to practically glow with her carefree nature, lost in hum and sway, as she moved into the treeline. Her golden eyes kept to the path ahead of her or rather the faint pathway. It felt as though it was not as common for most to come this way but that did not phase her. She was truly in a great mood and nothing could stop that! Her attention though was far from focused.

Beams of light pierced through the tree canopies creating spots of light, and provided more than enough to be able to see fairly well within the forest. Her ears perked up. There was a sound of running water. Perfect! She had just needed a drink to refresh her after such a pleasant walk. Finally her pleasant little hum had come to an end as her head lowered to the cool stream she had found. It was only at that moment did she take time to pay attention to her surroundings, or rather more attention, which wasn't much but at least now she was listening for another, even if her eyes were upon the water below alone.

Rinial Sisterdragon
Hope this is okay; Thanks so much for rping with me and for the surprise!!!! >w< SO excited
PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 12:23 pm
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The sun was shining the air was decent, and he was busily wondering exactly HOW he'd gotten caught up in this many vines during his less than graceful landing. Ferian had never been this much of a klutz, but his brain was a buzz with having found part of his family. She wasn't exactly the sweetest mare ever, but when she laughed she was downright awesome. And her sense of humor was great.

He had a sister, and after having been...well shunned by his mother for his twisted horn, and evil looking eyes, it was nice to find some family that didn't want to chase him off for being so weird.

Pulling his mind from these random thoughts, he focused on his current predicament. He needed to get out of this tangle and get moving on other things. But how? He was perched upside down, nearly like a bat and that was a terrible position for a sorta alicorn to be in.

His ears perked, someone was humming, decently close by! Oh but they could be something that would want to eat him... Uuuuuuhgh. He'd just have to take the chance.

"Excuse me!!? I am terribly in need of assistance!!" He only hoped his voice carried far enough to get to whoever was humming, "HELP!"

WC: 217


Rinial Sisterdragon

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Accursed Cat

PostPosted: Sun Mar 06, 2016 8:14 pm
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Just before reaching the stream for her drink, something captured her instantaneously. A sudden noise brought her entire being to freeze and fall silent as ears perked up high, her front left hoof raised in the air mid step. What? Her head turned this way and that. Was.. was that a voice? Her golden eyes fell upon an interesting sight. Oh yes it had been a voice for sure! So many questions flooded her mind as she took a sight that was completely new to her and was sure to leave quite the impression: a winged horned soul trapped in vines.

Usually, Kuwanyauma would take her time to approach new souls but this one was captured and sounded like they could be in some discomfort. "Um, hello?" The female gently called out to him. "Are you hurt?" She could barely contain herself with all the questions that raced through her mind. "How in the world did you end up like this?" The blue mare slowly walked around the bundle of equine that nature had snagged for itself. Only after a full circle and examination of the entire vine package did she stop to look at this one's face and he would see the concern reflected. "Shall I try to get you down?" From what she could see, it would only require a few very careful snaps of vines to break him free but she felt it was important to not startle him further.

WC: 243

Rinial Sisterdragon
Sorry for the delay!
PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 10:18 am
Ferian twitched a wing as the newcomer popped around to observe his current situation. He gave a relieved look with the fact it was not someone who looked as though they'd eat him. Not a skinwalker, making things far easier.

At her questions he gave a rakish smirk, "Not hurt. So good on that." With a casual sort of tone, "This...well it's a new form of landing that I just came up with!" He looked at the vines, "You know, I don't even believe me on that. I klutzed. I would say it takes a specific skill to do this, however...I'm pretty sure just dumb luck is what happened." He chuckled.

"I would be most appreciative if you were to assist me in getting out of this mess. I was on my way to gather some supplies for my recently found family member, and any help out of this...failed landing would be amazing." He shifted slightly making it easier to spot exactly which vines would release him from the trap he'd tangled himself in.

