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(some back log)

The sky festival had been quite fun for Amitola, but she hadn't made it as far as she had liked. She did fairly well, she thought, only making it to the second round, however. She flicked her tail as she moved around the Festival. Her brother had done even better than she, and she was proud of him, though would have found it much more pleasing to have actually beat him. Though one of the males who he had beaten caut Amitola's eye.

Her family knew his, and she had seen him every festival, but never actually talked to him. She was friends with some of his siblings, but too shy to approach the lad. Today was the day. Her confidence was built up, and she would introduce herself more than just Shy little Amittie. She really wasn't shy, in fact, he was the only one she had ever been shy around.

Finally, there he was, as she moved towards him. She tried not to make it obvious that she was looking for him. "You didn't do too bad, Kaneonuskatew" She said with ease. She hadn't realized how easy it was to actually speak. Her heart was pounding, however. She was sure he could hear it within her chest, but he seemed to go unnoticed. "It's a shame you didn't beat my brother, however." She said with a smirk. "Maybe next time."

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Kane was rather surprised that Amitola was even speaking to him, let alone taking notice into his match up with her brother. He chuckled. "It was a close match, for sure." It really wasn't. Kane had been very sloppy. But he wasn't going to admit that. He gave a shrug. "I'm sure I'll beat him next time!" He said, though he was more than sure that his best friend would end up beating him just as bad as before.

"You didn't do so bad yourself." He said. Even though she didn't get very far, she put a lot of heart into it. At least, from what he could see. Though, he hadn't watched much of the matchings between others. He was more focused on his own work. Of course, he wouldn't tell her that. It was strange seeing her there looking at him with such confidence. It was a side he had not seen from her ever. "How have you been?" He asked her trying to keep the conversation going.

She shrugged and grinned. "I can't complain." She could still feel her chest pounding, but it was slowly becoming less noticeable for her. She was relaxing a bit more. Still more nervous that she should be. Why hadn't she talked to him sooner? Probably cause her brother and him were normally around eachother. Or it could be the fact that she was fascinated with him. More so than she would have ever admitted to anyone, even herself.

"And yourself? It's been a bit since the last I've seen." She said keeping it casual. "You shouldn't be such a stranger." She said to him with a giggle. Of course, it was her that was the one that made them strangers, wasn't it? She couldn't remember if he actually took interest in ever trying to talk to her. But that was boys for you, wasn't it?

"Would you like to go for a walk." She asked. The noise from everything around them was kinda annoying. Perhaps a nice walk away from the crowd would be better. No one to over hear them, no one to bug them. Yes, please say yes.

"Amitola," He started with a smirk. "You're full of surprises today." He had to say. Not that he minded at all. She was fairly pleasant to look upon. Today she seemed to shine quite well. He couldn't say he minded this side to her. "I wouldn't mind going for a small walk." He said with a chuckle. He didn't think they could escape for long before someone found them, however.

He stood to his feet waiting for her to start moving. She was the one that offered, so he'd let her lead the way. She wasn't a little cub anymore, she had grown into a fine lioness. "You've changed." He said. Of course, he didn't really know her as well as his sisters did. "I mean, from what I've known of you" he mumbled.

The words he spoke made her heart beat faster. "Is.... that bad?" She asked him as they started to walk. Her leading the way around the festival, not really leaving the area, but walking past lions that were talking and catching up. Families that hadn't seen each other for a while, and lions that were just now getting to know each other. Festivals were most the time very joyous. She loved them. She loved seeing new faces, seeing old faces, and just the whole pride getting together.

If it was up to her, they'd happen all the time. "I just feel we haven't gotten to know each other very well," She started. "And seeing that our families are pretty close, considering, I feel it's time that we fix that." She said with a smile. Perhaps that came off too strong.

He shook his head. "Nothing of the sort." On the contrary, he liked it. He smiled and nodded at what she had to say. "I suppose that is a good reason" He had known that their families were friends. In fact, his mother knew their father. He was glad that they knew each other. They walked for some time without any words spoken. He wasn't sure what to say. It was almost awkward trying to start a conversation, sometimes it was better to just enjoy the company.

"The festival turned out fairly well" He noted. He couldn't help notice how happy everyone was, and he couldn't help notice some new faces here and there. Some he hadn't seen before, some he hadn't seen for a while. He looked towards her and smiled. "Though, unless you want lions to start talking, we should probably head back to our families." He said with a chuckle.

Not that he cared, but he didn't want them to get the wrong idea. Amitola was just his friend's sister... Right? "It was good seeing you."

Silence wasn't something she liked, but every time she wanted to say something, it got caught in her throat. It was nice just walking with him, at least. She smiled and peeked at him from time to time. Then.... It was to end so soon.

He spoke, and she felt like she did something wrong. Crap, she did, didn't she? "Oh.. Right," She started. "Don't want gossip to go around." she laughed nervously. She didn't even think about that. Not that that really mattered to her. They could talk all they wanted. "It was good to see you." with that, she watched him slink back towards where ever he was going. She felt her heart sink just slightly.

She didn't even try to stop him... What was wrong with her. She gave a sign, and headed where she knew her brother was, maybe he'd give her some pointers.
