Pelagion could have been in class. Instead, he was out buying a pumpkin. Pel was not usually into mainstream things, and pumpkin carving counted completely as mainstream. However, pumpkin carving was also a fun and enjoyable activity, which in Pel's mind, made it okay. So, instead of class, he was selecting the best pumpkin to carve. It had to be just the right size, of course - too small and he couldn't do much with it. Too big, and he couldn't put it outside his dorm door, as was appropriate for such things. Too normal and there wouldn't be much to work with - he wasn't an incredibly artistic reaper after all, not with pumpkins anyway. Too bizarre of a pumpkin - and there were some bizarre pumpkins out there - and there wouldn't be anything to do at all and he might as well set it outside as it was. And he didn't want to do that - if he committed himself to carving a pumpkin, Pelagion was going to damn well carve a pumpkin. He was going to do the thing.

So, he did the thing - he selected a pumpkin that wasn't too small or to big, too rounded or too stretched, too thick or thin, too orange or yellow. He selected a pumpkin that was just right, which happened to be a white pumpkin - pale and ghostlike. That was enough bizarre for Pelagion, and he liked white.

He took it back to his room, cleared a space on his desk, and got out a lovely pumpkin carving knife. And stared.

"Right." he said to Samantha, his gorgeous tangled, as she watched him idly from her perch atop some of his furs. The pale lights he had installed in his room didn't do her beauty much justice, but honestly, she had plenty to spare. "What do I do?" she yawned and set her head on her paws, watching him. Pelagion, of course, hadn't been expecting an answer. "I suppose I should save the inside bits - Hera might want 'em... I hear pumpkin guts do wonders for the face, so why not everything else, right?" he got out a ceramic jar that he hadn't used for anything (so it might as well be used for this). "Thats a pretty good idea, isn't it?" He thought it was.

He started cutting into the pumpkin, making those first cuts along its crown, opening it up and beginning to scoop the insides out into the jar. As he concentrated on hollowing out the pumpkin, he felt a nudge on his elbow. He looked down to see a tiny batling, just a puffball at this stage, without even tiny wings. "Oh hey, Amalese." he said, putting the knife aside to pick her up and pet her, "Were you curious?" she squeaked and he tucked her into a nice soft patch of fur on his desk, "Its dangerous, so don't get too close, 'kay?" he advised the little puffball, stroking her head before going back to carving... only to find that the knife was missing. "Oh come on..." he gave Amalese a neutral look, "Were you working with Pen? Ama..." he shook his head, "Ama, thats a terrible role model for ya." Amalese only looked at him with the blank, innocent stare of a baby batling. Pelagion sighed and went to search for the shion, because a theiving shion with a knife was probably not good. It didn't take him long to find Penumbra hiding under his bed with the knife. "Give it here." he said, "Give it." but of course, Penumbra wouldn't give. Penumbra growled playfully at Pelagion and batted at his hand. Obviously the shion wanted to play, first.

Pelagion summoned his sword and, with a swipe, knocked the knife away from the shion, and grabbed it before the mini could take it back. "Not for you." Pelagion said, desummoning his sword in front of the disappointed minipet, "We'll play later, but not with this."

He returned to the pumpkin, only to find that, apparently, Timmel - his Kirpoof - had decided to nest in it. He put the knife away and sat down to pet her - obviously, he wasn't going to get to carving anytime soon. He took out a pen and drew on a simple design - that would be good enough.

When Timmel decided to move to his bed, hours later, Pelagion took the oppurtunity to quickly carve the pumpkin, set it up, and put it outside his room. It wasn't elaborate, it wasn't perfect, but it was good enough for Pelagion.