Basha was settling into her new role as the Matron of the pride. Her mother had retired from the role and Basha had to step in and fill the spot. It was a job that Basha loved but she was cautious she knew that she had awfully big paws to fill.

On top of that Basha was learning to deal with the fact that her stomach was growing larger. She had been in denial the first few weeks after Gele had left the pack, but it was something she could no longer deny she was pregnant. She had no idea what she was going to do. In the meantime she had been avoiding most of her family.

Ziemia was new to the pack, only just settling in. It was weird, really, being away from his mother, but he found it was finally time to strike out on his own. He was directed towards the pride by a traveller, who he happened to speak to.

He had taken the job as a hunter, unsure of his others skills. He could hunt, though, and that was good enough for him. The male would take his role seriously. It was a nice day, though, and Ziemia found himself wandering the pack, exploring his new home.

Basha has slowly made her way down to the river. With her stomach growing it also seemed that the female wild dog was constantly hot. She wasn't sure if she was really showing much yet, she was sure the wild dogs that knew her best in the pack would be able to tell but perhaps not random strangers yet.

Basha was a little out of sorts with this whole pregnancy. She was happy to become a momma but also a little sad that things weren't going according to plan like she had hoped. She had meant to be mated, madly in love before she got herself with pup. She let out a great sigh before she ducked her head under the water enjoying the cool water washing over her.

It didn't take long for Ziemia to get to the center of the pack lands. The lands were quite large, and he decided to use it as his starting point each day to help find his way around. He didn't quite know what to expect when he got there, however. He definitely didn't expect to see a grey dog plunging under the water! He rushed to the shore, searching the water for any signs of the dog who went down.

Basha came up from underneath the water a large smile on her lips. She felt cool and relaxed now. It was wonderful how it cooled her down so quickly. She felt like a brand new dog. She started to tread water a little and was startled when she saw a male wild dog standing on the shore line. He was either a visitor or new to the pack and Basha had never seen him before. "Oh hello there." she greated him warmly. She considered for a moment to come over to the waters edge and actually get out to talk to him but then she decided she was much more comfortable in the water, not only would it keep her cool but hopefully it would hide her condition as well.

Relief pooled in Ziemia ' s belly as he watched the dog resurface. The river seemed really gentle against her as well, and he sighed with the relief he felt. He wasn't sure if he could help a dog that was drowning. He smiled as she greeted him, and he was suddenly struck with how pretty she wa he was almost flustered but he greeted her in turn, "Hello."

Basha was pretty sure the male was flustered and she was immediately worried that it was because of her swollen belly. Perhaps it was time that she told everyone. She tried to swallow back her nerves there was no point in fretting about it right now. "Are you new to our pack?" she asked him tredding back and forth in the water. It was doing great things to make her feel better. She would have to come here every day from now on she figured.

"I am, I haven't been here long," he told her. He watched her pace in the water. He didn't want to impose by asking what she was doing or asking to join her. "My name is Ziemia," he started again, giving her a polite smile that was barely covering his flustered expression. "May I have your name?" He hadn't met many others - the General, he had met, and the Alpha, but not many others so far. He wondered about her.

Basha finally started growing tired in the water and she moved towards the shore. She pulled herself back on land really feeling the changes in her body and the weight that had been added. She maintained a respectful distance from the male so that she could give herself a shake and get rid some of the excess water that was on her fur. "My name is Basha, I am the prides Matron. It is a pleasure to meet you Ziemia. Tang is an amazing pack, you wont find a better one any where else. Did you come from another pack or is this your first one?" she asked him interested in knowing ore about the male.

"This is my first," He said, watching her as she came out of the water. She was a little rounder than he expected, but he'd never seen a pregnant dog before so he didn't know any differently. "I travelled with my mom before, but she decided to keep going and I decided to settle down."

He'd been aching to settle down for a long time.

"It's nice to meet you, Basha."

Basha offered a kind smile as he explained his story. She was pretty sure that his eyes lingered on her second for just a moment longer than he would have thought normal but she pushed it out of her mind.

"Well Ziemia you could not have picked a better pack. I have to head back into the pack from some work things but how about tomorrow we meet here I'd love to show you around a little and get to know you better." she offered. She was surpried but the words as they came out of her mouth but as she said them she realized, she was lonely with Gele gone, perhaps Ziemia could become her friend. Through she was worried that when he found out she was pregnant her would high tail it away from her.

Ziemia gave her a bright smile. "I would love that, thank you," he told her. It would be nice to have someone that would show him around. "I'll see you tomorrow then," he told her kindly. He would explore on his own for a bit then. Perhaps he could even find something to show her! He doubted it though, but it was a nice thought. He bid her a farewell and made his own way into the trees neat the river.

Today, so far, was a good day. Tomorrow, though, would be much better.