Magda absolutely loved mazes. She loved getting lost in them just as much as she loved solving them. There was no way to lose - once she noticed that the halloween festival contained a maze, she knew she was in for a treat. So she headed directly towards it, looking to find an adventure inside. She did this all alone, and wondered - as soon as she could no longer see the entrance - if she would regret that choice.

But there were so many other choices left to regret, so she moved forward towards all of them!

Her first decision was to make a sharp right, and immediately became blinded by the smoke that filled the pathway around her. She turned, and squinted, until she could the general direction the smoke was coming from. Did she want to actually find out what was causing it? It could be a helpful caterpillar! Or, it could be a roaring fire waiting to eat her up with it's flames. Decisions, decisions..

She decided to play it safe for now (a decision she knew her sister would have disagreed with wholeheartedly!) and walked away from the smoke to try and find something less burn-y.

The road ahead was clear, but eventually she came upon a tiny flower. With respect to it, she knew better than to touch the thing. "Hello, friend flower!" She called out, waving her entire body in a slow fashion - much like a flower would do in a breeze. This was how flowers greeted one another, she assumed! "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance. My name is Magda. I am a Jabberwock, and a twin, and I go to school here in Amityville. You do not get to go to school because you cannot move. But I'm sure your life is filled with other riches, such as soaking up sun and water, and growing at a steady rate. Well, I must be off, friend flower. Do enjoy the rest of your day!"

She moved on, walking around it carefully so as not to step on it or any of it's hidden roots.

When the flower was out of sight, she heard cruel laughter echoing behind her. Magda turned to see if there was any sight of who was laughing, but there was nothing. She continued forward, but she was hesitant this time, just in case. Her tentative nature won out when she caught sight of the sparring dummy the moment it came into view.

"Hello, friend dummy! Please forgive me, I'm not insulting you. If you have a name, you can tell me it!" She waited, and got no answer.

"Friend dummy?"


"Well, perhaps you are with friend flower. I will sway for you and be on my way." She did the flower sway to say goodbye to the dummy, and moved on.

In front of her was a house, and a path on the side of it. She held her arms around her to warm herself, and read all of the puns that littered the signs down the path, laughing heartily at each one. Finally, she read the sign with the missing punch line.

"What did the skeleton say to the doctor about how he broke his arm?"

Magda giggled, and finished up the punch line with the pen hanging from the sign. "It's a pretty humerous story!"

The pen dropped from her hands when someone screamed in anguish nearby. "Hello?" She called out, craning her head to look down the new path that opened up for her. This meant it was time to head forward again, and so she did, finding herself in the presence of a snail.

"Hello, friend snail!" She cried out. "You're doing quite the excellent job of moving along here. I hope you get where you are going when you are ready to get there!"

The snail craned it's head up at her, and smiled - a smiling snail, how curious! She swayed her goodbyes, and moved forward to the gate. There was her goal just beyond it, with only one choice left to make! She stared at the two keys, and wondered at them. Her mind was already preparing a thousand reasons why she should take each key, when the snails appeared. They moved the flower key towards her, and they, too, smiled.

"Ah, fortune favors the slimy!" Magda thanked the snails for their help, and walked directly into the center of the maze to claim her prize. A golden ear! It tasted like a tortilla. That made perfect sense to her!

"Thank you, dear maze." She murmured, patting the sides of the walls before exiting. "You were quite a lot of fun."