The catboil had gone to the library to do a bit of reading, and as it was he wasn't really looking for trouble, or to seek out any other creeples in particular to socialize with. He wasn't the most social of beings, and while a good conversation when warranted was nice it wasn't like he expected it.

Instead the demon perused the different tombs in the old library as he sought for something suitable to bring back to look over. Pausing he found one in particular that seemed interesting. The Ghoul and Chef huh?. His fingers brushed over the title, before turning it over and noting what its contents were. It was a fine dinning restaurant, popular among high-class demons, and those seeking to make a successful contract.

Shrugging he grabbed it and went to sit down, perching on the edge of his seat as he placed the book down and began skimming over the contents. The establishment was posh enough to require gold pumpkin seeds of all things. Rolling his eyes he realized there was no way he'd try and worm his way into a fancy joint like this, it'd cost him a small fortune just to get a decent meal.

Sighing he leaned back, glancing around the rows of library books and shelves curious what other students were around out of sheer curiosity.

Gracie Loff
fowof look a starter huhu