[08.00 HM: Dormitories]

It's already bright when Mahlan finally awoken. No, scratch that, spirits does not need sleep anyway.

Let's rephrase it into focused enough to perform logical operations. Yes, that would be perfect. As the small tree inside the room shook gently, the droplets of sap congealed into a physical form...

"Ugh. Felt like the compost quality's dropping. Better change it before it runs out of nutrients." She muttered, perfecting the physical form by making the flower on the head bloom. Yep, good condition again today.

Let's see. Should she take another class today? Or should she prune the trees at the graveyard? Should she hide around the Pumpkin Patch for some juicy gossip? Should she stroll to the town and see if she can find that boil, recently released from scarespital?

The pumpkinsun light gently shone, entering the small room. Putting a hand to shield her eyes from the not-so-bright light compared to real sun where she came from, she made a makeshift polarizing filter by making a circle with her fingers and filling the hollow with some of the sap she produced; Yep, this is another nice day.

...frighteningly, this routine, sans swapping out the soil in the small potted pot in the middle of the room at least once a month is Mahlan's daily doings. Oh, and add feeding the Minis, loitering through the town for some supplies, pestering Rei for some stories, offering advice for plant-related matters, pruning some plants that has overgrown...

-wait, if you put it that way, actually Mahlan has many things to do. the offender, by the way, doesn't even realize that and still looks happy-go-lucky.

Ah well, it's how she is.

[08.00 - 10.00] Sunbathing at the roof of Gymnasium
[10.00 - 10.30] Creepateria visit
[10.30 - 14.00] Looking for Class/Classtime
[14.00 - afternoon] Loitering around the Groundskeeper's Shack
[16.00 - 18.00] Dinner (Creepateria)
[19.00 - next day] Dorm room