WC: 177

No worries. It took me forever to get him to behave long enough to make a reply myself. >.>;

Rinial Sisterdragon

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Accursed Cat

PostPosted: Mon Apr 18, 2016 12:24 pm
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Relief rested over her concerned expression when the black-horned stallion had assured that he was not hurt. Golden eyes blinked before she laughed a bit and smiled. Even in such a topsy-turvy situation he seemed in good spirits and that gave her a bit of hope that he was not one of the mentioned shadows that she had heard of. She didn't know what a soquili who wanted to harm another would look like but she knew they wouldn't be such a bright soul like this one seemed to be.

Kuwanyauma gave a happy nod as she looked him in the eye. "I will do my best. I apologize now if I bring you any discomfort or harm but you are the first I have ever had to cut out of a tree like this before." She shifted around to where he had moved and spotted what looked like a tiny opening among all the vines. Her wings opened and lifted her a bit in the air to give her a better view and allowed her to get above this spot. It was there that she carefully angled her head, allowing her horn to pierce through and with a quick thrash away from him, one vine snapped free. Her golden gaze looked back and she sighed a little with disappointment. Of course it would take more than that or else he would have been freed sooner by his own horn. It was nice to dream that it would be simple.

The mare spotted a few vines near the male's side that looked more promising to grant freedom. "Please excuse me." It was not a place where her horn could wedge in so that meant she had to use her teeth this time. The thought alone made her wings flutter a little against her back but she did say 'excuse me' so it wasn't rude right? She carefully leaned in and bit through two vines at the same time. There were several snaps and a few vines fell away free but there was still a stubborn one.

She smiled warmly to mask away her frustration, "You will be in for a slightly bumpy landing. Please brace yourself." She flew up to where the vines were closest together in their binding and bit through all of them at once, releasing its captor. This would have been the smartest, fastest way to free him of course from the very beginning but being quick witted was not Kuwanyauma's strongest nature by any stretch of the mind.

WC: 422

Rinial Sisterdragon
>W< I'm so happy you reminded me of this! sorry for the delay - need to hire better internet providers @_@
PostPosted: Wed Apr 20, 2016 9:10 am
Ferian was glad to have the assistance, after all she seemed helpful rather than completely incompetent. That was a good sign right?

Her voice seemed to be tentative as she spoke, he simply nodded to her apology, minor discomfort from getting the hell out of his current state would be far better than simply staying there as a well packaged meal for some large predator. He tried not to smirk at her minor attempts to get him free. Granted some of the lower vines did look promising, but they really weren't. She soon discovered this and was seemingly thinking on more of where it would be best to get him out of this mess.

He held back a chuckle as the blue mare shifted and tried something closer to his side, again proving fruitless she seemed to be frustrated with the state of his entanglement. Again she was quite polite even in her state of frustration, "It's alright. I know I've made a horrid mess of things." He gave her an encouraging smile as she moved up to the top giving him a warning of needing to brace himself for the incoming landing. His ears flicked straight up as she went straight up to the vines start and cut them all at once.

The lightbulb had a moment as he watched the vines seemingly in slow motion release and begin to let loose. Ferian's flaming main floofed around his head as he plummeted, and though he tried to keep his legs and wings from splaying, they did twitch a bit. He cried out slightly as though he'd braced he still hit the ground decently hard. The second noise that erupted was from being pummeled by the the falling vines. He laid their and didn't move, assessing if anything had been broken in the collapse. Seemingly he had made it out with little to no damage, save for his pride and a few bruises. That was good news.

Taking it slowly, he shifted under the vines that somewhat resembled a pile of noodles on a plate covering some sort of roasted meat, "Well, now I'm not a packaged meal, I'm fully plated." He snickered as he managed to get righted and standing, vines still hanging from his form, now a tall, pale, winged stallion with bloody and flaming hair, strangely red eyes glanced at his side, "And now I look like a vine monster." He made a mock sort of rawr noise, then laughed, "Not a very good one though." He shook and busily worked on getting completely free of the vines, this was going to be a tale to tell his sister later on.

WC: 444

No worries. ^w^ Just glad to get to continue!

