Sludge found himself facing a rather...odd sight. It seemed that overnight a large field of corn had been set up in the school grounds, and students were invited to venture through it in search of riches. The Xenomorph had no needed for 'riches', but he did like the idea of exploring this odd terrain, curious as to what he could find inside.

Entering through the maze, he was met with a choice right of the bat; left or right. He chose left for no particular reason, pausing only to sniff at the plants that made up the maze. The long green stalks held yellow things on the end, and while the green plants tasted gross, the yellow parts tasted very sweet. Too sweet for his likings.

He walked along the path, and stopped as a low wailing filled the air. That voice was concerning, making him on edge. Best not go near the source of said voice. He made another left turn, and as he continued along this path he felt the air grow colder. It was of no concern to him, as Sludge was not phased by really hot or really cold conditions. Just as long as the temperature didn't abruptly change to another extreme he would be alright.

He continue along the path until a strange shrill sound echoed through the air. It was different to the wailing sound from before, more mechanical this time. Some sort of machine? Whatever it was made Sludge on edge again, but this time he was more curious as to the nature of whatever it was that made the sound. He choose to investigate, walking towards the source. What he discovered was a long cylindrical machine. Or rather, two of them. Both were labeled with two different signs, although Sludge didn't have a clue what they said. So he just picked one of them and hopped on, which ended up being the "WARTS" train.

It was completely empty, although he could heard the sounds of croaking. Sludge decided to ignore these sounds, assuming they were probably some frogs hiding in the train. Although frogs were quite tasty, maybe he should check it out...Nah.

He walked through the train carriage until he was faced with a strange challenge. Sludge had no idea what a 'Snitch' was, but he could guess that the gnome dressed in gold and with fake wings was what he was supposed to catch. The gnome was shouting stuff about how his father would heard of it, but he ignored this rambling and jumped out the gnome. It's reflexes were no match for the monster, and Sludge caught him with ease. More shouting insured from the tiny thing, until he gave the xenomorph a small item.

Thankfully he recognized this particular item, having seen students use something similar when they entered their dorm rooms (it had taken him a while to learn how to use his, and much watching of other students to see how they did it). He went to the edge of the carriage and, inserting the key into the lock twisted it and opened the door. Hopping out, he realized he had reached the middle of the maze.

The gnomes there gave him a yellow colored ear, and he sniffed the weird object before placing it into his mouth. It tasted...alright. As soon as the golden ear had been devoured he paused, looking around at the other students. This was strange, he could hear many different whispers, and yet they were not talking at all.

Shaking his head in confusion, Sludge wondered off to see what else he could do tonight.