"...Spoopy," Na'ima read aloud as they passed another sign. She tilted her head a bit and narrowed her eyes. That wasn't even a word. This so far had gone from 'why' to 'no' to 'more no' to 'what'. She had been talked into going, had had no interest in it, but now the more ridiculousness she came across the more curious she was. How awful was this place? Now she needed to know.

She squeezed Wrath's hand, stepping closed to him to rest her head against his arm. "Where do you find out about these things?" She asked with a chuckle, giving a little shake of her head before looking ahead of them at the corn maze. Ah, there it was.

YOU CAN TAKE YOUR TIME REPLYING and I know he still needs to apologize, but it's the last day and I wanted to have it started so we could still get credit OuO;;;;;