Rinial Sisterdragon

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Accursed Cat

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 10:46 am
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Such a friendly soul despite the predicament that he was in really surprised Kuwanyauma. How could he stay so nice and calm despite it all? These were the flittering thoughts that crossed her mind as he smiled and even seemed to be reassuring her to keep trying. However, the sound of him meeting the ground below made her wince and quickly glide over to his side. "I'm sorry there wasn't any way to keep you from this kind of landing. Were you harmed?"

His joke blasted away all her worry and couldn't help but to make her laugh at the plate remark. Upon his shifting and movement, those gossamer and feathery wings propelled her backward to give him the space to get up without any further collisions. She set down on her hooves to watch the male handle all the aftermath. Ku was about to ask what he meant by monster but his mock rawr made her jump and laugh. "I have to say you really handle ...unique... situations very well! I don't know many who could handle being transformed by a monster and still judge themselves." Ku mused with joy in her tone.

Her wings settled down against her back and carefully the blue mare leaned her head forward slightly to examine his newest obstacle: all those vines. "I must say it would seem you don't do anything the lazy way. Are your adventures always so full of thought and challenge?" A bright smile showed her entertainment but she wandered just a bit closer and used one wing to try and assist him in brushing off a vine or two.

WC: 271

Rinial Sisterdragon
<3 <3 <3
PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 2:04 pm
He grinned as she laughed at his comic relief, To answer what you first asked, I'm quite alright, just a bit bruised, and injured pride of course, but that's normal." He shook a bit more her assistance managing to knock off the last of the knotted bits. Stretching his wings he managed to get out from under his drapery.

"As to your next statement, one cannot go through life being serious the whole time, it makes things dreadfully dull, and well, when one gets handed lemons one should throw them at others." He gave a cheeky sort of wink as he was now free from his bonds, his hair was still mussed, but he was for the most part only slightly bruised as he said, "And to that last part, most days I find myself in a sort of predicament that can be a good one or a bad one." He chuckled, "Are you a good witch or a bad witch?" It was only amusing to him as his mind often thought of such things.

Giving a slight bow and flare of his wings, 'Now then, I am known as Ferian, might I inquire as to the name of my savior? I am most appreciative of not being left to be a skinwalker's packaged meal."

WC: 215

^W^ He's a dork. >W<;

Rinial Sisterdragon

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Accursed Cat

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 4:26 pm
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The mention of any sort of injury jerked her golden stare from his face to scan over his form with immediate worry. "It's normal for you to get bruised?" There was such sincere fret. "You must have an interesting job in life to acquire so many injuries." She did her best to smile to him. His freedom from the vines led to her stepping back from his form once more to ensure personal space had been reestablished for him. Her wing rested against her back once more as she lifted her gaze back to his face to focus on his words.

Such a pleasant outlook on life could only brighten her expression. This male seemed to be an interesting fellow to say the least but his carefree antics sparked life so it was not without purpose. "Hm.." Her thoughts had brought her to view him as a bit more clever than her initial observation. Such thoughts were only expressed through her smile. His first question pulled her free from thought and made her laugh and shake her head a bit, the gold stars in her mane clicking as she did so. "Oh now you surely jest good sir. For you see," Her wings opened for dramatic effect as she struck a small pose, her right front hoof lifting to angle in such a way, her head turned in the same direction with chin angled slightly downward to cast a sideways glance up to the male. "You are in the presence of a dream. Nothing more nothing less. You can decide if its a good dream or a nightmare." She then bursted into giggles and shook her head, retaking her regular stance as her wings refolded. "Ah the fun we had as foals!"

At his bow and flare of his wings she blinked and instinctively mimicked his gesture but lowering her head slightly more to show the upmost respect. "My name is Kuwanyauma but please feel free to call me Ku. I know it can be much easier to remember." She grinned to him. Her voice dropped to a whisper, "A skinwalker is interested in eating us?" It appeared not only was she new to the lands but a little naive with a dash of trusting.

WC: 375

Rinial Sisterdragon
Omg he's got me cracking up XD PRECIOUS PONY!
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