Word Count: 1022


The voice that damn near curdled his blood every time he heard it, yet it also set his heart a flutter. But what had he done now? Their relationship was still new, young and crippled by the need to do well for one another, Rahisi could be demanding, but Throek was a tough fellow. "Rahisi?"

His voice nearly betrayed him, nearly left him vulnerable. Fortunately it held strong. "Have you bothered finding us a den on the outside?" She emphasized 'outside' unnecessarily in his eyes, but he needn't be surprised. It was clear that Rahisi didn't trust the outside, but she was also a curious creature. The fear had not stopped her from venturing where he didn't think she should. "Well cmon now, out with it!" She was also the only lioness to have put a startled look on his face. Perhaps this was why he had accepted her as a mate, an equal, someone to him in his place.

"Calm down, take a breath... That's right, in and out." If looks could kill, Throek would have been a dead man. He held back a wicked snicker and playful grin. "You're sure you are ready to move out of the safety of our walls and into the big dangerous world?" The playfulness wasn't as charming as Throek thought it was, this left for an unamused Rahisi glaring at him.

"You try my patience Throek, you really do."

"What was that sweetheart? I love you too.."

Throek shook his head, he couldn't get his mind wrapped around the idea of life had become for the pride. Him and Rahisi were adapting, at least beginning to, most other had done the same, but some were still sheltering themselves. Giving his head another shake he reminded himself that that was not his issue and that he hadn't any need to fret over such things. "Rahisi, what do you want to move?" He stared, a paw about to grab things, but he paused. Had she intended to take it all? Surly not!

"All of it."

"You can't possibly be serious!"

He shouted this, half heartedly. Somewhere deep within he wasn't nearly as surprised as he should have been. This was a big time for everyone and the very first move for Rahisi. Her attitude would likely be a 'I can't possibly live without any of this' so on and so forth. It was unnecessary, but yet here he was wrapped up in countless piles of leather material, various accessories that she held so dear and more. Oh the things he did for her!

"Are you going to be helping me?"

"Do you think I am a pack mule?" Her head shook a little, but her lips played a mischievous grin that couldn't have been there more than a millisecond. Though he was sure he saw it.

"Did you.. did you just TEASE me?"

Shock shook him, not quite to the core, but enough he almost had to take a step back. Here she was, staring at him, taking in what he had become. Which was exactly a pack mule. Was this all a game that he had been played into? Throek couldn't believe it, his simple and dutiful mate was being so conniving. This was a side he simply didn't see very often. It was utterly attractive.

"My my, someone woke up on the sassy side of the cave this morning." He bumped his rump to make sure everything was set correctly on his sides and back. All this was beginning to make a hunger stir deep in his gut. Though deep as it was a growl was still heard clear as day. Rahisi turned to stare at him. "You haven't eaten yet?" The sweetness he was used to seeing play across her eyes returned as quickly as it had gone. She was sincerely concerned that he hadn't eaten. Perhaps one of the great things he admired her for. Everything else set aside, she cared. It was honest too, nothing shady.

"Don't you worry about this gut of mine, we've spent longer between meals, you're sweet to worry though."

As though the words triggered something in her she turned tail and was quick to swish a little sass back at him again.

"Fine. Well this 'sweet' lady is going to find herself a nice piece of meat while you prance about and decorate a den."

A giggle could be heard and Throek wasn't about to get left behind for a meal, that was not his idea of a good time. In fact any meal missed was quite blantantly a sin. He wasn't about to commit to such treachery. That in mind he remembered his haul. That wouldn't quite work out, not in his favor anyway.

"First, join me."

His words caused the lioness to pause before leaving.

"Help me get this off of my back and I'll ensure you have the finest food for this evenings meal."

He smiled as he saw a glimmer in her eye that told him he had found the right form of bribery. This was enough to really catch her attention. "Fine." She retorted, a glance back at him told him he had hit it. "You win this time Throek. I will help unpack, perhaps even help you find a nice piece of meat. That may also include my rather hard to get company." Rahisi smirked. She began towards the opening of the walls, the opening that let through plenty of moonlight. It would be a nice evening, calm and uninterrupted.

Once they reached their den, the place they meant to call their own outside of the walls, they unpacked and to his surprise she spent most of the time arranging items and making it nice. This was pleasant, he needed the time to unwind in a friendly atmosphere. Of course before they considered getting to friendly - if you know what I mean - he did make a promise. There would be food had and they'd be merry, that was his promise,

"Come along Rahisi, we have a meal waiting for us."

And so they left to have that meal.