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Awendela had been hearing some interesting rumors concerning a certain friend of hers. Namely that he was seeing out members of her family, most famously her parents, to ask about her. It made her feel anxious. The last person to show any interest in her had all but vanished, so what was she supposed to expect from this one? She needed to find him, and find out what he was trying to accomplish.

Granted, that would have been a lot easier if she could stop shaking so much. Each step was like climbing a mountain, even if it was flat ground. Maybe I won't find him. If I don't, then I won't have to ask.

Unfortunately, Tiela spotted the dark lioness almost right away. He hesitated, wondering if now was the right time to approach her. The young male licked his lips, his tail swaying from side to side anxiously while he tried to figure it out. Maybe....just maybe now was the time.

Puffing up his chest with false confidence, he strode over to her. Even for an ela Awen was small, something that he tended to forget until he was nearly upon her. Not that he was much bigger; average for a swampie, but large for an ela. "You look...really pretty, Awen."

Was it too much to hope for that he wouldn't notice me? She swallowed a lump in her throat, and looked up the length of his striped mane into Tiela's bright, young gaze. He was so much younger than her, practically a cub, but hadn't it been the same way with Azria? Except reversed? Her already dark cheeks hid the embarrassed flush well. "T-thank you, Tiela..." Awen's voice was barely above a whisper, and she had turned her eyes downward. "I-I heard that you...that you were looking for my father the other day." Just ever so slightly she lifted her head, looking at him through her mane.

"That's because I was." He answered boldly. Tiela had never been the most subtle of lions, and he wasn't going to start now. When she lowered her gaze the young male had to resist the urge to tilt her chin back up. She was so timid and meek...but he knew better. Tiela had seen her fight and knew there was a stronger side to her. If I can just get HER to see that...

"I asked him if it would be alright if I...could..." All at once he was overcome with anxiety. What if she said no? What if she laughed? or cried? or ran away? Or worse, what if she said yes? He'd never even been on a date before!

Awen wrinkled her brow, and sat up a little straighter. If she didn't know any better she might have thought something had bit into his tail, and froze him in place. He certainly looked like something bad had happened. "If you could what?...if you could court me?" It was a little old fashioned, though Awen knew what he was sniffing around for. Why else would a male go to speak to her father?

Maybe he's just a friend of papa. That would make sense, if he hadn't already been talking to other members of her family. Or...oh Gods, what if he wanted to ask one of her sisters? And she'd just....? "That's a funny joke, right? As if you would want to court me." She tried to laugh, but it was a nervous, tense thing.

Tiela was so stunned that no matter how he moved his lips he couldn't quite make the right words come out. "W-wa...wait just a minute!" He moved forward until he was so into her personal space that Awen looked very much like an antelope in a trap. "That's exactly what I wanted to ask you! You're the sweetest, bravest, most amazing lioness I know. Why wouldn't I want to court you? Hell, I'd call you my mate right now if you'd let me! I love you, Awen, I really do." He took a moment to breath and pulled back, though his intensity had yet to die down. He was simply too young and excited. "I think I've always known. When they said you were in love with someone else...well, I wanted to back down, but you said it yourself, he's gone. I know I wouldn't be your first pick, but maybe...maybe you'd like to try me for a second?"

Awendela felt like she couldn't breathe.

The panic must have shown on her face because Tiela took a few steps back, thank goodness! She tried her breathing exercises but it felt like a fools errand. "Tiela, really like me that much?" But what about Azria? If he even came back to her, she wouldn't be able to tell him how she felt because of Tiela...The struggle brought tears to her eyes. Why was it now, after all this time, she was able to recognize her feelings for the surly male? Right as soon as he was gone and another was in his place?

Although...she didn't want to be alone. She was already so lonely, and the thought of waiting longer killed her. No, she would just...she would just have to settle. "I can't...I can't say I love you, not yet, but I...if you like me that much then we can get married."

"I promise, you won't regret this. I'll make you the happiest lioness in the entire pride, Awen." If he had to give up his life to do so he would try. Awendela deserved to have someone at her side, and although she had as much said she was still in love with that other male, she had accepted his proposal. Maybe in time she would grow to love him; he severely hoped so.

He just wished she wasn't crying as she said it. A part of him felt guilty, like he was taking advantage of her, but this wasn't so bad, right...?

Awendela only nodded. Words escaped her at the moment as she tried to hold back the rest of her tears. This wasn't the time to be sad! She was going to have a strong, healthy, handsome mate to stand by her side. He was young and full of life, so why couldn't she smile?

"...We should go tell my parents. They'll be happy to know I'm moving out of the den." Even though she had already been shooed out from sleeping with Mama and Papa so that the younger ones could, Awen had always stuck close. So many things were going to be changing soon, and she wished her heart was in it.

He moved closer then, slowly, as if afraid she would pull away. When she didn't Tiela laid his forehead against her own, afraid too much intimacy would spoil the moment. She would come to see it his way in time. They could be happy together, they could have a strong love, just like her parents, if she would give him the chance.

And even though he knew she wouldn't say it back, he murmured, "I love you".

Marriage was both saddening and uplifting. A part of him wondered if this would be a mistake, if they should stop now, but Tielda didn't want it to end. He just wanted to be loved; what was so wrong with that?