Jalur yawned and blinked looking around. From where the sun was in the sky he would guess that he had pretty well slept most of the afternoon away. Nothing wrong with that. He wondered how long ago all his siblings had gotten up and moved on to other activities.

Raising to his feat Jalur stretched with his front paws out and his rump in the air. It was such a good stretch that his petite body shook a little while he stretched. Now he needed to figure out what to do. His momma was surely busy with ruling the pride he would have to seek out someone to play with.

Teka had woken up far before Jalur. He enjoyed being up from sun-up to sun-down, looking at everything he could find. He wanted to absorb as much knowledge as he could. At the moment, however, the splotchy cub was pouncing on any bug that crossed his path.

He wanted to see if he could catch them unaware. So far, he had failed to catch any, but practice made perfect, and he was determined to get it right! Still, having spent most of the morning on the hunt, the cub sat on his rump, the bugs forgotten for the time being.

It didn't take Jalur long to find Teka. "Brother" Jalur called as he ran towards his brother though the snowy ground. Jalu loved the snow here it was fun when you could find the fluffy piles that you could run and jump into.

"Come play with me." he said coming up to his brother and pouncing on his tail. "I think there should be more snow piles and I want to play. Jular was a demanding and somewhat whiney cub, it came from getting his way to often, he was pushy that way.

Momentarily distracted from his musing, Teka looked towards the voice of his brother before grinning. He was excited! Most of their siblings were either still napping too, or off on their own adventure as he was. The cub bounced up, nearly bouncing right off the side of the mountain! Well, not really, but still! The excitement was there.

"You're awake! Yes, I'll play with you," He said excitedly. "What do you want to play?"

"I want to play snow jumping" Jular told his brother. It wasn't really a true game but it was fun none the less. "I saw some snow drifts piled up over by the alter." Jular told his brother as he turned to head in the directions of the alter.

"Hopefully no one is there praying right now" he said with a smile. Moving faster as he got closer to the alters he beamed with excitement when he saw no one at the alters. He began to run top speed and dove head first into a pile of fluffy snow. Poking his head back out the top he looked for his brother to be coming his way with laughter spilling from her.

Teka gave a laugh, looking towards the altars. They did look quite fluffy! He hummed, watching his brother run at full speed towards the fluffy piles of snow. He stood for a moment, giving his brother a headstart before chasing after the other.

He didn't have quite as much energy, however, as he had been up for most of the day already. Still, surely enough he dove into the snow poking his head out shortly after. Laughter bubbled in his throat as he looked at his brother's snow-covered mane-tuft.

Jular was excited when he saw his brother dive into the snow banks too, he began laughing even harder when he saw his brother come out of the bank covered in snow. He knew then that his momma would scold them for this as it was almost certainly going to result in little snow balls matted in their fur.

He climbed up and out of the bank, and slid down back to the ground. "I wanna go again. I am going to try to do a trick." Jular announced loudy. He backed way far up from the bank and began running full speed. As he approached he jumped into the air managing to twist a little landing on his back into the snow bank. It knocked the wind out of him but it was still fun "Umf" he said as he landed. "That was AWESOME" he yelled scampering quickly and turning over ready to do another trick.

Teka watched from the snow drift, though he had crawled out when he started to get cold. He watched his sibling back up and run again!

He gave a small laugh. It looked painful, though, and Teka didn't think he would try that particular trick! Still, he cheered loudly for his brother. "Any more tricks hidden in your paws," he laughed. He wasn't as adventurous with tricks as his brother, but he was willing to try a couple!

Jular laughed. "I think I have one more in me." he said pulling himself up and out of the snow bank again. Once he got down to the ground he went even further back than he had the first time.

Pausing to give himself a touch of confidence he needed to even attempt this trick Jular took two deep breaths and then took of running towards his snow bank. Before he could think too much about it he jumped up on a nearby rock which helped launch him higher in the air. He manged a full somersault before landing back in the snow.

"That was amazing!!" he said laughing though he could tell that last trick probably wasn't the best of ideas, his body was aching now.

"I think we should go home now." he said with a smile still on his face though his voice hinted at the pain he was in.

"Wow!" Teka exclaimed, watching his sibling jump into the air. "Amazing!" And it was! He definitely couldn't imagine doing that himself. He cheered for his brother, standing up, though, to make sure his brother was ok. The last trick already looked painful, and he doubted his one was any less so.

"We probably should," He agreed, nuzzling his brother a little as they headed home.