
Round two.

Her mind was blown by her last encounter at the border of her home. The female she had run into still hadn't voiced whether or not she was staying, though the answer could easily become a no. Rahisi was feeling rather triumphant though, she considered herself a survivor and of course, despite Throeks requests not to, she found herself back at the borders. This time though she didn't seek out the company of anyone, nor was she searching for anyone. This was to be purely research, but of course it never truly turned out that way.

Naive as all get out she still went ahead with it.

Grinsen stretched out his legs as he woke up from his nap. Ah, another day, another stretch of land to walk. The area he was in now was certainly more enjoyable than some of the other places he'd been in his lifetime. It was green, for one thing. Plants and grass grew among the scattered trees. There was a forest not far from where he had chosen to rest, but he wasn't too keen on exploring it just yet. There were mountains that were calling to him to get closer to.

He padded along after grabbing a drink, and it wasn't long before he spotted a lioness standing by her lonesome. Well well, he couldn't just let her waste her day like that, now could he?

"And what's a pretty thing like you doing out here all alone?" he asked as he drew closer, his signature smirk on his face.


Her voice nearly caught in her throat. "You've got some nerve." Rahisi put on a calm appearance though she was a little startled by the abrupt approach. Her uh-oh senses were tingling, but she wouldn't leave her ground. "If you have to know.. I am taking a gander at what lies at our border." There! Proud of herself at making the pridelands known she felt a smidge safer.

"I hadn't the foggiest I'd run into company though. So what, may I ask, are you doing out here?" Her tone was curious, but strict. It was almost as though she was playing at being a guard, though she was clearly not one.

Grinsen pulled his head up in surprise at the retort, but laughed a few moments later. Oh, she had a little bite to her. He could deal with that!

"Ah, a pride," he said, glancing behind the lioness. He had nothing against prides. He had been in one, in fact! And was looking to join another. Turning his attention back to the female, he rolled his shoulders in a bit of a shrug. "Oh, not much. Walking. Taking in the sights. I've never seen mountains before in all my years walking, so I was going to get a closer look."

The lioness' face screwed up into what was supposed to be a scowl, but her looks were to girly to truly bring a menacing look into the ring. Unscrewing her face she began a slow nod.

"Yes, the mountains were our home. Are our home. Once upon a while ago we made our life in there, not outside of its walls." Rahisi wasn't one to speak so freely, but if he was truly curious she would be happy enough to show him their home. What could one lion do to the pride? "Well, surely if you have been walking as much as I think you have been then would care to see the mountains up close and have a meal?"

Her sharp words faded for the moment. She was willing to play hostess, it'd be what Alduin would have wanted, it's actually likely what he would have expected. Rahisi hadn't seen a lion so enthralled by what others could offer as she had seen in the eyes of Alduin when they would settle upon a roguelander.

The quick change in tone made Grinsen grin once more. Ah, that was more like it. He found the company of others much more enjoyable when everyone got along. That didn't mean the grumpier ones were any less fun. They were just a different kind of fun. One that involved him laughing at their expense.

"If you'd like to show me I'd be happy to follow and see," he said with a little nod. "So long as rogues are permitted to come and go on your lands. I promise I won't ruffle any feathers," he added with a wink.

Rahisi made every attempt at a kind smile when the lion grinned. Her smile came off as a little awkward, but she mentally patted herself on the back for making an effort.

"Rogues are welcome. Of course so long as you don't do exactly what you just promised." Her awkward smile became a taunting grin after catching sight of the wink. "If you're lucky perhaps we will gain opportunity of seeking an audience with our leader." The lioness had begun to walk away - a path, shrouded by some foliage was her target and it appeared to lead all the way to the base of the mountain.

"The walk isn't nearly as long as it looks. But you will have to enjoy my simple company while we wander that way." Her grin continued. 'So what is your name?" Small talk, she'd get by.

"Ha...good. Lil' ol' me won't cause any trouble at all," Grin promised, drawing an 'x' over his chest. "Lead the way." He followed behind her, taking in the scenery as they went.

"Oh, how rude of me. I'm Grinsen," he said as she asked for his name. "And what is yours? Something as beautiful as you, I'm sure. "

Hey, getting his flirt on was his favorite part of any day.Couldn't blame him for having fun!

She noted his sense of humor as slightly darker than what she was used to, it was amusing. Nothing in comparison to some of the dry humor she'd grown up with. "Glad to have your promise. The sincerity was touching." A smirk replaced her grin, but quickly reverted back to it's original grin like state.

The flirting was unreal! Though, had he known her, he'd know she was awkward to court, something her mate had found out quite quickly. "Well, I'm not so sure about that, it's simple.. like me, but nothing more. "My name is Rahisi - you're company has been a pleasure so far, Grinsen."

"What are the roguelands like? Faudi, a councilmen of ours, was from there and speaks to some of his experiences. What are yours?"

Straight to the questions. She often wondered why others played around questions rather than answering them. It was a silly gesture to think others would be offended by such forwardness,

"Rahisi," Grin echoed, still grinning behind her. "A very pretty name, even if it is simple. Pretty things don't need to be complicated." It was always nice to see how different lionesses reacted to his flirtatious speaking. Some got embarrassed, some got angry, some flirted back, and then there were those like Rahisi who took it in stride and changed the topic. Very well. HE could talk about himself.

"Oh, it all depends on where you are in the rogue lands," he said as they walked. "Some places are wide open grasslands, others are deserts that stretch as far as the eye can see, some places are frozen and others are near the sea. I've seen one pride near one large mountain, but never have I seen these many all together."

The complients never seemed to stop. The smooth talking was absolutely unreal, but she never batted an eye. "Well thank you I suppose." Beyond that she didn't react, instead she was focused on his answers.

"My my, what a big world we have." Her face showed off the awe that she was feeling. The stories were never the same, though she had painted a pretty harsh picture of what she had thought roguelanders went through. Typically they were alone with no protection while they slept. No one to hunt for food and no one to cubsit. That was not a good way to live in her opinion, but that was it, that was just her opinion.

"It seems walks are much quicker when you have company."

Rahisi smiled as they approached her home. It wasn't quite at the mountains, though the great entrance could be seen from where they stood. Along with that they could see many openings to caves, the platform where the council and their leaders met, plus many pleasant decorations and faces. This was her home.

"Welcome to Dov Strunmah." Her words echoed the pride she felt for her home.

"It is quite big," Grin agreed. "And I feel like I've seen most of it now." He paused as they entered a clearing that was very much lived in, full of caves and lions and decorations. The gentle slope of the mountains began here and he looked up, up, up...

"Wow," he said softly, honestly at a lost for words for a few moments. "Nice place you've got here."

"Nice place indeed."

Her words were murmured, as though they were to herself and she had forgotten she had company. It was nice to see this perspective once in a while. The sheer mass of what was in front of them was unbelievable at times.

"If you'd like to get closer we can." Once she was out of her trance and found her voice she spoke. "You're more than welcome to venture closer, I have an errand to run, should anyone ask about you let them know to see me. Do anything to 'ruffle feathers' and I'll personally have your head." She smiled quickly, not believing she had forgotten, how rude of her on multiple accounts!

"Please enjoy yourself."

Quickly as their encounter had begun seemed to be how quickly it was bound to end. She felt bad, but not entirely as bad as she would feel if she missed her time with Throek.

"Ha...noted, Rahisi," Grin said as his guide scampered off, leaving him at the foot of the mountains. WEll...he had wanted to climb them and there they were. He padded forward, glad to have met the lioness but more excited about getting to see something new. Perhaps he'd be able to see some areas that might be good to call home from way up there.