The pale male was enjoying the cool weather, though it was something that wasn't really he hoped to have to keep having to get used to. He was finally heading on his way home after taking a very nice lioness to visit her family in the pridelands. He was fairly certain he was heading in the right direction, but who really knew. His blue eyes scanned the area for any predators or even someone to talk to and so far he wasn't seeing anyone and this was good and bad. Because he really would like for someone to talk to, perhaps share part of his journey with. Wither way he was just wandering along just hoping to get home in one peice. He missed his siblings and his mother. But mostly his sister. He knew soon enough they would all be reunited again and this was the only thought that kept him going.

Whether her family liked it or not, Lykke was growing up. She'd met some friction with her grandfather when she'd first decided to branch away from the pride for her first solo mission, but Lykke was glad to have gone. The air felt crisper now that she was away from home. For now the whole experience was still sparkling and new for her, untainted by sour experiences, which left her feeling rather chipper.

Crossing into the more open territory, Lykke took off at a jaunty run. "This. Is. Awesome!!!!!" She screamed, then let out a loud bout of laughter. No one knew her so she didn't have to behave or keep herself in line.

He paused in his steps for a moment when he heard a feminine yell and looked around for the owner of the voice. It didn't take him long to see Lykke running around and figured it had to be her. Heading in her direction he couldn't help but smile at her enthusiasm. "Hello!" He said a little loud to the lioness. He liked her little patch mark on her side. "What are you doing running around out here sreaming like that?" He said with a laugh. It seemed rather odd one would do that. It drew to much attention to their location and he didn't want anything bad to come this way.

She was still bounding across the clearing when a louder voice drew her attention. Lykke's steps came to a slow jog, eyes transfixed by the stranger. There hadn't been many times in her young life that she'd seen a hybrid, let alone anything that wasn't a lion, so the sight only made her smile brighten.

"Hello!" She made a half circle around him with a little bounced in her step. "Why not? It's a great day and this is a great place. It's hard to just sit back, you know?" Of course she could have taken a nap to enjoy the day, but Lykke wasn't some old crone. She needed to embrace the day and all of it's wonders!

It seemed that she finally caught his attention and brought herself towards him with a bright smile. He cocked his head slightly when she asked why not. "Well, you don't want to draw too much attention to yourself, there are dangerous things out here." He said to her looking around. "Though I do have to agree with you, it is a great day and a very nice place to just kick back and relax." He said to her. "What were you planning on doing out here? Perhaps I can go with you." He suggested.

"What, like hyenas?" Lykke snorted and shook her head."Trust me, I've got them covered. Besides, I'd go nuts if I had to keep quiet all the time. " She stopped her jog and stood as tall as one could at her age, eyes wide with wonder. "Well...I don't really know where I'm going. I'm just getting the 'lay of the land', I guess, since I'm a Messenger for my pride. It's gonna be my job to relay information to other prides and bring in stuff from the outside world. It's my first time out on my own." Her chest puffed up a little, filled with pride. "What about you? So bored you wanna go with a stranger?"

Well, he wasn't nearly as big as her so he was at a disadvantage, though he was quick and could climb trees quite well. "well, if you say you've got them then I believe you." He said looking at her. So she was a messanger that sounded like fun. "That sounds like a good job." He said to her with a smile. "I'm just out and about seeing what else is out here. I'm a Healer apprentice for my pride." he said to her with a proud grin. "And i wouldn't say i'm bored, I just like to travel with others."

"It's a lot cooler than being stuck at home all the time." Lykke curled her lip, as if the thought was just as distasteful as week old meat. Her parents may have preferred her to take on a scouting role, or even that of a guard or a soldier, but Lykke was happier this way. "Oooh, that's nifty. Do you have to be an apprentice for long?" That part sounded kind of boring to her, though she didn't have a problem with the healing bit.

"Whelp, guess we'll be traveling then, mister. The name's Lykke, and your name isssss?" She quirked a brow, dramatically trying to coax it out of him.

He had to agree with her on that aspect. "Well, I'm actually about to move up to the next rank! So I realy didn't have to apprentice very long at all." He said with a happy smile. "It makes me happy that I'll be able to help those that are injured or sick." He said proudly. He was honored to be given such a job in his pride.

"I have no qualms with us traveling together." He then realized he hadn't introduced himself until she beat him to the punch. "Hi Lykke, I'm Viherminttu, but you can call me Viher for short if you like. It is quite a mouthful you know." He said with a chuckle.

Lykke quite liked the idea of moving up in rank. She hadn't been in her apprenticeship for long, and the idea of staying there for an extended amount of time put a sour taste in her mouth. "I'm sure you'll be an awesome healer. You're really friendly, so even if you suck at your job at least your patients will feel at ease." She was trying to be perky, really she was, but Lykke's compliments were off the mark. "Viher...Vihermin...Yeah, I'll stick with Viher." She grinned. "Well, come on Viher, let's get a move on!" The young lioness bounced on alternating paws before taking off at a jaunty sprint, looking over her shoulder only to make sure he was coming. This was going to be great!

"Thank you!" He said to her kind compliment. He hoped he would turn out to be an amazing healer as well. He chuckled at the rest of her words and then smiled when she tried to pronounce his name. It's why he usually just gave a nickname. "Okay! I'm right behind you!" He said as he folloed behind the young lioness.