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[AIM LOG w/ Painted Moose]

It hadn't been so very long that Tiela had joined the Mantis clan, and for the first time since the festival they had brushed up against another clan. For once he had others to talk to beyond the ones he normally traveled with, and while this should have been good for mingling, he found himself...saddened. The object of his affection was talking with old friends, which left Tiela to wander on his own.

Serves you right for not taking the time to make friends.

Even with all this distance between them he couldn't help pining over her. Tiela plopped down on the ground, head tilted to the sky with a deep sigh.

Normally one to stay within the area occupied by the wolf clan, Hatalekin had actually found himself branching out a bit further away from home. In his mind were the past events of the festivities and of all of the arrivals to the ela. Even more clearly were the potential ideas he was bouncing around in his head for future lessons with another member in his clan. Without realizing it he had started pondering over more and more ways to help introduce her to their language and to just...spend time together.

Truly without meaning to the lion was becomming really fond of the lioness.

Though as he walked Hatalekin found himself stumbling past another male and the male's sigh caught his attention, "Something wrong with the clouds?" He found himself teasing though worry danced in his gaze. Why such a sigh?

"They're too fluffy. It's going to be a beautiful day." Tiela answered with a grimace. He was so used to being around others that the presence of another hadn't startled him in the least. The younger male rolled his head back, turning it just slightly to take in the other male. Well, he's a dark one. Somewhat, anyway. "I was hoping for rain...something dark and dreary, so that I could spend some one on one time with...someone." Tiela straightened his head with a furrowed brow. What would his mother have done in this situation? Stay in the same den as her ex-mate and ******** another lion. Well, okay, maybe not that...

"Have you ever been in love?" He asked the other abruptly.

Hatalekin raised an eyebrow at the dismisal of lovely weather. I suppose not everyone wants a sunny day then. It was obvious that the male was torn up about something. A part of the lion wanted to laugh at the dramatic sense of the other Ela, but another part of him just watched with a calm gaze. So it was more of a protest then?

"It takes dark weather to spend alone time together?" Hatalekin gave a faint smile, "Then you really must wish for a good rainy week. Surely there's other ways to interact without needing the rain." Still at the other lion's abrupt question Hatalekin nearly stumbled, " love?" His indigo gaze widened, "I've never really....thought about it."

Love? How could he be in love without first....well....knowing really what it was?

He shook his pink streaked mane. "No! It's just...easier, I guess? It puts you together for a longer stretch of time without any interruptions." Tiela had remembered the way his older half-brother had spent the poor weather with his mates, and Tiela hadn't seen hide nor hair of him until the sunnier days.

"But you' old." Tiela gave Hatalekin a critical look, and leaned back, almost as if he had the plague. To the young male, who had barely become an adult himself, anyone of a mature age without love might as well have been spinsters. "No one has ever caught your eye? No one?"

Hatalekin smiled, "I suppose that's an ideal then for someone trying to get close. You must really want snow then. I hear the cold brings together couples well also." Though enjoying a lovely day out in the sunilght seemed much better to the desert lion. After all hadn't he spent many an afternoon like that with a friend of his?

Frowning at the age comment Hatalekin looked down towards the younger male. What am I a creakin' old male? Holding back a sharp laugh the lion just shook his head at the next question, "No I suppose I haven't had enough rainy days of my own for that." He replied smoothly, though his gaze shifted thoughtfully. Him, in love? He only had one female he cared about in his life....and he hadn't thought of her as more than a friend. Right? A really, really dear friend.

Of course! Why hadn't he thought about snow before? If he took her high enough into the mountains, then surely it would get cold enough to make a move...

"You need to get on that, before your fur turns grey and falls out." Tiela pointed out. He'd already seen it once in a male, and it was enough to put the fear of the Gods in the young male. "That's what I'm worried about. There hasn't been a female yet who hasn't ditched me at one point and I...really want to make this work." His mother, his sisters, his cousins, friends...Everyone had left at one point or another. Tiela's only true bonds were with males, but something about her made him want to try. "It's okay if you're afraid to talk to females; you'll come around one day."

The lion could only shake his head, "I suppose so? But I'll just let it come naturally. No point in chasing after things." Still he was hesitant. Why was she always popping up into his mind everytime this cub mentioned love? Alright, alright...

Hatalekin's expression softened as he listened to the other Ela, "You should take a few steps back then. If you let worry push you won't it feel too rushed? I always felt that romance should come more naturally and when the two parties like each other then they'll come to terms together. Approach her, but let her breathe a bit...I'm sure you'll find your answer." He smiled and waved a paw before the other lion could protest, "And it should come before gray fur."

He shook his head, "I'm not afraid of speaking to females. I just never really thought of chasing love. I do have a really dear friend, who is female, but I haven't romanced her." He laughed quietly, "It seems too wierd a concept for me."

"But I've already asked her father..." Tiela pointed out with a pout. At least he had that going for him. Of course, her father had pretty much told him to ask her and that was where things got complicated. "It's there; I love her and I think she loves me, I just don't want her to say no." The other did have a point; it wasn't as if he could force the beauty to love him, and he couldn't force her to marry him, either. It had to come naturally, even though Tiela was already set on his course.

"You don't chase love; Love chases you." He laughed a little, giving into a light hearted smile. "It cuts you with it's claws and drags you down before it drowns you in- Yeah, you get it." Tiela waved a paw. "Maybe your lady friend isn't the one, then? I can't breathe when mine is around. It's like I feel at home and on a distant star all at the same time. I want to spend all of my time around her, but it makes me nervous the entire time."

"Oh?" Hatalekin grinned, "Then it just seems as if you're being nervous. How can you know what will happen unless you go for it?" The lion shrugged, "If it's there then I would grab it before you lose it. The poor lioness may be wondering exactly what's taking you so long." He couldn't help teasing the distraught male. Even he understood how fear could slow one's paws, but it seemed as if this would be the right time for this male. He could only hope that the chosen female would be the one for him.

Nodding at the comment Hatalekin smiled back, "Is that how it works then? I suppose love never thought to seek me." His tail swished behind him in faint amusement. Perhaps he was just numb to it or oblivious? It was rather touching how the other male described the feeling, "Perhaps you should tell her that?" He suggested lightly, "It's almost poetic how you described it."

Sometimes it was true though that his heart did want to jump out of his chest when he saw a certain someone....but those moments were surely just his nervousness as a teacher. Right? Hatalekin flushed before shaking off the thought, "Maybe I have a few things to learn from you today." He chuckled before stretching out his body, "As it is I think you should reach for your goal. If love has bit you this hard, then what's the point of hiding from it? Either way you've already been trapped."

"As it is the sun is rising and I may have a lesson soon." He smiled warmly, an obvious gleam to his eyes, "I wish you the best of luck~" Nodding once more Hatalekin turned back towards the path towards his home.

That was enough to make Tiela's already pale fur blanche. He felt his heart clench within his chest, suddenly fearfully rapping out a rhythm against his ribcage. Was she...? Could she? He supposed it was possible, since she was an older female, after all. Maybe she knew more about these things than he did, and she was waiting for him? "You think so? You don't think it would be too much?" She had to know; he had to try. If the worst happened then maybe she would at least agree to be his friend. Even the thought of being so nice to her and never getting to let her know his feelings burned. It would be a slow death and he wouldn't survive it. "Thanks for your advice! I hope that your lesson goes well, and that some day you'll find someone." Even if the old codger wasn't in love himself, he had given Tiela a lot to think about and maybe that was enough. He had a lot to ponder over and once more the male turned his gaze to the sky, his mind thousands of miles away.